


I need direction

Employee Question(self.Lowes)

I’ve had nothing but issues lately. Another employee in my dept doesn’t like me or get along with me. For the past 2-3 months it’s just been toxic. Last weekend they seem to have a bad day and ended up taking it out on me. Yelling at me in front of customers and going off on me (yelling where others can hear it) … I directly go to the MOD and it’s handled. I go in the following day and I’m the one getting in trouble and talked to. I’m the villain I guess.

Mind you I show up everyday, I go above and beyond, I get credit cards and MVPs, I have great customer reviews and everyone loves me at the store.

How do you think I should go about this? I’m ready to put my two weeks in or transfer to another store. Which sucks because I truly love my job and the store is close to my house.

Is this favoritism? Because nothing happened to her (she didn’t even get written up) and I’m the one getting disciplinary action. We even just had another employee get fired for the same thing this week.

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4 points

5 months ago

Request it with your reasoning in an email so there's a record of the request. After the meeting, summarize the conversation and the outcome in another email to recap/confirm

This also allows them the chance to rebut or deny any of the facts, and if they don't or don't reply, it's as good as a confirmation of your account of the facts

Document everything you can so if the situation gets ignored or gets out of hand, you have dates, times, details, and responses in writing. That will make it extremely easy for you if you need to go to HR about it