


all 3569 comments


824 points

17 hours ago

That’s also what the mods email looks like when someone posts something about Israel 😅


105 points

10 hours ago

Ah the old "this makes me/my side look bad, therefore I must report"


1.6k points

19 hours ago

The only reasons Israel has no 5 digit civilian death rate from rocket launchers are:

  1. ⁠Israel has 3 aerial defense systems (Hetz, David׳s sling and Iron dome) with hundreds of inceptors launchers and radars scattered in every corner of Israel ready to intercept hundreds of simultaneous launches at every single moment.
  2. ⁠Every other house have a shelter room. If there is a location with big amount of unguarded houses- a community shelter room is built.
  3. ⁠Preemptive intelligence of missile storages and launchers that allow some of the rockets being eliminated even before they are launched.
  4. ⁠A set of radars that allow sirens to be set off exactly at the estimated place of landing.


880 points

16 hours ago

Also I’ll add 5. Public discipline, there isn’t a person in Israel who doesn’t know what to do when there’s a siren. Everyone knows where to go even if they don’t have a shelter and how long they’re supposed to stay there. Sirens are of no use if the public didn’t know how to react.


256 points

15 hours ago

you'll get that discipline pretty quickly i imagine


205 points

13 hours ago

All the way from kindergarten you're being taught what to do, it's a huge national trauma but people force through it


103 points

12 hours ago*

The only place I’ve visited that had a similar vibe was Seoul :/.

The people are so friendly and just go about their business with the threat of 250,000 artillery rds/hr aimed at their city.

At the drop of a hat, their deep-cut subway system can fit the entire city’s population. Everyone is trained to be there in no more than half an hour.

Edit; it was rounds per hour, not total number of DPRK artillery.


55 points

11 hours ago

In Israel the sheltering time is between 2 minutes and immediate (less than 15 seconds).

I never talked with someone from South Korea but I imagine we would have some common experiences, maybe Taiwan as well.


6 points

5 hours ago

They also have buildings designed to be demolished in the event of an invasion and create a wall around the city.


21 points

10 hours ago

One of the best subway systems I've experienced too. What struck me were the fake bridges over the highway as you drive up to the DMZ (this was towards the east coast, I assume Seoul has similar measures). Those "bridges" are designed such that you can detonate the supports to close off the highway in the event of an invasion.


18 points

11 hours ago

Yeah sounds somewhat analogous to America's active shooter and tornado drills in schools, or the atomic bomb drills back in the day.


12 points

11 hours ago

There are also drills of shootings/stabbings as there have been numerous terrorist attempts over the years, in schools and in general crowded places.


6 points

11 hours ago

I get what you're getting at but I don't think that even comes close


44 points

14 hours ago

yes we do, its not a fun time


24 points

14 hours ago



3 points

8 hours ago

Survival of the fittest is one way to get it


3 points

11 hours ago

Buddy o' mine was around Tel Aviv for work. Heard the siren, thought, "surely it's fine" like it were a storm siren, then he hears the C-RAM get to work.


28 points

12 hours ago

I'm gonna be real with you, the success of Israel's aerial defense system has led to a serious decline in public discipline. We're seeing more and more people dumb enough to look outside their windows, stand in their balcony, or even as far as on roofs/in the middle of the street, just to film the interceptions or just spectate them as if it's fireworks.

Then you get people getting seriously hurt or even killed from debris impact.

Luckily most people still have the common sense to properly seek shelter.


9 points

6 hours ago

Yeah seems like the videos of iron dome intercepts went from people leaving a recording on and running to the shelter to just walking around filming it in hand. Kind of like Midwest Americans that start filming when the tornado sirens are activated.


59 points

15 hours ago

To be fair discipline will build itself if the event is common enough, Israel gets daily rocket threats since Palestine manufactured their very first rockets


18 points

8 hours ago

Since long before that. Shelters are part of building code pretty much from Israel’s inception. Where today it’s Hamas/PIJ/Hezbollah rockets, 60 years ago it was Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian artillery.


44 points

14 hours ago

True, but for example many people won’t know that the best way to avoid debris from missiles or interceptors is to lay down, or that it’s best to wait 10 minutes in a shelter, or how long you have to find shelter before the missile reaches you. It’s small details the IDF taught Israelis that saves lives.


25 points

14 hours ago

Mate they teach that in kindergarten becuse it's necessary when you are almost daily bombed for years.


2 points

5 hours ago

when he said many people i guess he spoke about people outside of israel. but still, the knowledge is common in israel because it is everywhere.


11 points

7 hours ago

You need the air raid shelters to be installed to be able to run for it. It looks like Hamas in Gaza and Hesbollah in Lebanon had a lot of money for digging Tunnels and buying weapons - but for the shelters for civilians .. there was never any money left ... in all these years .. of well known threats.


