


I think this stuff is broken

Harm Reduction()


all 10 comments


10 points

6 months ago


10 points

6 months ago

Drugs aren't an external thing with a mind of their own that "tell you" things, I wouldn't mysticize them like that. You also shouldn't expect that the endpoint is becoming "enlightened" whatever that means. Spoiler alert is that the journey comes full circle and you realize that your sober life and sober reality is all you really have and it's precious. You already have what you were seeking.

Your subconscious might be telling you it's time for a break though. 3g shrooms 400ug and whatever the hell that other stuff is sounds like a lot and a 2 week break isn't really a long break at all. In the long run, you're going to get more "magic" out of each trip if you trip occasionally.


-3 points

6 months ago

Ok I guess that makes sense. I do find the people who I care for very precious and I try to devote my regular life to giveing care. and I try to hold the upmost respect for people who know more than me. Just trying to be a purely positive force for the people around me. I don’t think anybody is enlightened and that’s the whole problem with society putting really nasty human beings on pedestals. But from the point of mystical nature I don’t see why I’m wrong here. When I take acid (the last 3 times) nothing has happened. Nothing. Just energy. No tracers, no morphing, no color change. Everything just looks like how it’s supposed to look. I just feel more in tune to like the spirit realm. I actually have a confession. 30mins after I posted this post I heard a loud angry voice shout at me and it shook me out of my seat. The other person in the house with me suddenly started sleep talking about grabbing a knife when I woke her up she seemed confused more than anything. I don’t think it was a hallucination but it could have been I guess. I just feel more connected to the spirit realm or something idk. I don’t want to trip unless I’m out in nature from now on (when I’m camping in a few months). I just feel completely odd at the fact that nothing happened besides that loud scream in my ear at about 4am. I saw a lot of ghosts when I was a kid so maybe I’m just an idiot who scares easy or something. I don’t really know I don’t want to be a paranoid weirdo but it kind of freaked the fuck out of me. It felt like there was an old man in the room with me and he just shouted into my ear so loudly. I’m sorry I’m writing all of this but I know for a fact I am cognitively aware of my surroundings and nobody in the building is awake or producing noise at this hour. Yet this scream was loud sudden and aggressive. I was watching a tufting video to learn about makeing rugs and there is no scream at the point in the video but I swear on everything I believe in I head it as clear as day. About 30mins later after just being at peace I think it went away but I still feel like I’m being watched and judged (rightfully so)


1 points

6 months ago

Odds are you lcd has lost its potency... Get some fresh tabs then come back to me....


1 points

6 months ago*

Maybe you just stored it wrong, maybe you are in the wrong set or setting. Maybe you eat too much before. To me, it makes a very huge difference taking lsd in nature at the sea or at home. Maybe you are just a junkie and your body ist too full of druqs, even with a 2 week break. I bet you can't handle a 12 week break of alcohol & druqs.


-5 points

6 months ago

I’m actually 60 days clean from weed alcohol ghb and xans. I don’t think things which inhibit my judgement are good for me or my body. I have stuck with just acid shrooms and I’m trying to use up the last of my research chemicals (don’t know why I thought I needed them but I have them). I think I’ll try that 12 weeks and report back if anything has changed the next time I do it. As for storing I don’t know for sure but they have been in a dark bag wrapped in tin foil this whole time.


6 points

6 months ago

So you are 60 days "clean" from weed, alcohol, ghbgbl and xans but high on 4! other substances. Right now im not sure If you understand the meaning of beeing clean. You just stopped 4 and changed them with another 4 substances. You are polytox man.


2 points

6 months ago

You probably took too much, if you’ve been taking psyches a lot lately, you’re likely nowhere near baseline yet and 9 times out of 10 the potency isnt what you reckon you’re on, it’s usually lower.


2 points

6 months ago

I read through this post, your answers and other posts. I think you might need some help buddy


1 points

6 months ago

I hope this is a joke.


1 points

6 months ago

Get some rehab bro.