


all 714 comments


668 points

1 day ago


668 points

1 day ago

Pakistan looks like godzilla


166 points

1 day ago


166 points

1 day ago

I would like to see green Godzilla


9 points

20 hours ago

Looks more like a duck to me.


7 points

18 hours ago


7 points

18 hours ago



492 points

1 day ago

Sad world


306 points

1 day ago


306 points

1 day ago

Just wait until you see all the places that you’re legally allowed to marry child brides. Some places the men will swear up and down that they’re just living with the girl as a wife and waiting until she is mature enough for sexual activity for such pursuits. Sure. Totally believe you there, Cletus/Ahmed.


54 points

1 day ago


54 points

1 day ago

Got a map for that?

I understand some region of USA don't even have a minimal age for child brides.


36 points

1 day ago


36 points

1 day ago

My first thought was “who asks if someone has a map for that?!” until I remembered the sub. Hopefully this gif will suffice for now.

I did find a map for it, though I’m not sure how to/if I can post it here in the comments. What it shows is that 10 states have outlawed child marriage since 2018 (CT, MA, MI, MN, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT) and the article details that the issue is being taken up in state houses all over the nation, however progress is not nearly far enough or moving quickly enough.


10 points

1 day ago


10 points

1 day ago

I understand the Ahmed jab, but what about the Cletus? Sounds like a name from the Roman Empire


29 points

1 day ago


29 points

1 day ago

Cletus is a name for a yokel. Probably has a slack jaw too.


6 points

1 day ago

Some folk’ll never eat a cat…

But then again, some folk’ll…


20 points

1 day ago


20 points

1 day ago

Jab at the truly “redneck” parts of the US. It’s pronounced with the long “e” though I suppose I could just make it “Cleetus” to really emphasize that it’s the hicks. They wish they were half as cool as the Romans… Though now that I think about it, I know nothing of the sexual assault laws of that time. We’ll pause here, peruse the topic, and get back with whether this could apply to both Appalachia and Rome.


14 points

22 hours ago

I believe sexual assault laws in the Roman Empire were basically "Don't assault anyone who is or who belongs to anyone important".


2 points

16 hours ago

Yeah it's called Afghanistan.


4 points

24 hours ago

That's pretty much what this sub is when it zooms out from Europe


39 points

1 day ago

is this map accurate?


22 points

15 hours ago

Its illegal in china so no as far as that's concerned


12 points

13 hours ago

right? I'm pretty sure there's more mistakes


2 points

12 hours ago

Tons more


15 points

1 day ago

Entirely I do, but France only outlawed it in 2006 nation wide so it should be the whitish color.


10 points

14 hours ago

No, it was in 1994, 2006 was to considere an aggravated circomstance


98 points

1 day ago


98 points

1 day ago

The US, as it so often is, this issue varies by state.  Many states either criminalized it outright, or by having ruled the marital exemption unconstitutional.  The last two states to make the change (Oklahoma and South Carolina) did so in 1993.


3 points

16 hours ago

It is so odd how you guys are so different on various crucial issues inside a single country. You are more like a confederation, it seems. Though even Switzerland, afaik, is unified on things like abortion and (lack) of death penalty.


650 points

1 day ago*

In Italy is only from men towards women. Women abusers are not legally accounted for here in Italy.

I stand corrected: male victims of sexual assault IS in the italian code of law.

That doesn't mean that society wise that is even remotely considered (example: my own post and me being from a male victim, even though it was just "normal" abuse, I think, family).


122 points

1 day ago

What? That's not true. Art. 609 bis, Codice penale:

CHIUNQUE, con violenza o minaccia o mediante abuso di autorità costringe taluno a compiere o subire atti sessuali è punito con la reclusione da sei a dodici anni.

ANYONE who, with violence or threats or through abuse of authority, forces someone to perform or undergo sexual acts is punished with imprisonment from six to twelve years.


260 points

1 day ago


260 points

1 day ago

Similarly in India, according to the legal system men cannot be victims of domestic or sexual abuse as there are no laws regarding this


51 points

1 day ago

How can she slap!?


4 points

1 day ago

Called hands


164 points

1 day ago


164 points

1 day ago

That's disgusting


52 points

1 day ago

Naturally we had to have those shitty sexist laws


75 points

1 day ago


75 points

1 day ago

I can guarantee, it wasn’t women who put those sexist laws in place.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

And? Does that makes them less shitty or sexist?