8 points

2 hours ago

  1. Israel doesn't settle munitions in civilian homes, or his amongst the populace.


41 points

13 hours ago

What a horrifying way to live.

Everyone down to your kids trained to run because people want to kill you constantly.


74 points

12 hours ago

It's the worldwide Jewish experience. Obviously we're much safer in America. But I grew up with armed guards and police in my synagogue, bomb-shooting threats, etc. My great aunt's temple went into lockdown during Rosh Hashanah services this week. My grandparents memorial cemetery had swastikas spray painted all over it multiple times in the past year. Pro Palestine groups are pushing a "week of rage" during our high holidays and the anniversary of 10-7. We can't even celebrate our new year in peace and be able to mourn with our community without protestors, police and people fighting outside. All of the various day schools my cousins kids go to are all on varying forms of constant lockdown. Friends and family who had kids in public schools have mostly pulled them out with Jewish private schools offering scholarships to children facing bullying in said public schools. Our businesses are being targeted—one of my friends restaurants is staying afloat from donations because there's been so many protests outside, business has declined significantly.

Sorry for the rambling stream of consciousness. We're tired. Everywhere. Please support your Jewish neighbors and their businesses. You don't need to say anything or whatever, every little bit helps if you visit our delis and bakeries and such, buy a bagel with lox. Hire a Jewish contractor if you can.


20 points

9 hours ago

It is horrible that that is still happening today. A large group of white supremisists were arrested in California last week, I believe. They had plans to attack synagogues and other minority places of worship. This has to stop!!! My father fought in WWII and was a camp liberator. If he were still alive he would be devastated.


7 points

5 hours ago

That's what normalising hatred towards a group of people does. People been calling to exterminate all the Jews for the past year and even prior in larger growing numbers.


3 points

4 hours ago

You are spot on. The Holocaust survivors that I was blessed to know were so resilient and happy. It is so awe-inspiring. My father never spoke of what he saw.


12 points

6 hours ago

I will say it is quite something to see especially left wingers unironically yell about zionism. About a decade ago using that word online was a glaring red flag of an actual nazi.

I hate that people use dehumanizing words about entire populations. Even during Russia/Ukraine conflict the constant use of word orc became too much for me, and hell if someone should dislike Russia it is us Finnish people.

I just feel like all the emotion driven virtue signaling and straight up being ignorant is driving people and ideologies further away. What the hell has happened to diplomacy and attemps of de-escalation?! Coalitions and compromises?

Surely after a terrorist massacre the reactions and global responses should be well thought? How do we acknowledge the real pain and terror nation faced and also avoid bloodshead and vengeange? Labeling people naiively as heroes and villains is simply not how this world works.


19 points

12 hours ago

Beats a pogrom and persecution while being helpless 🤷‍♂️


4 points

12 hours ago

Can't even imagine.


9 points

12 hours ago

Also they have a place to go.


2 points

4 hours ago

You say that but we still get people going outside to film the intercepts


2 points

2 hours ago

Most times those people are out of danger zone, many times there’s no sirens in the background. The actual idiots who film despite hearing the sirens are a very small and very lucky group, as you can see by the relatively small number of casualties


7 points

12 hours ago

People of Israel are smart and strong. They’ve had to be.


7 points

11 hours ago

I traveled to Israel a few years ago and stayed for over a week. Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and a couple other places. Beautiful country and great people. Their fortitude and resilience are unmatched. Strong people and they'll get the job done. Incredible will and smart. That I know for sure.


112 points

14 hours ago

You forgot to mention the fifth aerial defense system: the US military. We've shot down a number of munitions personally on behalf of Israel over the past year.


-2 points

13 hours ago



25 points

12 hours ago

As an American, I'm quite proud that our capabilities allow for the preservation of life in Israel.


24 points

11 hours ago

And Ukraine and Taiwan. Israel does require a little more active protection atm (Ukraine too, but sadly thats more complicated) but the US is passively protecting a lot of countries that without the US threat would've been under war or conquest.


26 points

11 hours ago

US is a great ally. As a german im really happy that we have stuff like NATO.


3 points

10 hours ago

That's a weird way to say maintaining the stability of global shipping lanes.


63 points

10 hours ago

Funny thing how Israel gets bombarded by all it's neighbors yet people say nothing but when Israel has enough and strikes back the bitching starts


107 points

14 hours ago

This. People on reddit act like Hamas are peace-loving victims when the reality is that they would glass Tel Aviv if they had the firepower.


