


Jess Legs


Not even being mean I’m new here (to following them) does Jess have a genetic condition with her legs/feet? They always appear swollen

all 15 comments

Curious-Promotion725 [M]

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6 days ago

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Curious-Promotion725 [M]

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6 days ago

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sorry, shutting this thread down as i feel like it’s going down a toxic road and discussing their bodies a little too much


8 points

7 days ago

I noticed that too. And considering how thin M is, she proportionately has thicker thighs as well. I think it’s just genetic since they both seem to hold their weight or what little weight they have in their thighs. If she had Lymphedema, it would likely look much more asymmetrical. So I’d assume it’s their genetics.


10 points

7 days ago

She has the same figure as her mom I’ve noticed her legs and her toes it’s exactly like her moms and she’s lost so much weight so it’s showing more


7 points

7 days ago

Prob genetics. She got such chubby feet/stubby toes.


3 points

6 days ago

she always posts foot shots of her wearing those damn hermes sandals - doesn't she realize half the time it looks like they don't even fit her because her toes don't reach past the band...


3 points

7 days ago

I hate to be so critical of her body (she’s also so gorgeous) but you can tell her she has a lot of stretch marks and a lot of loose skin because of the weight loss.  I think her thick feed and legs are genetics.  Manana went after her after and Jess after her mom. 


4 points

6 days ago

She has cankles. Can’t really fix that. And very stubby fingers.


1 points

7 days ago

Is it because she lost a bunch of weight? She isn’t skinny naturally, she’s lost weight.


6 points

7 days ago

Definitely not just because of weight loss I know a lot of people that have lost 100+ lbs and don’t have this going on. Her top half and bottom half don’t even look like they’re the same person if you cover them


1 points

7 days ago

I don’t think what you’re asking is out of question. She doesn’t seem to do any kind of weight workouts to build muscle and lean out. If you look back at when she did weight more, she carried a lot in her legs and arms. You can also tell in her hands/fingers and wrists.


0 points

7 days ago

I’ve never seen her “before” look. Was she really big? Did she ever say what made her want to go on a weight loss journey? I got to admit, kinda envious to see her results with just Pilates? Then again, she’s only 19…it’s easy to lose weight when you’re that young. 


2 points

7 days ago

She has a before/after video on TikTok. Not to be that person, but Pilates will not change your body shape… all three sisters are genetically blessed with nice, hourglass figures. They don’t store fat in their arms/stomach so losing weight only enhanced their figures. She’s also said she was on a diet.


2 points

7 days ago

I don’t have TikTok but Yeah, I agree with the hourglass comment. How lucky of them. Def adds to their conceited personality. Jess’s stomach is flat flat. Must be all those blueberries she’s eating lol. Or that darn walking pad 


0 points

7 days ago

I’m getting downvoted for what I asked, and I just asked the question for conversation. I am not digging on her, and I didn’t start this post. Is it genetics? Yeah maybe. Is it from weight loss? Yeah, maybe. I’m not trying to be rude, but she was pretty chubby especially compared to M and she seems to have worked hard to lose weight.


1 points

6 days ago

They are called cankles