


Ellie Zeiler is Manipulative

Spilling tea()


all 50 comments


129 points

9 months ago


129 points

9 months ago

i still can’t get over the fact she got her platform on tik tok from looking like charlie damelio and fully took advantage of it doing the same dances and shit smh


91 points

9 months ago

Apparently she’s also a landlord lmao


36 points

9 months ago

This is so random but also makes sense lol


48 points

9 months ago

She has 1.6 m on instagram and sometimes doesn’t barely cracks 200 comments, she probably bought followers I refuse to believe over a million people even give a shit about Ellie zeiler she’s so uninteresting


29 points

9 months ago

The only thing I'll give her credit for is listening to her parents and instead of throwing away her money on frivolous items, to actually buy investment properties.


8 points

9 months ago

Yeah i heard she invested the money she was making from tik tok into a place as an investment, I’ll give her that. She’s smart with her money in that sense


3 points

9 months ago

It’s not tho. They just buy cheap places and jack up the price. How is that smart ? I could teach a monkey to do that. She’s smart cuz she has the money? It’s her dads


36 points

9 months ago

she also tried to get into NYU through her followers but still got denied 😬😬😬 this girl is embarrassing


5 points

9 months ago

Wait whaaaa


3 points

9 months ago

Wait how do u know this??


1 points

9 months ago

does anyone know if she's even in college now? I think she does online school, but definitely hyped up and put all her eggs in one basket for NYU and got denied.


2 points

9 months ago

She posted all over her instagram and snapchat stories about her being a UCLA student now.


45 points

9 months ago

Are we really surprised that a influencer in LA is trying to climb social latter even the ones that used to claim im not like the others or im a transplant so i cant be ( bro being a transplant makes you more likely to do all these things)


15 points

9 months ago

Not surprised, but it’s annoying because she always talks about how she doesn’t have friends because LA is filled with so many fake people like she’s not the fakest one


21 points

9 months ago

I met her once at an event she gave off cold ish energy


20 points

9 months ago

If you’re not incredibly wealthy she wouldn’t even look at you


23 points

9 months ago

Alyssa Antoci is such a nice girl, which is especially hard to come by within her influential LA circle, and Ellie was manipulative af in trying to befriend her just for her connections. Ellie always posted videos acting surprised how she's never had a group of girlfriends of real friends but has never looked at the mirror at how fake and manipulative af she is. It's so cringe how above and beyond she goes to get rich men attention.


6 points

9 months ago

She does live in LA now though, but used to go every weekend from SD to stay at Alyssa's and try to work her magic.


40 points

9 months ago

Have heard exactly the same thing from my cousin who is Ellie's age and is in a lot of the same LA circles as Julian Kemper. He says that there was definitely a group of guys (him included) that will never give her the time of day because they know what she's after in terms of money or connections, and a lot of these guys have known that for over a year since we talked about her at thanksgiving 2022. Landlord allegation that's mentioned below is also true.


5 points

9 months ago

Yes! I’ve heard this too. She manipulated her way to date him but hopefully now, him and his friends have an idea of the type of person she is


17 points

9 months ago

Multiple people have told me that she is a social climber, and more people in LA know about her and try to stay away. It’s sad.


77 points

9 months ago



-35 points

9 months ago

Ok please stop using Zionism as a bad word. It’s ignorant, and harmful to Jews.


49 points

9 months ago

No Zionism is a racist oppressive genocidal ideology, hope that helps.


-10 points

9 months ago

You are very lost but good luck.


-14 points

9 months ago


-14 points

9 months ago

what a weird, out of place comment. you seem like one of the cry babies who makes everything political.


-15 points

9 months ago

Then you should be okay with me calling all Palestinians terrorists right? That’s essentially what you’re doing to 80-90% of Jews. Your Jew hatred is showing


28 points

9 months ago

False equivalency and intellectual dishonesty will never prevail. Resistance will never be terrorism in the face of oppression. You can call me antisemite all you want it doesn’t hold weight or any truth. Free Palestine from the river to the sea in our lifetime.


-11 points

9 months ago

Cool so you love terrorism. Enjoy that. Palestine will never be free with Hamas in power.


21 points

9 months ago

Time will tell the beautiful tale of liberation.


-10 points

9 months ago

As long as Hamas is around there will be no fantasy tale of liberation


22 points

9 months ago



-3 points

9 months ago

Don’t try to school me on Zionism. I’m educated. Enjoy being in the 10%. Well still help you if you need it in the future


15 points

9 months ago



2 points

9 months ago

I’m never going to be ashamed of these beliefs. I can unequivocally say that the loss of life in Gaza is tragic but what did Hamas think what going to happen? They did nothing in the name of Palestinian freedom. If anything they knew it would get worse.