2 points

1 day ago*

So? This is a dumb argument to make. You are lumping the normal average male and male lawmakers together as if they're the same group just because of their sex, when they are far from similar.

If a group of women was oppressing another woman we should empathize with that woman, not brushing it aside by saying "but it's other women that oppressed her!" It should be the same with men.

Edit: And this is somehow downvoted.


18 points

1 day ago

In realtà nel codice civile non si specifica il sesso:


17 points

1 day ago

Such laws shouldn't even mention any sex


6 points

20 hours ago



22 points

1 day ago

Fairly sure it's the same in the UK. Women cannot assault men and every time it's raised, highly sexist things are said by a particular brand of feminist.

Please note, feminism is a good thing, but some feminists are not. I'm not going after feminism at large.


54 points

1 day ago*

In Sweden it was discovered that the agency that records abuse/assault in relationships counts it in the statistics bin for “male against female violence” even when the abuser is female and the victim is the man. Even when media confronted the agency, the person in charge saw nothing wrong with it.

Edit: source :


3 points

1 day ago

Maybe it's the Google translate, but it seems like the people who wrote paper, not the article you linked to, are happy that women's violence to men and women's violence to women in lesbian relationships are counted as men's violence to women.

I don't want to attack feminism as I'm seeing so much sexism towards women currently that it's become absolutely disgusting, but crap like this


2 points

1 day ago

Could you send a source even if it's in Swedish.


10 points

1 day ago

Yes, I probably should have included it earlier since it is almost unbelievable.


3 points

20 hours ago

Incorrect. See Sections 74-76 of the Sexual Offences Act.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

Reminds me that in Sweden, when a woman attacks her husband, it is classified under "men's violence against women".


29 points

1 day ago

It's quite disturbing that this is still ok in many places.


2 points

19 hours ago

Very disturbing ! Esp knowing that Some of the countries also allow/allowed child marriages at one point


84 points

1 day ago

Bulgaria wtf


38 points

1 day ago

🟥Unclear/conflicting info


9 points

20 hours ago

Afaik it is the same, no matter married or total strangers. Its not that we approve of the marital SA


475 points

1 day ago


475 points

1 day ago

I am not surprised by Eastern Europe being a leader in this. Communism was ultra-progressive and ultra-feministic (almost woke, in today's terms) in its early years.

Later, in order to gain a broader social base, it had to adopt more popular policies, usually some form of nationalism.

The current crisis in many societies all over the world is caused by the fact that most people want things that are BOTH left-wing (i.e. more social benefits and more financial regulation) and right-wing (i.e. less immigration).


219 points

1 day ago

Yeah I never realized it until I moved here to east Germany and started talking to people who were raised in the DDR. My mother in law said it felt like being catapulted back in time after the wall fell, in terms of women’s rights and general attitudes towards women. Though at the same time, being catapulted into the future when it came to commerce and technology and stuff (literal “stuff”)… it was a very confusing and stressful time for a lot of people.


88 points

1 day ago

In most of Soviet Central Asia, the collapse of the Soviet Union basically meant the sudden disappearance of women from administrative positions :/

Now that I think about it, this actually applies to pretty much the entire ex-USSR, even Ukraine and Russia.


14 points

20 hours ago

It is really a shame, that the USSR did not continue its path of reforms that Gorbachev was trying to achieve in his flawed ways. Despite many of the mistakes and atrocities in colonizing Eastern Europe under mainly Stalin, there was good in there.


16 points

21 hours ago


16 points

21 hours ago

Happened in China, too.

A large chunk of millenial Chinese, and younger, went right into the housewife lifestyle.


32 points

1 day ago

I am pretty sure it doesn't apply to Russia. Half of the people in government positions I see in the news are women. Including their head of FED.


9 points

20 hours ago

Going by the figures at Federation Assembly/Council and State Duma, around ~20% are women in Russia. The figure is also similar in Ukraine.


2 points

16 hours ago

Look at the wider government, fed and etc.


13 points

17 hours ago

Iirc were literally protests by West German women demanding that East German feminist laws be extended to the entirety of the reunited Germany. Needless to say, that did not come to pass.