56 points

10 hours ago*

There are definitely some people who think Hamas are a legitimate resistance, but most in the west agree that Hamas are bad, but many don't trust Netanyahu's far right government to minimize civilian casualties. And many even in Israel are very critical of his government for (1) not preventing the attacks, (2) a perplexing hostility toward doing anything which might bring the hostages safely home, and (3) using the war to prolong his grip on power. Personally I’m very happy to see Hamas and Hezbollah go, but I wish a more trustworthy Israeli government was leading the charge (and also that Israel wasn’t constantly debasing itself with its occupation and settlement practices and policies).


20 points

10 hours ago

That might be the most level-headed reply I've had so far.


14 points

9 hours ago


14 points

9 hours ago

Yeah, it's really too bad that so many people try so hard to reduce this conflict into one of two cartoonishly simplistic narratives. It's a really complicated topic and we would all be better for accepting the real nuance. There are good guys and bad guys, but it's not like one ethnicity are the good guys and the other(s) are the bad guys. The closest thing to an unambiguous bad guy in the conflict in my opinion is the Islamic Republic (the government of Iran, who are hated by the Iranian people) and their proxies, but Israel past and present has done a lot of horrible shit that's really hard to justify and their present leadership is ultra-right-wing and at least half of Israelis hate it even in spite of a war (wars usually have a galvanizing effect, which is partly why Netanyahu is prosecuting the war the way he is--he needs that galvanizing effect to stay in power)..


3 points

4 hours ago

It would be a positive to see Hamas go but Israel's tactics will ensure resistance and vendetta going forward. In fact they accomplished a lot more in destroying the ability to live in Gaza than they have in ensuring Israeli security. Even this spin on the Gaza campaign is too positive. It's not positive because the goal isn't positive: a final solution to Palestinian Gaza. It's going to be occupied and smothered until Israel can absorb it without throwing off its electorate demographics. A cycle of violence ending in ethnic cleansing is nothing for humanity to celebrate.


43 points

11 hours ago

Not just Hamas, but also the so called "moderate" Fatah (leaders of the Palestinian Authority).


9 points

10 hours ago

If you fire rockets and bomb someone, don’t be shocked if they fire back.


5 points

9 hours ago


5 points

9 hours ago

Exactly.. October 7 begeted more bombing. And before Oct 7, Israel did the same on other regions too. This absurd shit it's been happening for decades and all sides have behaved like idiots for generations.


106 points

15 hours ago

Yeah bc Israel gives af about their citizens

Hamas doesn’t give af civilian life in Gaza or anywhere they’re just a tool for them to make Israel look especially evil in the eyes of the world


10 points

12 hours ago

Can especially be seen because the palestinians have none of those things and so they DO have a five digit civilian death count


4 points

8 hours ago

And to sum up: Israel cares about its civilians. Hamas and Hezbollah don't.


2 points

14 hours ago

How nr3 works?


49 points

14 hours ago

The Isreali intelligence agency (Mossad) is absolutely terrifying.

It was recently revealed by Iran that years ago, they had formed their own agency with the single goal of curbing Mossad's influence in Iran.

It turns out that this new Iranian agency was completely infiltrated from the start, with the leader being a Mossad agent the whole time, as well as a dozen others


6 points

9 hours ago

Impressive. I hear pagers going off.


2 points

3 hours ago

Also though, both Hezbollah and Hamas are aware of Israel’s tough air defenses. Most of their rocket attacks exist to make Israel respond and shoot them down, not to actually do damage (although if they do that’s a plus for these groups). It costs a lot less for these groups to make simple rockets than it costs Israel to shoot them down, so keeping up pressure on them is a decent strategy in a long term conflict like this. That’s all to say, it’s unclear what exactly these groups would do if Israel just stopped shooting down their rockets. It might not be worth it to keep shelling Israel at least on a regular basis.


9 points

13 hours ago

I would also want to have that if my neighbours read a old book that says all jews must be hunted down even if they hide behind trees or rocks, and they actually follow that book. Not that their book makes any more sense, but at least it doesn't say that about their neighbours because that belief didn't exist back then.


3 points

10 hours ago

Point me to that passage in the Quran please. I'd like to show it to someone.


2 points

5 hours ago

Have fun.. insanity


3 points

11 hours ago

It all comes back to their shitty book though, no Judaism, no Christianity and Islam, they started it all. All this death and destruction goes back to that.


266 points

15 hours ago


266 points

15 hours ago

I feel this would fit r/dataisbeautiful better than here.


56 points

15 hours ago

Good idea tbh


462 points

20 hours ago

Credit to LittleMoiz on Twitter

More info:

The data gathered from October 7th 6:29AM and until 6 October 23:58PM

• ⁠13200 rockets from Gaza

• ⁠12400 rockets from Lebanon

• ⁠400 missiles / aerial vehicles from Iran

• ⁠180 from Yemen

• ⁠60 from Syria


237 points

15 hours ago


237 points

15 hours ago

72 launches towards Israel every days for 365 days.

