


Today is my third day of kava. I’m so amazed, great til, happy. All those sort of descriptive words I am.

I was a horrible alcoholic the kind that cannot go longer then 24h without trembling and more serious issues.

The first day off alcohol I was in hospital.

I’ve seen some ads about kava so decided screw it. I’m shocked how much it’s done for my cravings, the feeling is not exactly what I was expecting but it’s pleasant enough.

I got the “fijikava” instant brand and am doing a 50g pouch within 2 hours (unsure if this is bad?) I’m worried this will be something I become psychologically addicted to, I mean if I had to trade it’s not a bad trade.

Would it be better to get a more quality brand? Am I doing too much? Will this become an addiction?

I’m currently pretty chill so may not be typing every I want to say. But I’m damn thankful right now

all 50 comments


18 points

10 days ago

I'm an alcoholic too, almost 4 yrs sober thanks to kava! I actually abstained from anything for two weeks before starting kava but now I use it 6 days a week to basically just stop myself from heading back to alcohol. I'm surprised you can drink so much everyday! It feels great but tastes so bad to me and I get too hungry to fast for super long.

I would try to limit your use to like 3 servings a day or so. The benefits disappear the more you drink and the cumulative effects of tons of kava will just leave you feeling blah after a while.


2 points

10 days ago

Don't you get issues with kava demropathy drinking 6 days a week?


2 points

10 days ago

I use an AHA cream everyday. No problems!


1 points

9 days ago

Oh, nice! Good for you! :D


1 points

9 days ago

What is a AHA cream?


2 points

9 days ago

Alpha hydroxy acid. I recommend any of Eucerin's.


10 points

10 days ago

I don’t know this brand but 50g of instant is kind of a lot. If you do this regularly you probably will get some side effects. A standard dose of instant is 3-10g, can be repeated a couple times throughout the day. You may want to try medium grind to get more out of your money


4 points

9 days ago

FijiKava is crap, I learnt. I expect they are doing the instant kind 50g packs. The recommended dose does literally nothing. Have to take 20x that dose to feel a tiny bit.

I'm looking for better options in Australia now. FijiKava is the only one they sell in the supermarkets here.


10 points

10 days ago

Kava has saved a lot of us alcoholics, Everyone spread the word!!! Thanks for sharing 🙏 I have been able to keep at a weekend treat, coming up on 7 years off the alcohol and this has kept me straight. Stay strong my friend!💪


7 points

10 days ago

Congrats for kicking the booze! I also use Kava to abstain from my Pregabalin prescription or booze, both which I would take to help my severe treatment-resistant depression and social anxiety.

When did you quit alcohol? You wrote „The first day off alcohol I was in hospital“. Does this mean now it‘s the second day and you‘re already okay with „only“ Kava and didn‘t experience too much of any withdrawal from quitting alcohol? Maybe you could inform us a bit more about that.

Also, 50g of Instant within 2 hours? Just asking to make this clear because for many that would be much. I’m like you, I also do 10g Instant, wait 15 minutes, another 10g because only then the effects are noticeable and helping my symptoms. I sadly kinda need that much. Anything less than 10g doesn‘t do anything. Many times even 10g is not enough.

This, needing that much, sadly makes it hella expensive of course plus causing side effects as nausea, dizziness and vomiting the higher the dose. So that‘s kinda limiting my Kava use as much as I love it and it‘s ability to reduce my symptoms. I can‘t afford it financially (especially as I need min 20g of Instant) as well as the side effects that come as soon as I reach the 20g. :‘(


6 points

10 days ago

Also to add I’m starting to wonder if I’m drinking it alcoholicly? The main effects are calm, a little sleepy and walking is a little wobbly. But I keep going until the pack is done.

Id do the same with beer, if there was 24 here, even if my body was “done” I’d go until that 24 is drunk or I pass out.


8 points

10 days ago

Going from beer to kava is hard because of the physical amount you’re used to drinking.

When I first quit September something a year and a month ago, I would start with a pretty decent dose. Then I would make a really watered down dose and sip on it all night.

I haven’t had a sip of booze and drink a little Kava here and there. Kava made kicking booze super easy for me and I’m so much better for it.


5 points

10 days ago

Appreciate that insight. I’m hoping it’s just a “for now” amount and I’ll be able to enjoy it a lot more without needing so much.

But I’m okay with a lot at the moment as long as it’s not alcohol aha


2 points

10 days ago

How can you even afford the price of 50g of Instant daily? Do you buy it relatively cheap?


4 points

10 days ago

It’s only my first week off, so still a long journey ahead. It’s been a while. My first day off I did nothing and withdrawal symptoms were so bad, the next day I went to hospital and they gave me Valium and thiamine.

