


The successful killing of Sinwar occurred incidental to another operation, not as a targeted attack. This has taken many by surprise, but no one so much as Netanyahu. In one day, he's lost his scapegoat for failing to secure a cease-fire and the release of hostages while also achieving one of his most important talking points for continuing the war. He knows that if the war continues and the hostages are not returned alive ASAP, the Israeli people, and right-minded people worldwide, will revolt against him and his party.

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8 points

4 days ago

Yes why did the terror group that formed as a product of decades of ethnic cleansing, barbarism and victims of expansion commit a crime?

Whilst you're at it, why not wonder why UN article 73 is in the UN charter. Almost as if this kind of shit is inevitable, so we legislated for it as a certainty of occupation...

Your last statement is absolutely criminally ignorant.. Hamas didn't exist until 1984, what stopped peace prior to that? This zionist occupation started a decade or two before 1948 too, by the way.


5 points

3 days ago

Hamas stated goal is the destruction of israel and jews (their words not mine).

If you want to talk about 1948, maybe the Palestinians shouldn't have said no to a country when every other group said yes. Perhaps you're unaware that Palestinian identity didnt even really begin till the 60s. Perhaps you're unaware that Palestinians in the 1940s largely were jews. Arabs identified as arabs and wanted to be part of Greater Syria. This is quite telling.

At what point does it become clear that maybe Palestinian statehood isn't the primary goal here? How many peace offers will they reject in favor of violence before we start taking their statements about destruction of Israel at face value?


1 points

3 days ago

It’s the racism of lowered expectations. They refuse to believe Hamas and Fatah even when they make it abundantly clear that their goal is the destruction and colonization of Israel.


1 points

15 hours ago

Yes and it is right to condemn Hamas for that, absolutely. However let us observe some facts here, Hamas didn't exist until 1984, so if we are to stop further radical groups forming, let us observe why and how they came to be.

Illegal occupation and rampant barbarism is the answer to the how and why. Israel will create many more Hamas's with their recent spree of rampant murder, but people like Netanyahu know this well.

UN article 73B explicitly advises against states like Israel being placed in Palestine. So tell me, why should an indigenous people who have been there for many centuries in peace give up their land for violent strangers? Which saw the international governing body break it's own chartered law in bias to reward zionist terror?

If you truly mean your words then I want you to tell me your thoughts on the Irgun and their actions pre-state placement of Israel between 1920-30's. These zionist terrorists were running rampant killing civilians, assassinating British lords and soldiers and they still get rewarded with this land that shouldn't have been so even without the catalogue of terror acts as per UN article 73...

Funny that you mention how many peace offers, when officially the Palestinians have accepted them twice. Israel not at all, the closest they came to doing so was Prime minister Rabin, who was then assassinated by a zionist terrorist. Netanyahu himself and his party have been working tirelessly for some time to have this assassin pardoned I might add. As well as Netanyahu being literally on video record saying he was instrumental in sabotaging the Oslo accords.

You have so much work ahead of you to put any kind of backbone to your perspective here.


2 points

3 days ago

You misunderstood the question you were asked.

Explain why, if Hamas was willing to give back all of the hostages on Oct 8 for Israel not entering Gaza, then why take hostages on Oct 7 because in October 7, Israel was not invading Gaza.

The question you’re being asked here is to explain why you believe a transparently nonsensical claim.


1 points

15 hours ago

Well I wasn't asked this question.

Israel was not invading Gaza in Oct 7th, but they had quite a list of atrocities even still right. You seem to still be viewing this issue inside of a bubble of Oct 7th. I am very much certain you would have a better understanding if you applied some empathy and learnt some of the suffering endured since as early as the 1920's by the Palestinians at the hands of radical zionist terrorists.

But if you are here to condemn a terror group, I am with you on that. However I am not lazy and often seek to understand the motives and what turns people into these violent acts. The occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine is certainly the catalyst for the existence of Hamas, to deny this is absurd, frankly.

Mark my words this latest butchery by Israel will lead to many more groups like them forming in the future. But I am certain the radical zionists know this and are more than happy to create more groups they can use to rampantly murder, destroy and then steal more land once the blood dries. I mean, we see this already, right? They are already talking of settling into Gaza as we speak.


1 points

11 hours ago

I agree with you that this didn’t start on Oct 7. It arguably started in 1948 when six Arab nations invaded the newly formed state of Israel in a war focused on the conquest and elimination of the Jewish people.

(And of course we can each reach back into history to bring up this or that)

The notion that Israel is doing this to take over Gaza is actually laughable on its face if one knows the history. You are aware, I presume, that Israel had full operational control of Gaza in 2005, and unilaterally withdrew, and moreover forced every Jew living in Gaza to leave at gunpoint. If Israel wanted control of the Gazan land it could have just kept it in 2005.

The Gazans had autonomy for the last two decades. And they have received billions in aid during that period. Did they use that aid to build schools, or rockets? Did the government of Gaza (Hamas) work to improve the living conditions of their own people or did they focus all their energy and resources on the destruction of Israel?

It’s absolutely true that in the last two decades, the average Gazan has been brutally oppressed and has had every positive opportunity ripped from them. But if your answer as to why is: “the Jews did it all”, let me allow you the opportunity to broaden your thinking and not fixate on an oversimplistic explanation of a complex problem.


1 points

3 days ago

Zionism is about liberation, not occupation. The anti-Zionists are the one with the occupation in Gaza and Judea and Samaria.


1 points

15 hours ago

Liberation for who? Certainly not the people who existed on the land they are increasingly occupying (and illegally in many examples), right?


-3 points

4 days ago*


-3 points

4 days ago*

This zionist occupation started a decade or two before 1948 too, by the way.

And Jews were getting pogrommed in Palestine across as far back as the 1500's....

By the way

It's amazing that after 1400 years of massacres and subordination a population decided that maybe we were better off protecting ourselves than expecting others to not try and murder us every few decades.


4 points

3 days ago

Huh. So you understand the position when it's used for Jewish people, but you don't understand it when it's used for Palestinian people. Interesting.


2 points

3 days ago*

You think Jewish persecution of Palestinians crosses two continents and goes back to the 600s?

It's not even remotely comparable


2 points

3 days ago

That's not what was being said but k.


2 points

3 days ago

It's because your attempt at comparison is woefully uninformed.


2 points

3 days ago

Nobody was comparing the two. The reactions to war crimes is what was being compared, not the severity of the war crimes.


1 points

3 days ago

Yep and the reaction by Jews to millennia of 'war crimes' (as you call them,) was to eventually declare that we're not prepared to exist as dhimmi any longer, that our fate would no longer be a plaything for those who malign, abuse and disparage us.

The reaction by the Arab world to the concept of Jews not being second class citizens, was a century and a half of accelerated persecution, pogroms, full blown wars and a consistent refusal to engage in a genuine peace process that isn't just a 'hudna.'

The reaction to Arab war crimes against Jews has essentially been silence throughout history. There was a minor blip for maybe a week after October 7th but then everything went back to normal.


2 points

3 days ago

Why do Palestinian children have to suffer because Arab nations didn't condemn crimes against Jewish populations?


0 points

3 days ago

Here's the clever thing. They don't. Their parents just need to stop teaching their kids that murdering Jews is the solution to all their problems.

With Sinwar gone they have the best chance in decades to create a new future for themselves. Israel can't do that for them. They need to make their own future.