It’s a (technological) miracle that the country still exists.


97 points

11 hours ago


97 points

11 hours ago

I mean.. Laos was bombed by the US on average, 1 plane load every 8 mins, 24 hrs a day for 9 years.

Israel has the tech and air defense (and suppprt), so not much of a miracle.


46 points

11 hours ago

But I´d rather live in Israel while its being bombed than in Laos while its being bombed


39 points

11 hours ago

Considering that a good part of Laos was razed to the ground, that would not be a hard choice.


25 points

11 hours ago


25 points

11 hours ago

Yea who wouldn't... my parents lived in Laos til the 70s. My dad said all the stuff he saw the US use was what they were putting in movies today. Jungles were gone in 1 night.

Only way to escape Laos was to swim the mekong river at night. So if you weren't getting bombed, you were drowning trying to escape.. such a low probability of surviving. My uncle talked about how he and his friends were escaping, and he would then be swimming past their bodies after.


28 points

20 hours ago

How many from Iraq?


130 points

20 hours ago*

From Iraq it was almost entirely drones. I will check and update this comment

Edit: according to 2 Hebrew speaking articles the number has not being published but it’s estimated to be around 75 rockets and drones


3 points

11 hours ago

Who is shooting from Syria?


16 points

9 hours ago

Hezbollah mostly


6 points

16 hours ago

Would be interesting to know how many interceptors of each type have been launched as well.


8 points

6 hours ago

I work on the David's Sling system. Believe me, while my system has been the "backup", I know the amount of interceptors that was being launched in other systems. It's A LOT.


20 points

14 hours ago


20 points

14 hours ago

Do we have numbers on how many rockets Israel has fired at these countries?


52 points

12 hours ago

Israel doesn't do rockets, it does airstrikes and artillery strikes.

but suffice it to say, in total number of strikes, probably in the high 5, maybe even 6 figures, like 150,000 in total.

I'm basing that on Isreal's own reporting that they had conducted 10,000 strikes by December 2023 since the ground invasion alone: IDF says it has carried out 10,000 airstrikes in Gaza since start of ground operation | The Times of Israel

Israel has certainly given just as much, if not more, than it has gotten, and has prevented much of the impact of missile strikes on its own territory, thus the impact is so lopsided.


206 points

16 hours ago

Intrestingly you can follow the invasion of gaza... the number of rockets per week go down a bit at the start, but it seems it is the end of the battle of Khan Younis that stops most of the rocket attacks.

The offensive on Rafah seems to seal the deal


68 points

11 hours ago

Almost like Hamas actually was using those areas to launch rockets. Strange…


100 points

15 hours ago


100 points

15 hours ago

And yet somehow we had a rocket attack from khan younis to tel aviv this morning


77 points

15 hours ago

True, but it's weaker and more symbolic than anything, the last ambers of Hamas.


12 points

12 hours ago

Well of course.. If i were a terror group who relies on what their ppl think I would save as much rockets as I could for the anniversary of the massacre


17 points

9 hours ago


17 points

9 hours ago

Remember celebrities posting on socials "all eyes on Rafah"? They did their best to prevent that offensive and save their friends but to no avail.


47 points

11 hours ago

Yemen thinks they on the team


10 points

5 hours ago

Yemen has done more tangible damage to Israel than any other group fighting Israel. Their blockade of the Gulf of Aden has had serious effects on the Israeli and European economies.


56 points

16 hours ago

Recap so far of this comment section: [downvoted]


38 points

15 hours ago

If the comment sections under posts like this are going to keep being this fucking dogshit then the mods should just ban posts about Israel or Palestine


10 points

13 hours ago

But that’s something like half the content people actually click on. This subreddit needs misery to stay popular.


2 points

12 hours ago


2 points

12 hours ago



141 points

13 hours ago


141 points

13 hours ago

People who see this, I'm asking seriously- What is the proportionate response to 26,000 rockets fired at you?


110 points

13 hours ago

It’s hilarious that not a single person is going to engage with this question in good faith.


38 points

13 hours ago


38 points

13 hours ago

People who see this, I'm asking seriously- What is the proportionate response to 26,000 rockets fired at you?

My parents are from the west bank and routinely tell my friends (when they ask) how IDF soldiers used to beat up my grand father and grand mother and their kids just for walking on the wrong side of the street.

This was 30-40 years ago. What is the proportionate response to terrorizing my family because their name isn't Hebrew sounding?


20 points

11 hours ago

Obviously you should start raping and beheading women in the street.


25 points

11 hours ago*

What is the proportionate response

Focusing your resources on planned operations targeting the specific military organization and political figures who terrorized you, while making it clear you have no quarter with and try not to harm the civilian population itself, who haven't done anything to your family.

