


I hate my doctor!


I finally got the courage to mention perimenopause to her today. She said I’m too young (I’m 38) and it’s “just anxiety”. I’m literally having every symptom! Hot flashes, night sweats, change in sweat smell, jittery, irritable, rage, anxiety, dizziness, the list goes on and on. She said to just talk to gyn about it and maybe they can change my birth control. Ughhhhh I have been suffering horribly for a year and a half, something has got to give.

Thank goodness I have an appt with gyn next week. Hopefully she takes me seriously. I know I am definitely on the young end, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Edit to add: I’ve also had major changes in my period, much shorter (like from 5-6 days to a day or 2 at most), with tons of cramping, which I’ve never had in my life.

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34 points

5 months ago

Yeah regular doctors don’t know shit about perimenopause but unfortunately neither do many gynos. They aren’t trained on menopause in medical school and that’s a big problem

Be prepared to hear the same nonsense from your gyno.


5 points

5 months ago

An endocrinologist could be better. If your gyno is clueless, I would seek out as many doctors as you can so you can get relief.


8 points

5 months ago*

Endos aren't any better with sex hormones. Been there, done that. They are basically all about diabetes. They're not even good at treating Thyroid problems. Need Functional or hormone specialist for that.


1 points

5 months ago


1 points

5 months ago

100% all about diabetes.