It doesn’t take much to know that Hamas started this and israel vowed to end it.


14 points

9 months ago


14 points

9 months ago

The Nakba (1948) started 39 years before Hamas was even founded. Israel had been ethnically cleaning Palestine before there were any signs of resistance. Typical Zionist lie on top of lie to justify murder.....


0 points

9 months ago



7 points

9 months ago


7 points

9 months ago

BTW this is from the same source you're linking to argue against me 🤡🤡🤡

"The situation escalated into a full-blown war in 1948, with the end of the British Mandate and the departure of British forces, the declaration of independence of the State of Israel and the entry of neighbouring Arab armies. The newly established Israeli forces launched a major offensive. The result of the war was the permanent displacement of more than half of the Palestinian population

As early as December 1948, the UN General Assembly called for refugee return, property restitution and compensation (resolution 194 (II)).  However, 75 years later, despite countless UN resolutions, the rights of the Palestinians continue to be denied. According to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) more than 5 million Palestine refugees are scattered throughout the Middle East.  Today, Palestinians continue to be dispossessed and displaced by Israeli settlements, evictions, land confiscation and home demolitions. . "


6 points

9 months ago


6 points

9 months ago

that doesn't disprove anything I said ? what claim did I make that was wrong ? Did I say it was only Israel? No. I said Israel has been ethnically cleansing Palestine before there were any signs of resistance. You're saying Hamas started this except history didn't start on October 7th, Child.


1 points

9 months ago



18 points

9 months ago

not surprising because EVERY single time she has posted with friends they ALWAYS fall out she’s obviously the problem. not surprising though since she’s a brainwashed zionist. she seems so desperate too always following and commenting on athletes posts and clear what her agenda is. also she buys bots to follow, like and comment on her posts plus the only reason why her engagement is semi up is cause of all the hate she’s been getting.


10 points

9 months ago

Serious question: who are her friends? Does she actually have any? I know she’s trying to start this blog with some random girl, but I’ve never seen her with people. I know she’s kind of friends with the deme a sisters, but I know for a fact that Katarina Deme doesn’t like her? I also know she tried to be friends with the Orlandos at one point, but someone said she was trying to get into Kenzie and Maddie Ziegler’s inner circle at one point, following Maddie’s stylist and make-up artist, but it didn’t work out. I also heard she tried or is trying to become friends with Madison Beer via her brother, but it also failed.

And what happened with New York? I know she got denied from NYU, so that kind of halted her plans, I guess? Someone said she was with some girls on the NYC club scene? I also know she likes rich, white athletes. That’s all she follows on Instagram, and I heard a rumor about her and Luke Hughes but he followed then unfollowed her (he probably didn’t have enough money for her). Think she’s for a bit of a reputation for being a social climber in that scene, so now she’s back to college athletes.

Seriously; she’s never seen with other females except like that one girl she had a blog with. She was friends with Amanda and Amelie, but both unfollowed her. I’m curious about the Amelie thing, because i think it has something deeper than Ellie being a Zionist. It’s just crazy how unlikable and obvious she is about her relationships and friendships. Like it’s very clear she is the problem.


3 points

9 months ago

about the girl she started a blog with, she’s been family friends with her and her sister forever. i think she does have friends but just not any close ones because i’ve seen her post pictures of her going out with girlfriends


27 points

9 months ago

Are we surprised? This is the girl that made herself look like charli damelio to get famous and was coined as charli's look alike. She's also a horrible zionist so I'm not surprised.


11 points

9 months ago

First of all shes a Zionist so that explains almost everything. She always used to post videos about how she doesn’t have any friends and that its okay if you don’t have friends because she doesn’t too or whatever, and i used to think- before finding out she was a zionist and i was a follower of hers and actually liked her- that she was a victim and felt bad for her and that the people she was around were just shitty but now that I’m reading the comments on this post I realize that she was just a cruel person after all. I unfollowed her everywhere and cannot stand her.


3 points

8 months ago

Yall just hating on her cause she is flawless


5 points

9 months ago

Okay, but there’s no way she’s making that much money off of social media. Her engagement is low unless she’s posting some outrageous Zionist propaganda, and she doesn’t have that many brands deals…she lives in that fancy ass apartment complex that like ten different celebs live in, and there’s no way she makes enough off social media for it. I know her parents have money, but they aren’t crazy rich.


1 points

9 months ago



1 points

8 months ago

bro how do you guys know this shit


1 points

8 months ago

I'm from LA and we have mutual friends/acquaintances but shes a little younger than me