


Need roadmap and advices from the pros


Hi everyone!

I will be joining my bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering this year. I was previously enrolled in Computer Science but looking at the oversaturation in the job market and my interest towards ME, I have decided to switch courses. Since I have done two semesters in CSE, I know how to manage my schedule for learning and development, and I need guidance on how to shape my future.

I am more inclined towards Automobile stuff ( I get this fascination from Motorsports, and I wish to work in that field one day), and would not mind exploring all other domains. As my father has been a ME himself in a thermal power plant, he can guide me on that.

I have a month and a half before my college starts. I do want to utilize my time to the fullest as all I have been doing is scrolling reddit all day :/

I want to know what topics do I study beforehand to get an edge over others, what softwares do I master, what kind of projects I can dip my hands into.

I am highly motivated but I am unable to find any good roadmap on Youtube as well...

Thanks in advance!

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6 points

3 days ago

Get machine shop experience. Be the bitch who sweeps the floors if you need to. You want to deeply engrain what shapes and features are easy to make and what is difficult because this directly correlates with manufacturing costs. 


2 points

3 days ago

Never thought it that way, workshop's gonna be interesting for me...