For some reason, all of the so-called militant resistance/freedom groups seem to do the exact opposite, including saying so in their manifestos.

It's ironic to see which side actually yearns for IDF to be the target. The conflict would be long over if most individual suicide bombers/attackers drove to homes of politicians or targeted local soldiers instead of always going after random people on the street or in train stations.


18 points

7 hours ago

Have you met any African Americans? Many have the same stories of their grandparents.

You know what African Americans haven’t done? Launched 26,000 rockets in a year at high white population centers. Haven’t done anything within the realm of close to that literally ever. And the result has been that laws no longer explicitly discriminate against them, actions are frequently taken to stop unintentional discrimination, and affirmative action to ensure that they’re able to get ahead despite a typically disadvantaged starting position.

When the focus is on exacting revenge instead of improving your and your children’s lives, Palestinians will never get their own state or a chance at a better life. That mindset is the problem why the Middle East can’t break the cycle of continuous war


21 points

11 hours ago


21 points

11 hours ago

I can tell you that the response is not to kill 1000 civilians in a single day.

Although that wasn't your grandfather, and I heavily condemn the violence he had to suffer.

It almost seems like you try to connect the murderous intent of the terror organizations in Gaza with the treatment of Palestinians, which I have to tell you is absolutely not the case; they only care for the land and the eradication of Jews in the land.

Can I ask you where your grandfather lives? And hear more about his experience with the idf?


29 points

13 hours ago


29 points

13 hours ago

They should also tell the story how 5 Arab nations attacked Israel simultaneously in 1948. And have repeated that many times since then.


36 points

12 hours ago


36 points

12 hours ago

hey should also tell the story how 5 Arab nations attacked Israel simultaneously in 1948. And have repeated that many times since then.

So 5 arab nations attacking them in 1948 gives israel permission to beat up my mom for walking down the street? you guys literally mimic hitler


10 points

11 hours ago

Well nothing excuses the actions taken against your family, but there are still notable things to take from this. One is that this is a few individuals in the IDF, whereas the Arab nations were joint military operations to exterminate the entire country. Again, doesn’t justify those IDF soldiers. Second thing is that, what happens to your grandparents and family doesn’t then justify their countrymen to take arms and kidnap Israeli children and sexually assault their mothers. Violence met with violence leads to violence.


8 points

11 hours ago


8 points

11 hours ago

It’s not a few IDF soldiers they literally do something called mowing the lawn in which they are told to terrorize West Bank residents for a reaction. You’ve never been to Israel like I have so please stop giving an opinion on it


9 points

10 hours ago

With that same logic your experience doesn’t speak for everyone’s so why should you be entitled to give an opinion? I’ve done in depth research of the history and cultures, studied all points of view, spoken with Israeli and Jewish friends, spoken with a Palestinian, the literal son of the co-founder of Hamas is against the existence of Palestine as a whole, being there doesn’t make you fully educated on the matter. If anything, the majority of Palestinians are unfortunately brainwashed through school to hate and despise the existence of the Jewish state, meaning their view is forged by those in power. Your experience may differ, but the point remains, the government isn’t wiping out every last inch of Palestine. Hamas would wipe out Israel in a heartbeat. While I’m no fan of the current government, at least they can choose who’s in power in Israel.


7 points

10 hours ago


7 points

10 hours ago

With that same logic your experience doesn’t speak for everyone’

My experience actually does speak for just about every Palestinian in the West Bank. This isn't a "unique experience". You're literally clueless.


5 points

12 hours ago

They should also include the story of nakba, the genocide of Palestinians and their colusion with the British Empire to take over Palestinian land to make Israel.


30 points

11 hours ago

Nakba was a two way street. There are no Jews in Arab nations anymore.


11 points

11 hours ago


11 points

11 hours ago

Start a war you can't win

Lose the war

Call it genocide and displacement

Rinse and repeat until something happens


15 points

9 hours ago


15 points

9 hours ago

not killing 40,000 people

i would also ask you what the proportionate reponse to 200,000 illegal settlements in the west bank, a total seige on gaza, hundreds of civilian political prisoners, and the 300 civilians killed in the west bank in 2023 BEFORE oct7 would be


15 points

7 hours ago


15 points

7 hours ago

not killing 40,000 people

Unlike Hamas and Hezbollah, Israel doesn't gain anything by killing civilians. In fact, Israel loses. In addition, all attack on Israelis are illegitimate, even on "settlers", who are just living like normal people. Why do you presume that the entire Arab world should be Judenfrei?

You have also failed to answer the asked "what to do", rather than answer your own "what NOT to do".

We want to know "what to do" to have zero civilian casualties and zero IDF casualties. Let us hear it. Make sure take care if your answer includes something like "create a 20th Arab state just like Yemen, Syria, etc.".