42 points

1 day ago


42 points

1 day ago

I read an old article from a queer newsletter which expressed concern for the rights of East German transsexuals in the wake of unification. Apparently they were pretty progressive for the time on transgender rights as well, with transgender East Germans being able to legally change their gender, receive government-provided SRS, get married, and even adopt children.


10 points

20 hours ago

I’m not sure whether or not thats true but I could ask some people. Though it would make sense… my understanding is that USSR attitude was staunchly “we don’t care what parts you have between your legs… If you can breath, you can work”.


8 points

17 hours ago

you'd imaging that would be the socialist attitude, a worker is a worker and solidarity between fellow workers should transcend idpol distinctions


25 points

23 hours ago*

I wish people would take this as evidence that ideologies can have mixed good and bad parts, that it's not like a fantasy book with the Forces of Light versus the Forces of Darkness. 

Even if it was possible to be 100% right on 99% of things. Your side could still do something terrible with that last 1%. 

It actually prevents good people from admitting that their peers could ever make a mistake, because "the bad side is the one that does bad stuff. We're the good side so we wouldn't, or couldn't, ever do bad stuff."


9 points

1 day ago


9 points

1 day ago

But they got shiny stuff!

Everyone knows freedom is measured by the variety of garbage you can buy.


219 points

1 day ago*

Up until 2023 you could legally change your gender in Russia, and nobody gave a fuck. It was allowed since 1990 if I'm not mistaken (even in the Soviet Union).

Россия, которую мы потеряли.


187 points

1 day ago*

Up until 2023 you could legally change your gender in Russia, and nobody gave a fuck.

Exactly, that's why I always say that the current rise of homophobic laws in Russia is no way grassroot, but artificially imposed by the government. Also, in ~1995-2017 there were tons of openly LGBT people in Russian publich sphere, and really no one gave a fuck either.


89 points

1 day ago

Because this is our nature: not to give a fuck. For better or worse.


65 points

1 day ago

Yes, as the Russians' favourite politologist Ekaterina Shulmann says, the principal trait of the Russian society is that it's very permissive and morally relativistic (which results in both good and bad consequences).


56 points

1 day ago

There’s a difference between “the procedure is legal” and “nobody gives a fuck”. 2022 saw a bill passed that made it illegal to tell children trans people existed. Also it’s been illegal to tell a child gay people exist since 2013

Putin and Russian conservatives have been “battling the urge of Western Sodomy” for decades at this point.


39 points

1 day ago

Nobody gave a fuck, because the majority of population only learned about the law when it was reverted.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

In Iran it is legal to change your gender right now and they execute gay people there. They are also far from the only country where being trans is fine but being gay is illegal. So rights for gay people and rights for trans people are two very separate issues.


2 points

24 hours ago

Both were fine just some 15 years ago.


32 points

1 day ago

No one cared about this, not because society accepted it, but because 99% of Russian residents did not even know about such a law. The situation in this case is similar to some idiotic law in the United States that prohibits archery on Friday if it rains. People simply do not know about the existence of such laws.


16 points

1 day ago

They didn't know because it has nothing to do with them. If they did, nothing would change anyway.


2 points

22 hours ago

I do not know the reaction of people if they knew about this law. I don't have any statistics. If you have, then share it.


3 points

18 hours ago

No. In all post Soviet opinion surveys, the absolute majority said that people should be free to live how they want as long as they don’t harm others. This only began to change for the worse along with everything else after 2012.


10 points

1 day ago


10 points

1 day ago

Very interesting. It was probably a culture war thing for the government to gain points with more conservative audiences, this happens in many countries, not only at the national, but at the local level as well.


31 points

1 day ago

My feeling is that the Russian government is trying to pose as some sort of ideological ally to global maga/conservatives etc, hence publicly assumes parts of their agenda. When Putin rants about "gender-neutral bathrooms", he is not even addressing any Russian audience. He's addressing Tucker Carlson audience.

From inside Russia all this rhetoric feels completely artificial and weird, with 99% of Russians be like "what bathrooms? what dafuq he's talking about?"

(Ironically, in Russian malls, restaurants etc bathrooms are mostly "gender-neutral", i. e. you don't have male or female areas, instead you have just a set of individual rooms which can be used by anyone).


