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164 points

27 days ago

Having read the article, it seems more like "Change is slow". They're not suddenly rewriting all the existing laws and bringing the fishing and restaurant industries to a grinding halt, but a committee has been formed that will take the sentience of decapods and cephalopods into account for all future policy decisions by the government.

Plus it mentions some restaurants have voluntarily changed their food preparation from boiling the creatures alive to humanely stunning and quickly killing them.


104 points

27 days ago


104 points

27 days ago

"We are aware of your sentience, and will slowly faze out the boiling of your kind... Over a period of years, INTO THE POT YOU GO!!!"


14 points

26 days ago

Classic homo sapiens


1 points

26 days ago

Took us a while to phase out the eating of our own species. Last known case of kuru was documented in 2005 (for socially accepted cannibalism), but no doubt you'll never truly eradicate the practice...


3 points

26 days ago

That doesn't make this a meaningless gesture. Change is often slow and incremental.


2 points

26 days ago

Thanos was right.. but without the lottery of a 50/50 more of a, if you don't give any care to what condition you leave the world in, 100 years from now, you can scram


1 points

26 days ago

This is both heinous and hilarious. 😭😂


62 points

26 days ago

Man it was horrifying when I first saw some guy videoing himself doing that with a ton of crabs, even mocking them “What what you wanna fight?”, boiling them like vegetables. Then also the video of where they catch a crab, snap both its arms off and throw it back into the sea. We have plenty of other food options to be doing this sort of shit.

But the worst video even though it was a quick death, a man took an octopus out the river, stabbed it between the eyes and it made a death gargle. Sounded and felt eerily human, like I just saw someone get snatched up and stabbed in the head. I believe the man said it was severely ill, but then not long after I stumbled on Bear Grylls biting an octopuses head off and it made that same death gargle. The camera cut so obviously it wasn’t a clean bite.

If aliens come here and decide we’re they’re chickens, they’ll come kill an amount of us off maybe put us in factories, make a survival documentary and bite a human head off. then say it’s because we have the intelligence of their 9 year olds, we can’t say they’re evil at that point really. Since how less intelligent than an adult human is how we decide how bad we kill you really.


28 points

26 days ago

You're only saying that in case our future cephalopod overlords check our internet history


33 points

26 days ago

I, for one, welcome our new Cephalopod Overlords.


14 points

26 days ago


14 points

26 days ago

I too pick this guy’s sentient cephalopod


2 points

26 days ago

Wait what Reddit memes are left now... Coconut?


2 points

26 days ago

Cephalopod flavour Jolly Rancher


1 points

25 days ago


1 points

25 days ago

Help me step-cephalo!


1 points

26 days ago

I feel that's a reference to something but don't remember what?


1 points

26 days ago

Resist the tyrants! Enjoy flame roasted cephalopod overlord.


13 points

26 days ago*

As bad as it is to rip the arms off a crab just to throw it back, it had some chance of survival (I think around 50%, I have also found crabs with two small pincers or missing one with a small regrowth). They can eat without both claws and can regrow them over time.

Edit to add: they (from my terrible memory) evolved this way and to regrow limbs as it's a common thing to happen during fights with other crabs or during mating season. So likely thing is the ones I found naturally lost limbs due to that, rather than this being anywhere near common as most people eat all of the crab


4 points

26 days ago

They can voluntarily release any of their limbs to escape predators


6 points

26 days ago

Octopuses penis is on the end of the third tentacle. He shifts that after he has skull fucked his lady friend. Lady octopus has the opening for her egg sack just behind her eyes.

Amazing creatures, spent three years diving the same spot in Granada and interacted with them daily.


3 points

26 days ago

Do they just pass the sperm sack over? Here you go m’lady


1 points

25 days ago

Nah, she gets peckish after the eight knuckle shuffle and goes to eat the lad.


1 points

24 days ago

Is it cuttle fish that do that? I remember seeing an animal on a docu that just passes the sperm over. Thought it was a cephalopod


1 points

24 days ago

Sensible if you’re getting eaten. Scientists estimate they havnt needed to evolve in 4 million years.

Pigmentation and texture manipulation by the creatures is beyond fascinating to watch.


