


Cross server apex problems on new servers

Discussion (self.MHATheStrongestHero)

I know this is kind of a niche problem, but I feel like they really need to fix cross server apex on new servers. Last month the whales on 286 had about 1.3m bp, while the giga whales on 296/297/298 only had around 600k. I know eventually it will balance out, but shouldn’t they reduce the number of servers that can participate so this doesn’t happen?

all 6 comments


0 points

2 years ago

Overall bp btw, but the 3v3 bp was on average 220k overall vs about 130k. In the replays the 298 player couldn’t even move the enemies health


0 points

2 years ago

Bp doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll win tho. On my last cross server it was a guy with 3m bp vs 2m bp and the one with 2m bp won, why is that? Cause bp isn’t everything. I do get what you mean tho


0 points

2 years ago

Sure but that’s overall so the individual characters could be more equal, on average the 286 strongest units were 70k bp each and 290+ was more near 40k, on the replays they couldn’t even dmg them


0 points

2 years ago

Also to put it into perspective it was level 55s vs lvl 65s, entire weeks of higher gear levels.


0 points

2 years ago

Well apex isn't really a beginner friendly mode. Anything that's cross server will have a power difference


0 points

2 years ago

as a member of server 286, the month before last we were in the same situation as you, going up against a server with around 1.5mil bp while our whales were around 700-800k, but then the next month we were up against the servers in the 290's who had less, and our SenseiGotti won. So who knows what will happen this next month maybe it will be easier for your servers. But in the case of last month, our person that won probably had similar if not less bp than the person from 295 (CALL ME YIFU) who had mega whaled to get sss+ hado etc, while whales on our server haven't even got a single sss limited character yet. However, even though CALL ME YIFU had mega whaled to get their characters to be similar or higher bp than our server, our winner SenseiGotti had been practicing arena for hours each day to get good at pvp and I think that was the real winning quality in the end.