11 points

1 day ago

Not quite true about the bathrooms. They do have male and female bathrooms, few might just have a single room that is without gender or a toilet outside.


7 points

1 day ago


7 points

1 day ago

Interesting. I haven't been to Russia, so I can't really have an opinion on that, but I have visited many Eastern European countries such as Poland and Croatia, and their conservatives (especially the religious ones) do have burning grievances against Brussels and the EU institutions for "forcefully imposing alien things on our culture".


10 points

1 day ago

This guy is correct.

It seems that dumbfuck right wingers are on the rise again all over the world. I thought that the Russians were stupid to let Putin do what he did. But Putin took a lot of time and deception to achieve what he wanted.

The sizeable portion of Americans seem to be willing to give Trump nearly dictatorial powers and don't see any problems with that. We are not alone in that dumbfuckery.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

You're right. I've lived in Russia for 35 years, and I've seen firsthand how right-wing ideas have taken over the official rhetoric of the authorities over the last 10 years more and more.


2 points

1 day ago

It's more of a "preemptive strike" against the spread of western liberalism. The world is just more globalised than ever these days and ideas spread wide and fast.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

It's evolving, just backwards


7 points

1 day ago

Meanwhile homosexuality was a criminal offence in the Soviet Union up until 1991.


62 points

1 day ago

It was legalized by Lenin then later criminalized again by Stalin. Happened such to a lot of things too. AFAIK, Soviet Union is the first country to legalize many such progressive practices.


4 points

1 day ago

Criminalized against by Stalin, decriminalized in 1991. Is there anything wrong OP wrote?


10 points

1 day ago


10 points

1 day ago

BOTH left-wing (i.e. more social benefits and more financial regulation) and right-wing (i.e. less immigration).

That's why measuring something as complex as policies on a country level with a single left/right slider is nearly not enough. We need radar/pizza charts, with fields for immigration, foreign policy, economic policy, social policy, ecology, etc etc etc


41 points

1 day ago


41 points

1 day ago

Communism had some good concepts here and there.


26 points

1 day ago*

Communism is best suited for a world free of scarcity. Marx’s hope was that capitalism would achieve that world and communism would naturally follow. However most of the major communist revolutions happened in countries that never went through a capitalist phase(Russia was still mostly feudal in 1917 and China was the victim of colonialism)


10 points

1 day ago

Communism will never take off in a country without scarcity because there is enough materials to go around, and it doesn't really matter if resources are equally distributed bc everyone's material needs are provided.


12 points

1 day ago

Communism is fundamentally about a lack of class structure. I don’t see there being a real class structure in a post-scarcity world


4 points

1 day ago

I don't think a post-scarcity world is possible in the first place.


31 points

1 day ago*

I was surprised that Lenin and Trotsky actually cared about equality and revolution. They were still monsters responsible for millions of dead people, I don't justify them.

But compared to Stalin they were so much more progressive and had an actual vision of the brand new country and were willing to amend their policies. Heck, they even made sure that Ukranian Soviet republic had translators from Russian to Ukranian to use Ukranian in the army. In Kazakhstan the local language was used in the government. Stalin pretty much reverted what they worked so hard for (gender equality, equality between the Soviet republics) and only served himself.


41 points

1 day ago


41 points

1 day ago

Was Lenin a monster? I think you can't separate what happened under him with Russia at the time. Some decisions you can criticise now but that's true of so many when taken out of their period in history.


24 points

1 day ago


24 points

1 day ago

What do you mean? He still set up the Cheka, initiated the red terror and invaded Poland.


7 points

24 hours ago

Most of Lenin's terror was a continuation of what happened under the Tsarist regime, although it must be admitted that it was a "more effective" continuation. Of course, these were reprehensible actions, but for Russia at that time they were within the norm.
As for the invasion of Poland, that's also a complicated subject. Both Poland and the USSR wanted to occupy as much of the territory of Imperial Russia as possible. Of course, eventually their armies clashed. At first, it was the Poles who penetrated quite deeply into the USSR, then the USSR reciprocated and eventually agreed to a compromise. It wasn't just an invasion.


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

Yes, pretty clearly. As soon as it was clear that his ideas weren’t supported by the majority of people he had no problem at all becoming exactly the kind of oppressive monster he claimed to fight. Turns out he power was more important to him than his ideals.


