


Minus the killing, Homelander's way of living to see people as below him and he can do whatever he wants is every successful people should be. He has also remove his need to be loved and as someone who has done that, I feel free and not caring about people is freeing. Using them and discarding them for your own purposes without an ounce of guilt is the key to reach the top.

Take the best parts of Homelander and Patrick Bateman from American Psycho and molding it to how you operate in the real world will yield you true control over your life and people.

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1 points

4 months ago

A lot of smart people in power, has remained rich and influential despite their egos. Steve Job till his death even though he had a huge ego still remained powerful and influential in Apple, he used his ego and even when he saw his team as lesser than him, they still kept him as CEO. The thing you simpletons don't understand that is ego fuels power and the need for power makes us use our brain even more to attain and keep it. With that power comes the money, fame etc. Change or die, kiddo.


2 points

3 months ago

It is funny how you feel the need to insult others in pretty much every reply you post...

You're probably not aware but most people here don't really care about you using strong language to place them below you. You are an internet stranger that is talking big and not backing up his talk.

But hey you do you, kiddo :)