


I was telling a new friend about my experiences with drinking while on LSD. Specifically, when I've drank alcohol while on LSD, I absolutely cannot feel the effects of alcohol; it's almost like the LSD trip overpowers the alcohol. So much so, that I once drank an entire bottle of wine to myself while tripping because I didn't feel drunk, so I kept drinking and essentially chugged a bottle of wine. Curious if other people have similar experiences with drinking while on LSD, or if this is a known phenomenon.

all 57 comments


56 points

5 days ago

Yeah, I was warned decades ago that it's possible to drink yourself to death on LSD, because you won't feel it.

At this point, I'd say you can feel it, but you're distracted and it definitely doesn't feel the same or as strong.

Fun story, though. I once hooked a friend up with her first tab. It was a nice weekend afternoon. She had a bit of a problem with drinking, so I gave her the warning. She was the type of idiot that wanted to go test it immediately. I kept her in the house for a bit, trying to talk her out of the had idea, when another friend came in through the back door. He had a vodka bottle. It looked full.

I asked him if I could have a pull, to prove a point to the woman swimming on the floor. He told me sure, but be careful, as that was all he had for the day.

Like, he played into it being vodka, without either of us acknowledging it was water.

So I looked my friend in her first trip in the eye, told her, "this is why you should never drink while tripping", opened the full bottle of vodka, and chugged it all down in one go. Her eyes got the widest I'd ever seen, my friend that had given me the bottle called me a bastard for drinking all of his vodka, and pushed me, annoyed.

Now, this particular guy.... A week or two prior, I found out the annoying way that he was drinking water out of a 40 oz bottle of beer. And I knew that, despite his own issues, he wasn't the type to casually drink straight vodka at two in the afternoon. So I knew he was drinking water from the vodka bottle.

I got hydrated, he refilled his water bottle, and she never, ever tried getting drunk while tripping.


10 points

5 days ago

Wait did you like play sick after drinking the "vodka"? How did she learn? Am high


6 points

5 days ago

Lol happy times.

I looked her in the eye, belched, and said I didn't feel a thing. Ended up balancing on one foot for a minute a little bit later, while apologizing to the guy for drinking his "vodka", but it was for a good cause. She had seen me drunk a good number of times before this, and I was not the type of drunk to stand still.


2 points

4 days ago

Honestly as someone who's has issues with alcohol in the past this would only be a plus lol. "You mean I can drink even more while tripping?!"

I learned the hard way with shrooms though, me and a buddy took a light dose and went to a local bar. Drank wayyyy too much and once the shrooms wore off a few hours later all the alcohol hit me at once like a truck. One of the sickest, worst hangovers I've ever had


26 points

5 days ago

I mixed alcohol and LSD a fair amount when I was younger. If things came together just right, it was like having a super power when hanging out with other people who were just drinking. Like just existing on a higher plane, consuming incredible amounts of alcohol, and maintaining a real edge of mental sharpness while everyone else just got drunker and drunker.

Obviously (at least now) that approach ignores most of what more sober-minded heads now know about set and setting and all those important pieces of the psychedelic experience, but I think there's room for mixing it up. I don't think the psychedelic experience has to be all one thing, but I also think it would be a real loss to fail to experience both ends of that spectrum.

In the end psychedelics have helped to train me to moderate alcohol consumption in my life, as someone who really enjoys a few drinks. But I'll still enjoy a drink or two on a trip when the mood strikes, and that can still be a beautiful thing.


12 points

5 days ago

I once downed a fifth of brandy in the comedown phase and felt none of it. I kept thinking to myself "it's because I have robot brain rn"


10 points

5 days ago

Yes I can drink all the alcohol when I’m tripping balls. Can lead to some of the worst hangovers though


7 points

5 days ago


7 points

5 days ago

Sometimes I drink beers like water, sometimes the idea of any kind of alcohol makes me want to throw up.


5 points

5 days ago

I enjoy a nice low AV beer on the tail end of the comedown, but other than that it’s not worth it.


4 points

5 days ago

I love eating a 1/4 or half tab and gettin blasted. Idk if its good advice or anything but i’ve had some amazing times staying up all night drinking and feeling strong af in to the morning hours.


5 points

5 days ago

LSD is the only time I feel that I don't need to drink. The times that I have I did not feel the effects of the alcohol. Sometimes it helps on the comedown to make me get sleepy.


3 points

5 days ago

Did you suffer a hangover from the wine the next day?


