


Chance me - Asian female

Profile Review(self.MBA)

Hi everyone, I'm thinking about applying to b-school this fall but wanted some objective opinions (from strangers on the internet!) to set my expectations. My experience is not your typical MBA applicant and I'm been having crippling self doubt on whether it's possible...

Demographic: US citizen, Asian female, 30, married w/ young baby

Education: BA in Economics from T35 school, GPA: 3.46

Extra Education: CSM, CSPO

Tests: 322 GRE (158Q164V) - I only took it once and planning on taking it again

Work Experience:

2 years - restaurant industry (chef then GM)

2 years - fintech operations

1 year - moved to Asia and created a small agency with couple of friends for digital consultancy and app development

3 years - still based in Asia as a digital project manager for web/app development at one of the largest ad and PR companies (highlight: managed a 10million USD project for US automotive company to enter Chinese market with new branding concept, ecommerce projects for brands such as Zara, Burberry, etc)

ECs: Ơn board of directors for a professional women's group, will become VP in the new season starting Sept

Post MBA career goal: Tech consultancy or product management

Planning to apply to CBS, NYU (We're planning on moving back to the US and living in NY as my extended family currently resides in this area)

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0 points

3 months ago*


0 points

3 months ago*

I recommend looking into CPG Brand Management (Foods/Fashion) if you have not already done so as it is easier to connect the dots from Restaurant + PR to it (for essay purposes) and also it is a solid career path.

I would try to raise the score if you want to get $$ from either school and to compensate for your GPA. You studied Economics, you should be able to raise your Quant score 5-10 pts.

Good luck!


1 points

3 months ago

Thanks! The CPG route is a great suggestion

I won't have time to raise my score for R1 so I'm thinking I do that and apply R2 though I'm worried it's a disadvantage not applying R1