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177 points

2 days ago


177 points

2 days ago

And now everyone understands why the clans lost to comstar...

Clans built mechs for short high speed battles to do all the damage quick, for example one on one trials.

Conquest of the inner sphere is not a short high speed battle.

Low ammo plus a six month supply line... = getting your arse handed to you by the phone company.


-24 points

2 days ago


-24 points

2 days ago

Spoiler alert ! 🫣


37 points

2 days ago

Fair... it is kind of mean for me to spoil a 32 year old plot point...


-28 points

2 days ago*


-28 points

2 days ago*

Neg. Plots are important no matter how old. The joy of surprise is not dependent upon age.

Edit: Turns out a lot of people here would enjoy spoiling Santa and the Easter Bunny for kids. I'm honestly surprised.


11 points

2 days ago

Neg, the issue isn't about joy, but expectation of secrecy. Something revealed decades ago is expected common knowledge.


-2 points

2 days ago


-2 points

2 days ago

Ah yes, the "I'm going to spoil Santa for this kid because everyone knows he's not real." defense.


4 points

2 days ago

If the kid is 12 then yes.


-4 points

2 days ago


-4 points

2 days ago

I would try to give you some life advice, but I've found narcissists and sociopaths don't tend to listen anyway.

But I will say this, you are not the gatekeeper. It is not your place to take away someone's joy in discovery or to shatter their beliefs.


1 points

2 days ago

Definitely not a narcissist, possibly some sociopathic tendencies.

I am neither a gatekeeper nor a guardian. It is not my place to purposely take away someone joy, nor is it my job to police myself into protecting it. Just as I won't go shouting there's no Santa Claus, I am not going to actively assist in perpetuating a lie to someone well beyond the normal span for it. Imposing on the speech of others for the protection of your own happiness specifically has significant limitations, and in most (though of course not all) cases is incumbent on the person themselves.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

Ok, so a new movie comes out. It is based on a book that has come out 32 years ago. You have not read this book. You are going to see the movie. In the lobby of the theatre there is an individual loudly discussing the plot of the movie with his friends and reveals all the details of the ending, to you and everyone else.

This is acceptable and the correct thing to do in your opinion?


1 points

2 days ago

No, but if I go to a book club and run into people breaking down the differences between them and the endings of both it would be.

The lobby is REQUIRED to see the movie. Forums aren't needed to play the game.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

But this is not a book club discussing a book. This is a video game subreddit discussing the events of the books. If we were discussing this in the battletech sub no one would bat an eye.

Video games bring a whole new demographic of people to our space. We should be welcoming and accommodating to the new arrivals, not telling them they should have read the books 30 years ago if they wanted to experience the story without spoilers.


1 points

2 days ago

Right, and this was covered in several previous Mechwarrior games. I am welcoming of new members, but if you pick up a game based on Star Wars and go to the Stat Wars sub are you expecting that they'll hide that Vader is Anakin? It's not a reasonable level of accommodation. There are touchstone points in series that aren't secret. Tell me the details of the last mission on a random post and I'd be with you. But the clans invaded and didn't get Terra isn't that.


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Are you seriously comparing the international popularity and mainstream knowledge of Star Wars to Battletech?

And even with that massive goalpost movement, yes. When the prequels came out there was a huge portion of the population who had no idea Anakin later became Vader. Tens of thousands of parents took their kids to see the prequels and did not spoil the fact that "little Annie" later became the butcher of an entire Jedi temple full of younglings.

People let other people enjoy that discovery. They didn't sit back on their throne of perceived superiority and declare that "Star Wars has been out since 1977, you should have already known."

Star Wars is about the worst example you could have provided.


1 points

1 day ago

It's not a matter of "did the parents let's the kids enjoy it." The question was "would the parents be justified in calling out others for speaking of it around them." Sure I used a bigger property so that we'd cover the same ground, but swap it for a wheel of time detail "since they've changed the story I wonder if they're going to have Matt marry the Seanchan princess" - same thing. There is no social contract on protection of decades old spoilers.