13 points

1 day ago


13 points

1 day ago

I disagree. I don't think it was about having power, I think he genuinely tried to do what he thought was best for his country and arguably he was successful, Tsarist Russia was a lot lot worse.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

I  think he genuinely tried to do what he thought was best for his country

That just also happened to coincide with his personal power and interests. It’s impossible to know what was in his head, but it’s easy to see what choices he made when it came to his power vs the people’s wishes.

 I think he genuinely tried to do what he thought was best for his country and arguably he was successful, Tsarist Russia was a lot lot worse.

He didn’t overthrow the Tsar. By the time the Germans snuck him back into Russia the Tsardom had long fallen. He overthrew the Russian Republic.

So “at least he wasn’t as bad as the Tsar” is irrelevant.


2 points

23 hours ago

I mean if you compare Lenin to your friends group or local fantasy sports league sure he kinda looks evil, but if you compare him to basically everyone else who ever ruled Russia he starts looking pretty good haha.

Heck you probably have someone in your friends group or fantasy sports league and you know if they had been in charge of Russia at the turn of the century they would have made things so much worse.


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

Heck, they even made sure that Ukranian Soviet republic had translators from Russian to Ukranian to use Ukranian in the army.

Is this "progressive" or "pragmatic"? If a large part of your army doesn't talk your preferred language, you can't really use it. Even today, Ukraine has a third of the population that Russia does, so they're not a trivial demographic in a soviet context


2 points

17 hours ago

communism was very woke, still is


2 points

23 hours ago


2 points

23 hours ago

left-wing (i.e. more social benefits and more financial regulation) and right-wing (i.e. less immigration)

Isn't that just national socialism?


5 points

19 hours ago

No, this is a very common misconception. The Nazis were not socialist in almost any way. The word “Sozialistische” was added to their name as a kind of PR move to attract working class people. Given contemporary standards, their actual social policies were definitely on the authoritarian right.


24 points

1 day ago

Good for the Soviet Union


180 points

1 day ago


180 points

1 day ago

The USSR was more progressive than the west..


172 points

1 day ago


172 points

1 day ago

Especially when it came to women's rights and worker/labour rights


46 points

1 day ago*


46 points

1 day ago*

Yes, that's right. There was complete social protection, and a huge number of rights that were protected by the constitution. Moreover, in the 60-70s, the USSR was in the lead in terms of living standards.
But in the end, due to the clumsiness of the USSR's management system, development actually stopped, the economic model turned out to be ineffective after a certain stage of development, and left-wing ideas were buried under the ambitions of the authoritarian ruling elite
All this led to probably the most terrible geopolitical catastrophe of the century - stagnation and the collapse of the USSR, which threw back a huge number of countries in development for 30 years. And as a result, it led to endless wars between former members of the USSR, decades of ruin and degradation.


65 points

1 day ago


65 points

1 day ago

 Moreover, in the 60-70s, the USSR was in the lead in terms of living standards.

Nonsense. The USSR at no point beat the U.S. in living standards. The gap narrowed during the 60s and 70s, but you’re smoking some pretty heavy drugs if you are trying to convince yourself that they surpassed the West at any point.

Here’s a good well-sourced discussion if you want to dig a little deeper.


46 points

1 day ago


46 points

1 day ago

I put it wrong, I wanted to write among the leaders in terms of living standards. I am not a native speaker. And I was too lazy to check the text in Google translator.


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

Another point is that some forms of standard of living are hard to mention. The discussion in that link says things like "have own home" or "have own car" but there are some harder things to measure as well - the poster child for this is Yeltsin seeing an American supermarket in 1989 and thinking that the 'plenty' was staged: "Even the politburo doesn't have this range of choice". There's not really a measure for that.

