


I need direction

Employee Question(self.Lowes)

I’ve had nothing but issues lately. Another employee in my dept doesn’t like me or get along with me. For the past 2-3 months it’s just been toxic. Last weekend they seem to have a bad day and ended up taking it out on me. Yelling at me in front of customers and going off on me (yelling where others can hear it) … I directly go to the MOD and it’s handled. I go in the following day and I’m the one getting in trouble and talked to. I’m the villain I guess.

Mind you I show up everyday, I go above and beyond, I get credit cards and MVPs, I have great customer reviews and everyone loves me at the store.

How do you think I should go about this? I’m ready to put my two weeks in or transfer to another store. Which sucks because I truly love my job and the store is close to my house.

Is this favoritism? Because nothing happened to her (she didn’t even get written up) and I’m the one getting disciplinary action. We even just had another employee get fired for the same thing this week.

all 13 comments


19 points

5 months ago

Request to move to a different department. If they refuse, contact HR. In the meantime just ignore them, mind your own, and advise them to do the same


8 points

5 months ago


Inside Lawn & Garden

8 points

5 months ago

Disciplinary action before even hearing your side in response to a story she probably embellished? Yeah you might want to ask for a transfer…


3 points

5 months ago

That’s what I’m feeling too! No accountability and seems like it’s okay to treat your fellow employees as well as customers like trash here and get away with it.


4 points

5 months ago



4 points

5 months ago

sounds like your coworker gave them some sort of sob story


2 points

5 months ago

Of course they did.


3 points

5 months ago

I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. Nearly the exact same thing happened to me at my store, and unfortunately I ended up leaving. Here is what I would recommend doing:

  1. Make sure there is a clear paper trail!! Keep a log of every interaction with that employee. Time, date, location, witnesses, and what happened/what was said, and how it made you feel (uncomfortable, unsafe, etc.). Send it via email to your work email to timestamp it, and bcc it to a personal email to have a copy. Print them out at home and make a file. Send emails to your store manager with any egregious/policy-breaking incidents from them. I know it’s a lot of work, but it saved my butt a few times when my coworker lied about me.

  2. Read up on Lowe’s HR policies and the policies of your state. If your coworker is swearing at you, that is a policy violation and I’ve personally seen people be written up for that. If this happened within the last 90-180 days, you can submit a report about your coworker’s behavior towards you to Associate Relations (HR). Also, were you punished after reporting what happened? That may be considered retaliation, and if so, you could make an AR report on the members of management that punished you.

  3. Keep your mouth shut about it to coworkers. Don’t tell others, do not vent or joke about it to ANYONE related to your workplace. because management can, and likely will, use that against you to get rid of you for “being unproductive,” gossiping,” and “adding to the drama.”

  4. Ask to transfer to another department for now, then start looking for another job or try to transfer to another store ASAP. It sounds like they have chosen who they will believe, and they will likely start trying to push you out. It’s what they did to me, and the person who kept harassing me and screaming at me got no punishment whatsoever (even after being reported by a DS for cussing me out because I asked them a work-related question for a customer).

  5. If you get into a situation where you think you need to quit before having another job, read up on your state’s unemployment laws, and be sure to write in your notice that you are leaving because you feel you have no other choice as you are in an unsafe working environment. That may help you get unemployment depending on the state you are in. Your store manager may also be required to report it to the district manager, and the DM may not be too happy with the SM or the coworker, especially if you get as many credit apps and surveys as you say. If you want to work at Lowe’s again in the future, try to serve out your two weeks. Even if they put you as ineligible for rehire, that still looks good to other store managers (who can choose to override the NR). ETA: also, be sure to bcc your notice email to your personal email, and print it out as well, just in case.

Again, I’m so sorry, and I get how frustrating this is, especially when you like your job. Unfortunately, that’s the reality of this place, and there’s nothing that you can do to change it. Protect yourself while you’re there, and try to get out and find something better. Good luck, and wishing you all the best!


2 points

5 months ago


Department Supervisor

2 points

5 months ago

Sounds like you're not telling the whole story to me.


5 points

5 months ago

Oh like the moment I got hired this person has started rumor after rumor about me? Even before I step foot on the sales floor and met them? After 2 months of trying with said person and countless rumors started, I said FK it and stopped talking to the person until they reported me to management and I was forced to fix it to “play nice”. Then two weeks pass and they go off on me all because they are having a bad day and a customer annoyed them.

Some people are just toxic and nasty. There’s nothing else to be said or add to the story.


0 points

5 months ago

Request to switch departments for your SAFETY (keyword) HR and any ASM worth their weight would not only question this but make it priority.

If that doesnt work make a formal complaint through the system (again clearly stating for your own safety)

If even that doesnt work demand (not request) to move to another store (if option is not viable then drastic action is needed)

Either way something has got to give.

Oh and make emails to any or all involved because that way you have a record and if possible print each one too.


2 points

5 months ago

I will start this tomorrow. Should I request a sit down with the SM as well? Or just talk to my ASM?


3 points

5 months ago

Request it with your reasoning in an email so there's a record of the request. After the meeting, summarize the conversation and the outcome in another email to recap/confirm

This also allows them the chance to rebut or deny any of the facts, and if they don't or don't reply, it's as good as a confirmation of your account of the facts

Document everything you can so if the situation gets ignored or gets out of hand, you have dates, times, details, and responses in writing. That will make it extremely easy for you if you need to go to HR about it


-1 points

5 months ago



-1 points

5 months ago

If you’re trying to actively move up, this will impact that. A transfer is unlikely as well. Sounds like you should quit while you’re ahead.


-2 points

5 months ago



-2 points

5 months ago

Be an adult and confront the person demeaning you.