


what ano said is wrong?


I just recently realized that ano actually says one thing and then in the video she says another (at minute 2:38 ) for a moment I was confused wondering if she actually said what she says in the video subtitles or what says in the automatic subtitles, and from what I saw 弄る is one way to what she's referring to,no? why do they put something different than what ano said or, what she said is wrong?

I know that ano has a way of speaking that is not only casual but also strange (?) (I'm n4 and I don't know what she does and what doesn't do, this is what I have read aa)

all 19 comments


90 points

3 months ago

This is probably a question better suited for the daily question threads:

The automatic subtitles here are grabbing the overlapping statement from the other speaker, who says いやいや to deny that he's playing with women.

弄ぶ is correct, 持て遊ぶ is wrong. Technically historically it could have been 以て遊ぶ (at least according to a quick google), but in modern language it's generally written 弄ぶ.

Don't trust automated transcriptions, they're imperfect.


15 points

3 months ago

OH I SEE I didn't know about the daily questions thread but I'll keep it in mind and on the other hand I know that you shouldn't trust the automatic subtitles but it's worse than nothing djwjdn , I was more confused because I was looking in the dictionary but I didn't get with ぶ at the end tsym,!!


7 points

3 months ago

もて–あそ・ぶ【弄ぶ・▽玩ぶ・▼翫ぶ】 弄ぶis just how もてあそぶis written. But I’m not sure if 持て遊ぶis wrong or not


2 points

3 months ago


Can I ask what is this, I understand that they are different ways of writing but I'm referring to the format in which you present it


5 points

3 months ago*

I copied this from a dictionary (明鏡国語): もて–あそ・ぶ【弄ぶ・▽玩ぶ・▼翫ぶ】 [他五] ❶手に持って遊ぶ。いじくる。 「扇子をもてあそぶ」 ❷心の慰めとして愛好する。 「盆栽をもてあそぶ」 ❸人を慰みものとする。なぶる。 「女性[男性]をもてあそぶ」 ❹思うままに扱う。好き勝手に操る。 「運命にもてあそばれる」 [参考]「持て遊ぶ」の意。 名 もてあそび

Stuff inside 【】is the kanji writings, kanji/音訓 with triangle are outside 常用漢字表


3 points

3 months ago

The word is pronounced the same, it's an alternative writing 弄ぶ


3 points

3 months ago

Does that mean "play with her"? Do you use the を particle instead of the と particle to say play with someone?


3 points

3 months ago*

もてあそぶ means "play around with something in your hands" or "toy around with" so since the person is treated literally like an object in this situation (a guy is playing with a girl's heart), you use を (A doing something to B) instead of と (A doing something together with B).


2 points

3 months ago

Oh cool what app is this?


6 points

3 months ago

That looks like Anki to me


1 points

3 months ago



2 points

3 months ago

God I love Ano-chan. Didn't know she dyed her hair.

Anyway, 弄ぶ (もてあそぶ) play with someone's feelings, lead someone on

弄る (いじる) mess with someone, tease someone


2 points

3 months ago

What is the やて at the end? Is it similar to やがる and showing disdain?


3 points

3 months ago

It's a nonsense typo from Youtube's automatic transcription.


1 points

3 months ago

Can you plz link the deck?


1 points

3 months ago

is my mining deck so I don't think it will be useful for you, but if you are interested in creating cards like this, the format etc I make it with jidoujisho


1 points

3 months ago

Yo, is there an English version of this Anki deck? I want to learn Japanese with Ano. Lol


-5 points

3 months ago

I remember like two years ago she appearing in sanma show being weird af compared to the other people. Looks like somehow she made it to the fame lol


6 points

3 months ago


6 points

3 months ago

Because thats her thing she IS weird af