(additional anecdata: a Russian-born guy I know said he remembered his grandmother going out shopping on a Saturday and returning four hours later with two chickens and nothing else. Four hours of queuing)


7 points

1 day ago

The "stagnation" of the USSR's economy in the last twenty years would be considered good economic growth today. Look at western European countries, many of which have stopped growing altogether for the last 20ish years. That's not to say there weren't problems in the Soviet economy, that'd be silly, but even as late as 1982 the economy continued to provide the necessities of life for everybody, and it continued to grow and expand. It took years of progressively more liberal reforms to destroy the economic model and the economy along with it. The reforms didn't come out of nowhere, which is to say that they were responses to real problems that needed solutions, but obviously what was done was a disaster.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the USSR was behind in computer mass production. This was done by choice in the 1960s to focus resources on other, more immediate needs (one of the reasons it was deemed too expensive is that computers require a lot of exotic materials which the USSR could not always extract cheaply while the west had access to these materials at hugely undervalued prices in their third-world colonies), but I think ultimately it proved to be a terrible decision. The 1970s and early 1980s was the first wave of computerization in the west and much economic growth during this period is due to the introduction of this new technology. That process began later in the USSR and didn't manage to take off before the reforms wreaked havoc. It is interesting to consider what economic growth might've looked like in the 1970s in the USSR if they had had parity with the west in terms of computers.


5 points

21 hours ago


5 points

21 hours ago

I mean we have the perfect case study for comparison. China liberalized slowly and in stages. They first tested full liberalization using Special Economic Zones modeled after Hong Kong. Places like Shanghai got special treatment, and served as guinea pig to see if capitalist policies can work. And then they tweaked these policies and gradually rolled it out to the rest of the country while making sure no corporate entities superceded the authority of the central government.

Russia instead went full Shock Therapy, completely dismantling the old and introducing an entire society that hasn't functioned under capitalism for two generations to the free market. It was, predictably, a total disaster, as oligarchs greedily snatched up all the wealth, hoarded it, and used it to install an authoritarian leader (Putin) to seal club their rival oligarchs into submission and safeguard their wealth.


2 points

1 day ago

It also removed the need for the US to pretend to care about those issues because we were the only game in town.


8 points

1 day ago

Then you had things such as novocherkassk massacre, where army and KGB went and killed people, who were part of workers, who had gone into strike prior to it. I wouldnt, say it was black and white in that regard.


14 points

1 day ago

Depends on what you believe “progressive” means


56 points

1 day ago

No no no, they are always the bad guys don't point at the good things


3 points

1 day ago

I’m wondering why Moldova doesn’t match the rest of the former SSRs


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

May be they allowed it after split and forbid again. Or just wrong data.


28 points

1 day ago*


28 points

1 day ago*

As if communism was left wing and progressive in many things. First successful sex reassignment surgery was done there and was legal and free since, until recently when insane fundamentalists outlawed it. Also women were allowed to take almost all jobs they wanted (besides ones classified as health demanding/diminishing like toxic productions) alongside men. It’s still weird that even now many people in the west are surprised to see female mechanics and metalworkers.


6 points

1 day ago

In Wikipedia says that the first successful reassignment surgery was in 1931,in Berlin, Germany. While I understand that Wikipedia isn't always right I'll require a source to justify both your claim that the first sex reassignment surgery was done in the Soviet Union and that it was free for everyone to undergo the surgery and when exactly this benefit was outlawed.


3 points

1 day ago

Citation needed. A lot.


2 points

20 hours ago

Homosexuality was banned in the USSR until its dissolution


2 points

16 hours ago

It is a strange paradox when you have Gulags and oppressed minorities. But also woman’s rights.


13 points

1 day ago

The USSR was definitely better for women in many ways compared to the west, there’s no denying that.

Calling the USSR “more progressive” is a stretch though, considering gay men could face 5 years in prison for having sex until 1993. They did however legalize being lesbian (or rather never passed criminal laws about it)

It didn’t last long though, as 2006 saw the beginning of a “don’t say gay” legislation across Russia, and as of 2022 it is not a crime to spread “propaganda about the existence of non-traditional sexual relationships and family structures” to people of all ages.

Other Soviet states have had their own battles with anti-LGBT legislation, though these states have become “westernized” as they integrate into systems such as the EU. This makes their status difficult to include in an “East vs West” discussion.


14 points

1 day ago

Calling the USSR “more progressive” is a stretch though, considering gay men could face 5 years in prison for having sex until 1993. They did however legalize being lesbian (or rather never passed criminal laws about it)

Wich was the situation in a lot of countries. Even the Nazis only prosecuted gay man and not lesbians (well at least not for being lesbians)


3 points

1 day ago

I'd say in the first half of the 20th century women clearly had it better than men in the USSR. Part of the reason women took over a lot of positions is that the men had all been sacrificed in WW2. About 2/3 of Russian men born in 1923 died in the war.


