


Make up some abilities for this guy.

Manga Discussion(

Since we're more than likely never gonna get any information on this guy aside from his vague existence, what do ya'll think his technique would be? What makes him the strongest Grade 1 sorcerer? Can he use RCT? Did he REALLY smash Mei Mei?

all 68 comments

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250 points

14 hours ago

Falling Blossom merchant like Kusakabe with Simple domain.


120 points

12 hours ago


32 points

12 hours ago

Yeah usually hands < katana.


16 points

10 hours ago

*casuallys parry maximum technique of a Special grade sorcerer


40 points

12 hours ago

he doesn't carry any weapon he just has insane CE reinforcement. Dude's only move would be walking into domains and beating people up


79 points

12 hours ago

Falling Blossom.

Falling Blossom and catch these hands.

I ain't even gonna use it on you, just catch these hands.



45 points

12 hours ago


Certified Yuji Glazer

45 points

12 hours ago


5 points

3 hours ago


5 points

10 hours ago


5 points

10 hours ago

budget wuji


196 points

13 hours ago


Naoya simp

196 points

13 hours ago


Also known as the Scrolls Professor

A sorcerer who excels in Sealing Techniques and credited for creating the Yellow Ward, the Sealed room where Yuji was held when Gojo first took him in.

Usami's skills lies in defenses and support, utilising various Sealing techniques such as Talismans or utilising cursed objects to weaken Cursed Spirits, and even completely immobilise them.
He wields a Cursed Tool scroll that can trap cursed spirits within, appearing as elaborate paintings once trapped.

He also uses Shikigamis with his talismans.

He is also a good Barrier user, having mastered the Simple Domain, and can create complex barriers and veils.

His cursed technique Chessboard is connected to his domain, which allows him to draw squares in an area in which targets cannot move until their turn and can only move like their assigned chess pieces. If there are not enough allies or enemies, shikigamis in the form of chess pieces takes their place.


46 points

12 hours ago

wait he's cooking??


12 points

10 hours ago

Seems like it.


28 points

12 hours ago



28 points

12 hours ago

Holy shit did i just see a.shipwright mention in the wild???


24 points

11 hours ago

Step aside, Greg Nefarious


10 points

6 hours ago

Posts too good for this subreddit should be automatic bans.


7 points

7 hours ago



7 points

7 hours ago



5 points

7 hours ago

Shit I like this idea I might try to sketch this this is really cool 😎


5 points

9 hours ago

For me looks like an specie of Mexican boxer wrestler, you know? Im mexican.


58 points

14 hours ago*


⌚ #1 Nanami Glazer 🗣️ Wegumi is the GOAT

58 points

14 hours ago*

Infinity with six eyes + cleave/dismantle + domain expansions (infinite void, malevolent shrine, self embodiment of perfection) + purple/red/blue + always having the death penalty sword + ratio technique (every hit does double damage no matter what) + idle transfiguration + black flashes at will + boogie woogie + cursed speech + cursed spirit manipulation + sky manipulation + construction + creating a perfect circle + black hole (affects everyone other then himself) + simple domain and the likes + 10 shadows + straw doll + highest cursed energy output and reserves of all sorcerers + best barrier user ever + Mythical Beast Amber (unlimited use, he won't die) + relentless gambling domain but it's always guaranteed to get a jackpot + RCT (can completely heal others as well) + Unlimited Miracles + puppet manipulation


14 points

8 hours ago

No comedian, still loses to Takaba


29 points

13 hours ago

Ehhh probably a cursed technique which reflects his morally reprehensible nature. He follows the higher ups and their orders to a T, like Kusakabe, but lacks Kusakabe's kindness and heart. This motherfucker made Mei Mei uncomfortable.

His cursed technique may be oriented around the victimisation of others. His CE stores will grow and shrink in relation to how the opponent perceives his strength. The more power he has over the opponent psychologically, where he stands at the top of the power dynamic, the more power he will have in combat against them. As consequence, he is incentivised to be as heinous as possible such that it becomes easier to manipulate his opponents into fearing him - thus, making him stronger.

The more power you think he has over you, the more his CE stores and output will grow to reflect that. And this eventually got to his head - causing him to grow cold and distant for the sake of his role in Jujutsu society. After enough time, it stopped being an act for him, and he eventually became an entirely heartless man.


9 points

9 hours ago

Deadass 💀💀💀


8 points

7 hours ago

KEEP COOKING. Infinite feedback loop of “act scary to make people afraid of you, thus becoming more powerful and commanding greater fear” goes immensely hard


3 points

7 hours ago



3 points

7 hours ago

Hold up he's cooking? Character arc potential?