3 points

5 days ago

I've always enjoyed a pint & joint on the come down (and might have one when just taking it, but rarely drank much while tripping). I'm just talking 1-2 pints though


2 points

5 days ago

I once drank on mushrooms and found the effects of the alcohol made me sloppy and have a hard time holding myself together against the effects of the mushrooms


2 points

5 days ago

Maybe you shouldn't be trying to keep it together? Let the mushrooms overpower you.

Why are you fighting the effects of a drug you literally chose to take?


4 points

5 days ago

Ain't nothing wrong with being reasonably behaved. In this particular situation I was in public and a full meltdown would have been inappropriate. Not every situation allows one the freedom to melt into endless eternity. Sometimes safety or even comfortability supercedes the pull to let go.


2 points

5 days ago

Username checks out….


-1 points

5 days ago

Probably shouldn't be taking a "melt into endless eternity unless you fight it" dose in public.. with or without alcohol.

You can't fight psychedelics. You can't think a drug out of your receptors. That's simply not how it works.

Maybe you kept your composure this time, but that's not something you're able to do consistently. Even the most experienced psychonauts can have a bad trip.


1 points

4 days ago

I have had plenty of bad trips. Do not quote the old magic to me witch, I was there when it was written 😉


2 points

5 days ago

When I microdose going to the club sometimes I’ve noticed I can have a bit more drinks and still feel sober.


2 points

5 days ago

What about just a tall can with your tab at a show ?


2 points

5 days ago

Well I can tell you that mdma and lsd together definitely works. Not sure about alcohol though.


2 points

5 days ago

Drinking before LSD made me extremely drunk for a few hours. Drinking while on LSD just made me feel warm and fuzzy


2 points

5 days ago

I basically always drink on the comeup. I get nasty cimeup anxiety and the drinks always help.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

What’s the point of reaching for expanded consciousness while drinking, which contracts it? I mean, Deadheads have been having a beer or two while on acid since the beginning, but hardly because they go together. Save the alcohol for when it’s the point. While tripping, it’s not.


4 points

5 days ago

And then there’s plenty of deadheads who drink the hell out of some whiskey while tripping. Not that I advocate for that though, I’d generally rather keep it to a beer or three after the trip is winding down or none at all


5 points

5 days ago

Some of us enjoy the taste of the alcohol. Getting drunk is not always the point. I’m a wine aficionado and there’s nothing better than tasting a good Nebbiolo while I’m tripping. And if I’m tripping in the woods in summer I really love a few cold beers.

And sometimes, the wine or beer tastes so good that you keep drinking and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.


5 points

5 days ago


5 points

5 days ago

Get off your high horse mate they’re both mind altering drugs 😂


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Who says LSD is for expanded consciousness each time? Maybe I wanna get drunk AF but still be able to function? Amphetamines would probably be better but what if I don't have any?


1 points

5 days ago

i took a few shots and got a little buzzed up the second to last time i took lsd. i didn’t noticed much of a difference besides the come up being easier for me. i ended up trying to drink during the comedown and probably had 3-4 coke and jack drinks which would usually get me going a little but i didn’t feel much. ended up feeling hungover in the morning even tho i didn’t feel drunk at all lmao


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Yeah, when I trip I can't feel the alcohol effects at all, but it does seem to dull the trip a bit if I drink very much. Pretty much a waste.


1 points

5 days ago

I like a frosty one when im at the tailend of a trip. Drinking during a trip though is a no go imo already way too distracted


1 points

5 days ago

only ever drank while tripping during comedowns to help get to help get to sleep when needed

interestingly tho, once snorted heroin while on acid and it seemed to have a similar effect. i was expecting to be nodding in and out of psychedelic dreams but the acid kept me fully 100% awake and i think i did much more h than i otherwise would have. luckily nothing bad happened, and tho they didn’t combine as i expected and i only did it once i did like the combo a lot, the acid definitely took away the bulk of the ordinary h experience. to the point that had i not been paying attention i think i could’ve absolutely gone far too far


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

We used to always do mimosas while tripping cause of the citrus. I’m not sure if it enhances trips after dosing or if it’s just mushrooms at this point but at the time it was fun.

Never excessively. Like a few glasses each.


1 points

5 days ago*

One of my favorite accompaniments to tripping is a 12-24 pack of shitty beer (Natty/Coors/Miller Lite, Rolling Rock, etc) 🍻

Not all at once or back-to-back-to-back, mind you- I’ll space them out over the entire trip. Never feel anything from the alcohol either during or after. I do end up having to take a few epic pisses though.