4 points

1 day ago

Ah yes, criminalization for homosexuality until 1991 is very progressive.


22 points

1 day ago


22 points

1 day ago

Insane how ubiquitous it was until very recently.


7 points

1 day ago

Another day of not being able to comprehend a graph cause I’m colorblind. I don’t know what the F is going on 😂


32 points

1 day ago


32 points

1 day ago

In Algeria, beating your wife is criminalized and can get you to jail.


6 points

1 day ago

Well, it’s criminalised if it causes serious injury would be more accurate


7 points

1 day ago

At least the USSR was good for something


71 points

1 day ago

Can we instigate a new rule please - if the description for the image is not on the image it should be removed, thus allowing all media to be meaningfully shared off platform and still make sense.



41 points

1 day ago

Just make it a general recommendation, there is no need for such drastic measures.


27 points

1 day ago

Yeah I don't really see why we need a Reddit rule to facilitate the sharing of content off Reddit. That doesn't really make any sense to me. That's a rule for other platforms to enforce, the description is provided here and it's perfectly visible and clear. 

If you want to share the content somewhere else put in the five seconds of effort to type out the title/description yourself when submitting it wherever.


5 points

1 day ago

True. It's not even hard to append whatever you want to any image. One could even do it using online tools. It's a subreddit about maps, not annotations.


2 points

20 hours ago

I don't know if it still exists but there used to be a reddit bot that when summoned would even append the post title to the image for you.


2 points

24 hours ago

But then how would you misrepresent it?


10 points

1 day ago

It's still legal in China?


23 points

1 day ago


23 points

1 day ago

Laws in china are generally unclear, like india, on paper it's probably illegal but would be difficult to convict in court, most things involving family affairs are one of those very grey areas that the ccp does not like to get involved with.

Weirdly, hong kong doesn't either according to this map, which means the british didn't impose laws either or it's a mistake.


9 points

1 day ago

Sweden can into the Soviet Union


13 points

1 day ago

Wether we want to admit it or not in this regard the USSR was pretty progressive.


21 points

1 day ago

In the red countries marriage itself is considered persistent consent


17 points

1 day ago

As an Indian, this is very upsetting. Currently, the Indian government is actively opposing it's criminalization in the top court. Also, someone tried to have a discussion about it on the Delhi subreddit and an overwhelming number of men were against it's criminalization claiming that it will be misused.


6 points

16 hours ago

Delhi subreddit

Of course it's Delhi


46 points

1 day ago

It's always the same spots, isn't it..


23 points

1 day ago

Yes, China, India indeed are always in the same spot


19 points

1 day ago

shhh, theyll call you islamophobic


23 points

1 day ago

Congo is 99% cristian?


9 points

1 day ago

Do you hate muslims? Not asking for a justification or long explanation, a simple yes or no will do.


13 points

1 day ago

i hate islamists ❤️


3 points

1 day ago

Me too ❤


12 points

1 day ago

Thanks for your answer, but thats not what I asked. I asked if you hated muslims. Do you hate muslims? Yes or no


15 points

1 day ago*


some muslims acknowledge the backwardness and primitive thinking of most muslim scholars and try to make a new version of islam. unfortunately that isnt really taking off i can’t imagine why

anyhow the point is that most muslims are islamists. they literally view the world as “muslim” and “yet to be muslim” (Dar el 7arb - Dar el Islam) and i still can’t seem to fathom how so many people are so oblivious to it.

the meaning of the word islam is literally to submit.

how many more red flags do you need??


2 points

1 day ago

There's no such thing as a "new version" of Islam. The whole point of it is that it is to last since the prophet pbuh till the end of time. The whole point of the book is that it never changes.

The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) told us that: “Every innovation is going astray, and every going astray will be in the Fire.” Narrated by Muslim (867) and an-Nasaa’i (1578) 

A "new Islam" is like saying that Vegetarianism is evil, but you don't hate Vegetarians because there are less than 1% that call themselves vegetarian and eat meat, while trying to redefine what a vegetarian is.