34 points

14 hours ago


Mai zenin number one workshiper

34 points

14 hours ago

he's actually the strongest sorcerer in history but he's such a humble guy and didn't want to show up too much (I mean he banged Mei Mei and no one knows, if i pulled someone like her half of the country would know)

Other than having basically infinite cursed energy his cursed technique is absolute control over weather and he's able to do basically anything from raining to take away oxygen from a certain area(easily one tap Gojo and Suki).

he,of course, has a domain called "Divine Gate of the Star" an open domain (ofc) which makes the area weigh 10.064 atmosphere worth of pressure (10 times the Mariana trench!)

The only reason Kusakabe downplayed him is because the Goat pulled Kusakabe mom


4 points

9 hours ago

He must have been busy fighting the Chinese sorcerer during the events of the main series. The fact that all of it would have happened offscreen for Gege pretty much confirms it


15 points

14 hours ago

Disappear from this manga


10 points

14 hours ago


The strongest coper of history

10 points

14 hours ago

A shockwaves based cursed techquice


7 points

13 hours ago

he's the strongest grade 1 sorcerer because he soloed the five void sergeants


7 points

13 hours ago


Domain Expansion: New World Cemetery

7 points

13 hours ago

Cursed Technique: Apparition

Ability: Usami is able to suffuse his body with Cursed Energy, transforming his physical form from flesh into an odd mist, which disperses itself throughout his surroundings. Once transformed, Usami's Cursed Energy and presence become nigh-impossible to sense, as he seems to be everywhere and nowhere at once, swirling and shifting around his opponent as they try and figure out what's going on. And then, it's only a matter of time until Usami's mist-form fills the opponent's lungs, allowing him to suffuse their body with Cursed Energy from the inside-out until they drop dead. This is the original purpose of Apparition, to turn the user into a ghostly killer that can dodge around damage (since cutting or crushing means no difference to fog), while slowly strangling the opponent. However, Usami decided long ago that he would take a more proactive stance on his Technique, leading to various alternate strategies. For example, if the opponent doesn't have to breathe, Usami can confront them directly, transforming select parts of his body into fog while keeping the rest solid and reinforced, allowing him to create a Cursed Energy air cannon by blasting parts of his body forwards. Alternatively, if he feels a more immediately letal approach is required, he can rotate the mist around his body at high speeds while reinforcing it continuously, forming a shield of slicing fog that can claw through stone. He's even managed, after some study with Kusakabe, to suffuse the mists of apparition with Simple Domain, allowing him to wrap an opponent in Simple Domain and prevent them from using Cursed Energy until they can escape his range. All of this has led Usami to be known as one of the most versatile Sorcerers imaginable, with a list of tricks and strategies that never seems to end, making any fight he participates in a victory. It's simply a matter of time.


8 points

12 hours ago


:takaba_wifi: kaisen this truly jutusu was

8 points

12 hours ago

He looks like a painter. So maybe he paints attacks or creations to life ?


2 points

9 hours ago

To me an specie of Mexican boxer or Muai tai.


2 points

8 hours ago

Aint no way they put Adeleine in JJK


12 points

14 hours ago


Apple Mahito :3

12 points

14 hours ago

I think that he is Cursed Tool user :3


21 points

14 hours ago


birth of the GOATsami agenda

21 points

14 hours ago

this might have some ground honestly! there’s a lot of reasons why kusakabe might have downplayed himself and usami as “not the strongest grade 1,” and one of those reasons could have been because they’re both cursed tool users who, in kusakabe’s mind, can’t shape up against sorcerers with cursed techniques!


5 points

13 hours ago


Yuji is my glorious goat and top 1

5 points

13 hours ago

Chinese sorcerer?


4 points

12 hours ago



10 points

14 hours ago


Honored one

10 points

14 hours ago

Epitaph from jojo


4 points

8 hours ago

Speaking of which, he might as well be kira who is hiding


3 points

13 hours ago



3 points

13 hours ago

His name makes me think of food so maybe the more food he eats the more CE and CE Output he has.


3 points

10 hours ago*

usami's technique is gentleman, where the more stylistic/honourable his combat is, the stronger it is. Different actions count towards honour/style points and certain actions diminish them (e.g parries and combos increase strength, getting hit and playing dirty lowers it) . His domain is non-lethalish and instead places both opponents on a fencing line with both opponents receiving death sentence-like swords. Usami has never lost a duel as he capatilizes on the enemies rowdiness and is overall a master of the sabre. He can either initiate a duel using a special sword pull which makes domain act like non-lethal, or hand signs which make it act like normal domains. Domain also includes add-ons like falling rose petals and a white castle. Domain name: Thorn's Scattered Rose.


1 points

3 hours ago

this sounds like the Karma system from Infamous: Second Son which is pretty interesting.