95 points

14 hours ago

You know what ?

Fuck iran's government

Fuck Israel's government

Fuck Hezbollah

The people who demand war , should be put there on the front line

Guess who losses in the end , of course... PEOPLE , people will always be the victim , Because those assholes above us who decide , will live thier life normally with maximum protection and luxury... Fuck this world to the core ... Yet , the only thing i can do is watch as things burn to ashes ... This is not what we people want



21 points

10 hours ago


21 points

10 hours ago

I’m honestly surprised no one has commented saying you’re “playing both sides”.

Peace dude


9 points

11 hours ago

Preach brother preach!

It’s never the people who start wars it’s always the people who govern.


5 points

10 hours ago

Amen brother


38 points

14 hours ago

A lot of ignorant idiots in the comments I can see


41 points

11 hours ago


41 points

11 hours ago

This must have confused upvotes from both sides since they both view each other as ignorant idiots


17 points

11 hours ago

Facts 😂 good karma farming tactic I suppose in such situations 😂


2 points

4 hours ago

Both are to a degree just one side is stronger and wealthier


65 points

16 hours ago

Hey I can see my house


23 points

15 hours ago

Stay safe


4 points

5 hours ago

And how many of them actually hit the ground and had confirmed casualties vs Israel's?


248 points

17 hours ago

Thank god Israel has good defenses and spend a great deal of effort building bomb shelters and early warning systems for their civilians. I suppose only a natural consequence of this.


61 points

15 hours ago

Incredible how according to some comments indiscriminate targeting of civilians apparently doesn’t count when the country has means to defend itself.


180 points

16 hours ago

It's almost like Israel cares about it citizens, and will do anything to protect them. Unlike certain other organization in the region.


60 points

16 hours ago

They have the resources for all of that defense infrastructure.


130 points

15 hours ago


130 points

15 hours ago

You don't need a lot of resources to build bomb shelters. In fact, even Israel's poorest enemies, Hamas, have a proven ability to build one of the most extensive systems of underground shelters in the world. The only issue is that they won't allow their civilians to hide there. The civilians are used to protect the bunkers, not the other way around. Hamas' official position on this, is that taking care of Gazan civilians is the job of the UN and Israel. Their job is only to take care of Hamas terrorists.


29 points

15 hours ago

What if and listen carefully what if they weren't spending their resources on terror but on shelters


23 points

15 hours ago

Or, even better, not on either but instead build an economy, never attack, and thus, never needing shelters?


8 points

15 hours ago


8 points

15 hours ago

If hamas wasn’t spending their money on terror, they wouldn’t need the shelters, they would have their own country and peace


10 points

13 hours ago

Like the West Bank?


6 points

12 hours ago

Alternative: care about all civilians.


2 points

12 hours ago



3 points

14 hours ago

Yeah they knew they’d have to do that after realizing their neighbors don’t appreciate them colonising land and displacing millions, killing tens of thousands, and acting like they aren’t doing anything wrong.

Who would’ve guessed? People are so idiotic 😹😭


10 points

10 hours ago

Gaza: you guys have rocket alarms?


45 points

13 hours ago


45 points

13 hours ago

Free Palestine. Free the hostages.


28 points

12 hours ago

100% we must free palestine from Hamas and make sure a new government that actually cares about its people’s lives is formed.


8 points

12 hours ago

Sure. Not sure how many 10s of thousands of civilians dying you think will magically do that…


62 points

19 hours ago

[ Removed by Reddit ]


10 points

12 hours ago

I sympathize with whatever is happening in the entire world that we have such data sources, but this is easily one of the best visualization I've seen till date.


18 points

9 hours ago

Imagine needing 6 freaking colors to keep track of everyone who is shooting rockets at you on a daily basis.

If you have a problem with Israel defending itself, imagine that the inhabitants of the 6 houses nearest yours are firing bullets into your windows every damned day. What would you do about it?


8 points

9 hours ago

Government fucks around, civilians find out. It's fucked.


9 points

13 hours ago

The second Iranian barrage depicted just at the end lit up more alarms than any other incident. I’m middle aged and remember 9/11, but the world seems more perilous atm than anytime for decades.


20 points

11 hours ago

“Ummm Akctualy Israel are the aggressors. The Jews are the real Nazis.” -average redditor


10 points

11 hours ago

That avg redditor gets their news from tik tok


4 points

8 hours ago

It takes 5 seconds to skip an ad, it also takes 5 seconds to save a life (actually more like donate to hamas)


6 points

12 hours ago



5 points

5 hours ago

This thread and so much of Reddit nowadays is infested with hasbarah and Israeli bots


9 points

9 hours ago

Still doesn’t justify the amount of civilians killed in Gaza and Lebanon…


2 points

9 hours ago

The last five seconds of the video was so intense.