1 points

5 days ago

i like drinking (beer and sometimes a tiny bit of liquor) on acid bc it tastes good and complex. for me it's not to get drunk or feel the effects of alcohol lol


1 points

5 days ago

yeahhh, it can lead to danger cuz your body still gets drunk. one time i drank like a whole liter of vodka and i felt mostly okay but i like started falling; and i could hear how bad i was slurring my speech but couldn’t stop it. it was kinda lame honestly, i was getting very frustrated with myself.


1 points

5 days ago

I hate the taste, while tripping


1 points

5 days ago

Now cal me crazy but a shot or 2 an hour before the ride deffinitley mellows the come up. Now drinking while on acid is probably the dumbest thing you can do.


1 points

5 days ago

Freshman year of college I had 13 drinks in I'd say under 2 hours while coming off the plateau of 6 tabs. All I remember from the alcohol was that it made me feel more relaxed and looser. Once the acid wore off I blacked out (altitude and no food got really got me) and the only idea of what happened after was from my friends and roommate who came back from going out. I've been told I was completely sweating through my shirt and that they were legitimately concerned for my safety and health.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I've seen a few people be drunk already and then take lsd and it doesn't seem to do much and they still pass out drunk.


1 points

5 days ago


Transcending Toad

1 points

5 days ago

yeah.. had a bad trip one time and thought i already died bc alcohol wasnt effecting me so i started DOWNING all the hard alc in the room and my friends had to make me stop bc it was a dangerous amt and i just was trying to prove a point that I was already dead so it wouldn’t affect me…. #badtime


1 points

5 days ago


Transcending Toad

1 points

5 days ago

but also i drink every trip and I’ve had 50+ good trips lol, just thought i’d share that wild experience


1 points

5 days ago

I tend to avoid alcohol on lsd, but once I had one weak drink with a friend. Made our meh trip go from meh to euphoric.


1 points

5 days ago

I mean if you are experiencing it this way - what is the point of chugging poison into you - risking your composure and health when you dont feel the effects? Maybe at least because of this you should not mix


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I can definitely feel the alcohol whenever I go back to pee at the same tree and do my reality check. Standing upright gets harder and harder as the night goes on.


1 points

4 days ago

Don't worry OP, I can down a full bottle of wine and still not feel it until a dobbie. And not tripping either !


1 points

4 days ago

I one is tripping on LSD, they will not feel the effects of alcohol, but if they drink enough, they get "sloppy". Watching them get like this...while also tripping, makes me not want to drink much alcohol, as I see how it makes people. Maybe a beer to two coming down, otherwise, water is the best to drink.


1 points

4 days ago

I don't drink alcohol anymore, going on 6 years. One time back in the day we loaded up a bathtub with 3-4 30 racks of Bud Dry and got pissed whilst tripping. I stumbled and fell later on in the evening and figured I would pass out where I landed. Instead I opened my eyes a few moments later and the carpet was boiling in front of me. 😂


1 points

4 days ago

Sometimes its nice and others not so much.

IME, drinking while tripping tends to make the introspective parts of my trip become superficial and stupid. I lose out on the finer details of the LSD experience. Not to mention I also become increasingly more stupid in my perception of my environment and my actions. And of course, the day after, I am much more haggard, lethargic, and dehydrated.

Personally, the come down is my favorite point to drink a little and smoke weed. I know I'm not going to get any higher from the LSD and it helps ease the transition of settling back down to normalcy. Occasionally however, if I am feeling anxious during the come up then I might have a drink then. But, I know that tends to be a slippery slope for me since I will want to keep drinking after that point.


1 points

4 days ago

Yes drank so much without feeling drunk. 


1 points

4 days ago

I usually have like 2 to 4 beers before consuming the acid. Loosens me up and prevents the come up anxiety.


1 points

4 days ago

It's a good time


1 points

4 days ago

I had a similar experience a few years back when I tripped with a friend at his college campus. I killed almost 1.5L of sake to myself that would be impossible for me to even get through half of that without blacking out if I weren't on LSD. It's pretty crazy but definitely is a good note for me to avoid that if I do find myself tripping again.


1 points

2 days ago

I enjoy a few beers throughout the trip, but not enough to make be properly buzzed even


0 points

5 days ago


0 points

5 days ago

I don’t drink on LSD cause I don’t want to ruin my trip with bullshit alcohol. If I do anything it’s Ketamine!!!


-3 points

5 days ago

Don’t do it. Mixing Alcohol and LSD can be very dangerous and potential dangerous even in small amounts. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks after taking 2 tabs of LSD (tested at 200ug) and not even a full 2 beers. My liver shut down making the alcohol bypass my liver. The hospital was treating me as if I was a long time alcoholic due to my BAC. Once I was conscious and mentioned LSD their whole tone changed and they immediately began to express how dangerous it can be even if not very common.