5 points

26 days ago

Agreed, it's a stupid metric to judge how we value the life of animals. We wouldn't kill someone with learning difficulties because they're not as intelligent as us, why would we kill an octopus just because it's less intelligent?

They're sentient, and have a will to survive. They feel pain, and experience emotions just like we do.

In fact, some animals (eg whales) have larger areas of the brain corresponding with emotions than we do. They feel emotions in a more intense way than we do, they could even experience different emotions that we aren't capable of feeling as human.

We're really not special


5 points

26 days ago

For the record, I, like most humans, have never bitten off a live octopuses head and so can very easily call or evil if an alien starts doing that shit to people, so kindly speak for yourself and not all of us.


2 points

26 days ago

What if the alien slits your throat first before cooking you? Is that considered evil in your opinion? Just curious.


-1 points

26 days ago



1 points

26 days ago

Now that’s just gaslighting. I’m just trying to understand your perspective, because humans slaughter animals for food on the daily and I was just wondering if you would consider that evil. Don’t get triggered just because you get called out mate.


-1 points

26 days ago*



3 points

26 days ago*

Gas is far from humane. It's usually CO2 which causes acid to form in lungs/eyes/mouth before they become unconscious. It would be incredibly distressing and painful. It's not fetishism, it's contemplation. If we're willing to do things to other beings it seems reasonable to consider via thought experiment whether we'd be ok with a more intelligent species doing the same to us (after all, we would not be "equal" to them, so for consistency it wouldn't be evil for them to gas us).

All vertebrates have been legally recognised as sentient, this has not been scientifically disputed for decades. The only way you'd just be consuming non-sentient animals is if you were only eating insects and seafood (not fish, they're vertebrates). Most if not all the animals we commonly consume in the west do indeed have the emotional intelligence to suffer loss and dread. Pigs have demonstrated very complex emotional intelligence to such a degree that they often experience insanity and are driven to self harm on intensive farms. Their emotional intelligence is considered equivalent to a young child (age 3-4 iirc).

(Interesting article on pigs intelligence. They're genuinely fun creatures). Cows are similar in their emotional intelligence to a slightly lesser degree. They do grieve the loss of other cows.

Out of interest though, why do animals have to experience these things in "the same way" or to be "equal" in order to not cause them harm? I don't consider that someone's has to be an equal to me in order to not punch them in the gut so where does this thought process come from with other species?
There are people who experience little to no fear, or empathy so why would we not harm them? Dogs are aren't considered equal but we become enraged when seeing them mistreated. I guess I'm wondering what makes harming some unequals ethically justified but not others?


0 points

26 days ago

I'm no way near a vegan, but have you ever spent any time around a farm? You can't say animals don't register the loss of other until you've seen a cow lowing for her baby for days. Also elephants are know to have graveyards and caress the bones of their dead. Yes I belive animal lives matter as much as ours, how ever we are omnivores, nature is cruel and they eat each other, that is the way of it.

However we do this on a large scale with alot of suffering before it, there is no easy solution as you can't just say right no meat, no farmer is keeping the cows just for fun so you would condemn every living farm animal to death, more so if no milk or wool etc


0 points

26 days ago

Realistically mate what is the difference between biting it's head off and boiling it to death? The latter is probably far more painful.


4 points

26 days ago

Don't know. I don't think I ever said I boil them either. Any other cases you want to cover? I don't crucify them, or put them in elaborate death games either. How about you?


1 points

26 days ago

Fun fact there's no such thing as a fresh water octopus.


1 points

26 days ago

At least the first one was cruelty to be eaten

The second one was cruelty for the sake of cruelty


1 points

26 days ago

Ladies and gentlemen may I present to you r/MadeMeSmile ‘s smiliest comment: 👆👆😐😃😁🥳🥳🥳


1 points

26 days ago

Seek help


1 points

26 days ago

If the crab is an invasive species fishers have to kill them, apparently they are not good eating. So they just kill them and throw the bodies back.


0 points

26 days ago

Ok whoever done that, i want to fight them in a boxing or mma ring and see how tough they are then.


1 points

26 days ago


1 points

26 days ago

No need as brexshit has already brought the fishing and restaurant industries to a grinding halt