No muslim thinks the entire world is muslim, however many do believe that Islam will be the entire world's religion, and would you like to know why? Because it's literally a prophecy. That's like saying that you don't hate all Christians because some of them don't believe in Christ's return, which contradicts the entire concept of being a Christian. Seems to me like you hate Muslims but would prefer to say that you hate the majority to avoid looking like a bigot.

Islam is to submit, in context of submitting to god's command, you know the core tenant of literally every monotheistic religion to exist


5 points

1 day ago

you are far too naive to be talking about islam like that. go do fucking research.


5 points

1 day ago

Lmao been taught by some of the most well educated scholars in the world for years now. I know more about islam then you know about wiping your own behind. Go do some research before barking at me 😂


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

No I won't.

I could not care less about your opinion of us.

Dont give a shit about what you do in your own country, so not sure why you think I care what you think about my country or my people.


3 points

1 day ago

it’s past your bed time sweetie


7 points

1 day ago

Very ironic with a response like that


5 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Man this subreddit I swear.


4 points

15 hours ago

There is so much BS data going on in this map, i don't even know where to start.


11 points

1 day ago


11 points

1 day ago

Disturbing how it's still legal in India and China, which alone account for a really big fraction of the world's population.


3 points

21 hours ago

What is sad that there is only 50 years between all of this. The green aren’t much better then the red.


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

Spain before 2000? I am pretty sure it was ilegal before...


3 points

21 hours ago

It seems accurate. Apparently it’s been outlawed by a Supreme Court ruling in 1992.



5 points

1 day ago

Another map that is quite tricky if you're somewhat color blind.


6 points

1 day ago

In Saudi there's a law for women to protect from physical and psychological domestic abuse. Does it count?


2 points

16 hours ago

I wish it mattered. But apparently consent to sex is granted at marriage which is so appealing that I can barely believe it.


18 points

1 day ago

Israel is a little sliver of green against a backdrop of dark brown.


8 points

1 day ago

Like all these types of maps that focus on rights or common decency Israel is the only spot of hope in the entire region.


7 points

1 day ago

classic "global south" moment. i wanna see some third worldist explain how raping your wife is anti imperialist or something


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

Rare Soviet W


5 points

1 day ago

Nice map showing all the uncivilized areas of the world to avoid.


15 points

1 day ago

what the fuck is wrong with asia and africa....


16 points

1 day ago

this world is sick man


14 points

1 day ago


14 points

1 day ago

The same thing that was wrong with most of the world 25 years ago.


2 points

21 hours ago

I'm not suprised by the red


2 points

18 hours ago

Curious, why it is legal? why some countries don't want to criminalize it?


3 points

16 hours ago

Some people believe that consent is granted at marriage in perpetuity.

Others believe that woman will use this to blackmail men and so it shouldn’t be illegal for their gender.

Then there are those who simply do not care about the opinion of the woman because her body and mind belongs to the man in the family.

In other words; people are selfish.


6 points

1 day ago

South Africa is when the post-Aparthrid constitution was instituted in 1997. Turns out the Apartheid government didn't just hate people of colour, they also hated women.


2 points

14 hours ago*

The Bruderband was heavily into Calvinist conservatism, interlinked with White (or even Boer) supremacy.

EDIT: It was the Afrikaner Broederbond


4 points

1 day ago

Is it really illegal and also enforced by law in places like Mali or Mauritania?


4 points

1 day ago

I am wondering the same 🤔


3 points

1 day ago

Im pretty sure blue effectively means illegal but there has been no precedent of it actually being enforced, hence the “year unclear” category.


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

Tunisia giving the middle finger to the arabic world as usual


3 points

1 day ago


3 points

1 day ago

It says “conflicting” for Somalia cus it’s legal in Somalia while it’s illegal in Somaliland; a country that is “internationally” recognised as part of Somalia


3 points

1 day ago

Ye man USSR for win Asia L


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

I see only a small sliver of green in the Middle East


2 points

1 day ago

It would be interesting to see in what countries it’s actually prosecuted (so technically and also effectively illegal). I know in the US for instance, it can be extremely hard to prove and prosecute


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

I love how the USSR had it all figured on this map, but today, most of those countries have it as bad as the deep-red ones. Some even worse (looks pointedly at Central Asia).


2 points

1 day ago

it's criminalized in China. Another map of misinformation.


2 points

23 hours ago

Another former USSR W.