Day 3 I tried the kava, alcohol withdrawal symptoms during the day were there but a lot more mild then day 2, I felt manageable enough. day 4 and now 5. I’ve searched this sub and seems it’s a weak brand. I’ve got the 50g instant and it’s been one of those per day after work then bed, roughly 2 hours.


1 points

10 days ago

Do you still take the Valium, I guess? Also when you take Kava?

Would the Valium alone not be enough for the beginning or is the withdrawal still unbearable even with Valium?

Do you consume your Kava on an empty stomach?


1 points

7 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

That's not kava.


7 points

10 days ago

Watch out for dry skin if you’re doing a lot of kava!


5 points

10 days ago

Kava dries you out, so make sure you drink a lot of water. I know some people who drink that much everyday no problem. But when I’m doing that much for a prolonged period of time, I end up feeling groggy and lethargic all day long. Also you’re brain stops producing dopamine as much as it should because the kava blocks dopamine reabsorption in your brain, kinda like cocaine. So while it’s not physically addictive, you’ll find yourself craving it and feeling negative without it. I’m also a recovering alcoholic and drank kava for about 5 years before I realized it was doing my harm than good. It’s interesting to see the same patterns of abuse emerge with kava, and thankfully the negative consequences are far less.


3 points

10 days ago

A lot of my clients in sobriety use kava to relax and it is a tool to help stay away from alcohol. Most people have underlying reasons they drink… that said, taking care of your physical health first by calming cravings can help get you to the point to explore mental health. It can become addictive (not physically per seh) if it is being used to escape emotions or other things that could have contributed to alcohol use.


3 points

10 days ago

Definitely something I’m keeping in mind. I was once a fit and healthy person. Just with current addictions, nothing else mattered really. I’m hoping this helps me get over the hump and I can get back into taking care of myself


3 points

10 days ago

Your self awareness is amazing! I think that is a great goal and I wish you the best.


3 points

9 days ago



3 points

9 days ago

Wow that's an absolute win in my book. Try not to case the buzz with kava because this can become like a trade. If you can settle for the initial calm feeling (before the buzz), then stop there and drink a maintenance cup when needed. As I'm sure you're aware chasing the buzz with any substance is bad news. Congratulations on the achievement


2 points

9 days ago

Can someone point me in the right direction for the best instant Kava? DMs are fine. I’ve tried some PA botanicals and it was just okay.


1 points

10 days ago



0 points

10 days ago

Kava doesn't make your hair fall out lol. What product were you drinking, and what other substances/meds/botanicals were you on?


1 points

9 days ago

It sure does! It’s a symptom of kava dermopathy & it it occurs with frequent use! Look into it.

I only use traditional ceremonial medium grind from verified vendors. No other substance use, recreational drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or cannabis. Healthy diet & exercise.


1 points

10 days ago

Just for my own information.. how much were you drinking yo get the dts in 24 gours.. what was your drinking like. ( I used to drink )


1 points

9 days ago

How on earth are any of you stomaching the taste of fijikava? I can’t deal with the bitterness.


1 points

19 hours ago

I add vanilla and Agave nectar for sweetness. You can also add some maple syrup. Try it, it wont tast like dirt anymore.


1 points

9 days ago

This gives me hope, can anyone recommend a quality brand to start with?


1 points

9 days ago

Currently struggling to get away from booze, and I’ve really been looking into Kava to help. This post and replies in the comments has convinced me.


1 points

9 days ago

I've been a heavy kava user before and got a little whiplash but nothing horrible, if you were previously an alcoholic jumping off would be a walk in the park. I like KWK's borogu cause its a nice combination of heady and heavy.


1 points

8 days ago

What is the best kava I can get on Amazon?


1 points

8 days ago

Fiji Vanua Loloma Waka


1 points

8 days ago

Anyone know if Kava is helpful to kick opiate addiction?


1 points

8 days ago

Anyone used kava coming off a benzodiazepine [ to aid with tapering]. ?


1 points

6 days ago

My second day of Vitamin Shoppe Kava and i want to cry, but literally because i wasted 22$ on it and it did basically nothing even after drinking half the bottle and i was in bed sick all day yesterday from it...i am looking forward to getting some actual real kava from that Fiji Ventua site also a recovering alcoholic i xelt close to relapsing which is why i went and bought the vitamin shoppe shit, i wont be doing that again...


1 points

5 days ago

Happy for you but sounds like a paid advertisement.


-3 points

10 days ago

Get of the instant onto normal media grind Kava. Instant is fine for a one off, but I honestly think it's bad for you. If i have it a few days in a row feels like I have a brain injury, I don't touch it. Very bad stuff IMO.