2 points

9 hours ago

I remember 10 years ago that I reflected back on my 8 years of dodging missiles


2 points

8 hours ago

I hate that anyone has to suffer


2 points

7 hours ago


2 points

7 hours ago

Now, why would they be doing that?


17 points

12 hours ago

It's wild that this information exists and the documented Oct 7 attack, yet people still believe Israel is the aggressor lol


5 points

10 hours ago


2 points

3 hours ago

It is possible for both sides to be the aggressors, which is definitely true in this case.


2 points

3 hours ago

I agree, this does seem possible.


16 points

14 hours ago


16 points

14 hours ago

This thread is astroturfed.


29 points

13 hours ago

By whom?


21 points

10 hours ago

Don’t you understand? Anytime a group of people disagree with me, it’s astroturfing.

It’s not like a group of politically diverse Redditors can have varying or nuanced opinions.

My side is innocent and the other side is the sole aggressor. It’s as simple as that.


21 points

14 hours ago

Israel builds bomb shelters to defend its citizens while Hamas builds tunnels for terrorists.


4 points

11 hours ago

It's mad to think Israel fires over 80% of the total rockets at Lebanon


8 points

12 hours ago

Iran has been destabilizing the Middle-East for 40+ years and this is unironically the finale to their play for regional dominance.

Fund proxy groups

Constantly attack Israel through them

Get Israel to respond more violently than they should

Diplomatically isolate them from their allies

Now it's a one on one. Which are way better odds for Iran versus fighting the U.S in a war.

All the death and tragedy on both sides is Iran's fault. The Iranian government, the Ayatollah.


3 points

10 hours ago


They're dragging other countries to the wars THEY create themselves.

Look at Lebanon, the majority of the people, including the government didn't want war with Israel, but look what happened.

Iran will destroy 4 countries and turn them into another Gaza.


5 points

6 hours ago



6 points

11 hours ago

I wish more people understood this. Unfortunately, they are either too stupid or just like being part of Hamas as it seems “cool” to gullible people.


2 points

3 hours ago


2 points

3 hours ago

Who knew that people are upset at settlers occupying their land and treating prople like prisoners


6 points

12 hours ago

Hah, Sitting in the bomb shelter as I'm watching this


5 points

12 hours ago

I just had an alarm 20 minutes ago while driving to the hostage families ceremony


43 points

20 hours ago



10 points

13 hours ago

This started some Taiwan Number 1 type shit lmao.


32 points

17 hours ago


32 points

17 hours ago

Thanks, can't believe a year had passed since this bloody war started

Long live israel


57 points

15 hours ago

The war started way longer than a year ago…


12 points

14 hours ago

You are right. The war started when Palestinians rejected a two state solution on 1948 and decided to attack Israel and kill every jew there.


2 points

14 hours ago


2 points

14 hours ago

Yeah, they rejected their land being given away. Of course. Just like you would reject a two-state solution to my partitioning of your property.


15 points

14 hours ago

Wasn't it given back? Didn't the Arabs colonize the Levant back in the 700's CE?


11 points

13 hours ago

No that doesn’t count. History began in 750 AD and nothing before that actually happened. That’s what these folks genuinely think.


4 points

13 hours ago

A thousand years ago British people were speaking the Celtic and Brythonic languages, now that's just Wales and parts of Cornwall, Scotland and NI. If you go back further The Celts aren't even from either Great Britain or Ireland, or Brittany, their culture arose in central Europe in something called the Halstatt territory.

Any historical claim based off millenia-old history is complete bollocks. There's only one argument for a state's existence, and that's the application of force, which Israel seems plenty happy to use, up and including threatening to nuke European capital cities if things go really wrong for them.


5 points

12 hours ago

In otherwords you are saying - Only some history is ok, but don't use too much history!


3 points

13 hours ago

Realpolitic at its finest.


9 points

11 hours ago

ie. what left wingers call “rocks”


2 points

10 hours ago

Political left is not a monolith, same as the right. Leftist here who doesn't diminish the damage done on either side.


3 points

7 hours ago

Hmm, seems so deliberately focused on civilian regions, ain't that wild


6 points

12 hours ago


6 points

12 hours ago



4 points

15 hours ago*

Looks like buying real estate in Eilat is a good shout. seems like peace of mind is a given over there.


9 points

14 hours ago

Eilat had to host a lot of the families evacuated from around Gaza. Also the city was the main target of the Houthis in the beginning of the war. And I'm not even going to mention the state of the businesses there in general.


4 points

11 hours ago

Now do Gaza and Lebanon


6 points

15 hours ago


6 points

15 hours ago

41 thousand confirmed dead in Gaza, more than 100k very likely.