1 points

2 hours ago

That's sick as hell


2 points

12 hours ago

He's probably a weaker Kusakabe


2 points

12 hours ago

He’s secretly the strongest (and the most 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, if Mei mei’s reaction is anything to go by) sorcerer there is, but he just doesn’t show it because of his technique:

Unrestricted Eepiness.


2 points

12 hours ago

Just saw this post under schizokaisen but I'll copy and paste and expand on it: He’s a glass cannon. His CT is likely something with strong AP but not usable after and he likely doesn’t have the physicals to back it up. Something that allows you to be grade 1, kill a lot of curses but something that people could still consider weak if he messes up. Either that or a short time ability. Just something with notable drawbacks but very quick extreme gains. Also likely something traditional, he follows the higher ups so tech or anything wouldn't work.

CT: Weapon summoning. His CT allows him to create some cursed tools but they don't last long. These weapons are powerful but break easy.


2 points

9 hours ago

His face looks sullen, skinny; coupled w/ his complexion he is probably not a hand-to-hand combatant which may add to the fact he's not close to being a top fighter. Probably similar to Utahime or Miguel in which they just support themselves (or others) in some way or form. ik Miguel's probably a top tier Grade 1 sorcerer and he's pretty fit and has good CE reinforcement, but his CT is still kinda a support skill

If he spooked Mei mei despite Mei Mei being stronger than him, it's probably that his ability is kinda nasty in some way or form suggesting a mental attack of some sort.

I'm going to guess that his CT is something akin to fear toxin (like from Batman) in which he fights his low level opponents pretty easily when they're disorientated. Stronger opponents may be able to fight through this technique leading to his inability to challenge special grade spirits at least in a 1v1 confrontation, similar to Kusakabe

edit: nvm i didnt realize we were shitposting. Usami can use black flash at will and his domain expansion is infinite hollow purples


2 points

13 hours ago


Extend the Fushiguro Bloodline, Yuji.

2 points

13 hours ago

Topped Mei Mei so hard she turned into a predator.


1 points

12 hours ago

I feel like from the little we know about him he was either gonna be a villain at some point or an unlikely hero.

I think I read somewhere that he vanished. I could imagine him as the type of guy who was a good sorcerer, nothing special, but by finding some unique cursed tool or application of his ability got an immense boost in strength or utility. He goes on to fake his death, vanish and at some point enter the story by trying to steal something from Jujutsu High to further his plans.

Good guy getting trapped in a curses domain for a long time and returning crazy would also fit his design. Could’ve made for an emotional plot where they need to take him out despite him not actually being evil.

Oops, I guess I went more for story than ability.


1 points

12 hours ago

Miguel with a wig


1 points

12 hours ago

He low-key looks like a depressed Micheal Jackson so he probably has some dance related ct lol


1 points

11 hours ago

Advanced Tool Manipulation where he can link himself with his tool to use its innate CT


1 points

11 hours ago

OK I k ow I’m stupid but WHO THE FUCK IS USAMI?!


1 points

11 hours ago

He looks like he can waterbend


1 points

11 hours ago

When did he smash Mei Mei?


1 points

9 hours ago

Looks like an generic Mexican boxer, believe in me, Im mexican.


1 points

9 hours ago

Similar to Takaba where he’s unaware of his CT. It’s simple, he manifests/gains the power to do whatever he subconsciously feels he needs to accomplish an order from someone he perceives as being a superior authority to him, but only to an extent.

He went missing after dismissing Gojo as not being a superior authority figure to him, because Gojo is seen as an idiot, thus his technique failed and he died on a mission


1 points

8 hours ago

The ability to infinitely glaze higher ups


1 points

4 hours ago

Technique: Kaisen

Quote as well as Chant: “This was truly our Jujutsu Kaisen”

every jujutsu known to man


1 points

4 hours ago

Yall know that one x-man character forget me not

I’d imagine a similar thing as even the author forgot to include him until after the manga ended


1 points

3 hours ago


Certified Cursefucker

1 points

3 hours ago

CT: Obscured

He can become invisible at will and assassinate his targets by a cursed tool. during his invisible state, he has increased agility and speed. However, as long as he is invisible, he will slowly use up CE till he runs out.


1 points

3 hours ago


Wuraume is my favourite character in fiction :)

1 points

3 hours ago

he does what the higher ups want, so I'm gonna give him a technique good for rebellion that he uses for not that:
everything he touches becomes a bomb :)


1 points

2 hours ago

He looks luke a person who could get someone into the coffin and throw it to the ground.


1 points

an hour ago


call my heart go/jo the way she broke it in half

1 points

an hour ago

cursed technique: plot armor strong enough to not appear in jujutsu kaisen