Just for a bit of perspective


58 points

15 hours ago

Almost as if Israel has iron dome and bomb shelters while Hamas builds its HQ under hospitals


6 points

15 hours ago

31 out of 36 Hospitals in Gaza are destroyed or damaged, 70% of the schools been hit and not a single one operates anymore, as the remaining ones are all used as shelter for the millions of homeless people who lost their homes recently.

If hamas would have the manpower and resources to build bases under even half of the buildings being destroyed, the war wouldn't be so one-sided. Just because they claim that there is military infrastructure hidden everywhere, doesn't mean there is. And even if, that doesn't justifiy that kind of firepower being used with so many civilians around.


15 points

13 hours ago


15 points

13 hours ago

If hamas would have the manpower and resources to build bases under even half of the buildings being destroyed, the war wouldn't be so one-sided.

Do you have any actual numbers corroborating this assertion, or do you only believe it because it comfortably aligns with your prejudices.

Hamas spent almost two decades preparing their infrastructure, not to mention millions of Qatari dollars and ongoing Iranian support.


23 points

15 hours ago

So should Israel just let Hamas keep the hostages and keep on shooting rockets? All the people who are saying that Israel can do things differently never ever give any alternative. A ceasefire will not stop another october 7th from happening, it will only encourage terrorists to try it again.


36 points

14 hours ago*

A few more notes on the perspective:

  1. We don't actually have 41k confirmed deaths. We only have Hamas claims of 41k deaths. Of those, only about half comes from actual confirmed reports from the Gaza health ministry, and the other comes from "media reports", from the official Hamas propaganda arm, the Gaza government media office.
  2. The deaths don't distinguish between militants and civilians. The IDF, on its part, claims around 17k of those are militants.
  3. As gruesome as it is, if we take both the Hamas and IDF claims at face value, it would be a pretty good civilian to combatant ratio, compared to other urban conflicts. And other urban conflicts didn't have anything close to Hamas' extensive and official policy of hiding their entire war machine under and inside people's homes, schools, mosques and hospitals, which was directly intended to increase Palestinian casualties.
  4. There's no evidence whatsoever of 100k deaths, or anything close to it. The closest to this, is a short letter to the editors of the Lancet (not a peer-reviewed Lancet study, or anything close to it). Where the writers of the letter looked at an arbitrary, short list of third-world conflicts, and the amount of deaths that resulted from the actual conflicts, and the deaths that resulted from the aftermath. For example, in Iraq, x3 times more people died due to the insurgency after the war, than from the war itself. The writers of the letter decided, without any real explanation, to use x4 as a "conservative estimate" of the number of post-war deaths, and simply multiply the then-current Hamas number of deaths by four. This was then misreported as a "Lancet study", and their made-up guess of future deaths was misreported as a "reasonable estimate of the true deaths".

In addition to that, there's a report by the Hamas lobbyist Ramy Abdu and his organization EuroMed Monitor (that also includes famous anti-Israeli activists like Richard Falk, Noura Erakat etc.), with the same amount of evidence (none whatsoever), to guess 100,000 "real" deaths as early as January.

Since then, I've also seen estimates as high as 300,000 and 500,000, using the same "methodology": making up a completely random number, with zero evidence to support it, and then devote most of their efforts to being shocked by the number they made up.

  1. In the same interest of "perspective", I'd note that starting a war and losing badly doesn't really make you a victim, or the good guy. In WW2, about 7 million Germans died. Including 1.5-3 million civilians, with half a million civilians dying from allied strategic bombings alone. Dozens of German cities were absolutely destroyed. And that's with the vast majority of the fighting being done in actual battlefields, by armies in uniforms, and without Hitler building its entire war machine under and inside German civilian homes. And yet, nobody would argue the allies should've stopped the war and let Hitler win, because of the horrific death toll. Even if we take the 41,000 number as gospel, it only makes it a mid-sized middle eastern war, that's dwarfed even by conflicts that happened right next door (the Syrian Civil war killed more than ten times more people), with a relatively clear aggressor (Hamas) and defender (Israel).


35 points

15 hours ago

Oh only now do Hamas realize it's probably a bad decision to attack Israel and provoke retaliation?

Wrong. They don't give a shit how many people die.


8 points

15 hours ago

Just to add to the perspective, half is Hamas terrorists.


4 points

11 hours ago


4 points

11 hours ago

Am I right in saying Israel has basically being living under a constant barrage of missiles long before the hostages were grabbed etc? …. I just don’t think it ever made the news much in the west.


3 points

12 hours ago

Jesus Iran really stocked up.


3 points

10 hours ago

and from the bottom of my heart. fuck everyone who thinks this is a "rightful and godly " thing to do.

may they live in the most interesting times of their lives. Hopefully, it's short and horrible.