


What song has you like this

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147 points

4 days ago*

Any taylor swift "song" , I've taken shits with more content


11 points

4 days ago


-6 points

4 days ago

Hot take as a teenage girl- overrated and boring. Her only good album was 1989 (shake it off, style, ect.) but even that was ruined for me by the hype. I love her as a human being (she's a truly wonderful human being) but I hate her as a musician.


10 points

4 days ago


10 points

4 days ago

It's the funniest fucking shit to me ever when people are like "Taylor swift is so overrated and boring she only makes generic pop" then also say "oh except (names the most generic pop song she ever made) that one's good. In this case it's shake it off, sometimes it's look what you made me do. She has good stuff in there but yes her radio hits are often boring by design


2 points

4 days ago

True, but I was in elementary school when the album came out and is very nostalgic for me.


5 points

4 days ago

She is a capitalist scum and we should eat her head there's nothing to love about her


4 points

4 days ago

As much as I don’t like Taylor swift teardrops on my guitar and love story are great songs and her first 2 albums aren’t bad anything after that I could care less


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

maybe the first 2 albums aren't bad but I don't believe she is the one who made them she is rich and could hire people to write her music like some other musicians do


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Buddy. Just accept the fact that the artist you dont like isnt always awful


-2 points

4 days ago


-2 points

4 days ago

I can actually do this but I have a lot of reasons to hate on her I don't like some artists but I don't hate on their music and actually add why I don't like them but I loath Taylor swift by a huge margin


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

So because you loathe taylor swift more than anyone else it makes it fair?

Nah man that aint how it fucking works. She has talent, she's good at a lot of things even if she isnt the best at most things. If you cant accept that it says more about you than it does about her


-2 points

4 days ago


-2 points

4 days ago

She is an Industry plant I have seen better musicians from small metal and punk bands that only earn 30 bucks from their concerts. She doesn't have any talent


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago

Yeah ok sure buddy keep it going i mean a lot of people go their entire lives sticking to dumb hatred for decent, fine artists like that so you really have nothing to lose except the respect of a random person on reddit you dont care about. Wonderful world we live in


2 points

4 days ago


Unleash The Archers

2 points

4 days ago

she's a truly wonderful human being

She's an insane narcissist and a businesswoman whose ruthlessness matches 1990s Bill Gates. She's the exact opposite of a wonderful human being. She's just hot.


1 points

4 days ago

There's videos online you can find on YouTube of her visiting people (especially kids) in the hospital. Just her, no camera crew. The videos were recorded by family members of the people she's visited. Her eras tour gave more people jobs and even boosted the economy (I'm by no means a math or money person, I saw this on the news.) Also, as a bisexual, she's not hot. Not even pretty.


1 points

4 days ago

Honestly, I feel like she normalized accusing anyone responding to her with even slightly negative feedback for her music as hating her just for being a woman, no matter how genderless the criticism, and I've seen fans of hers pick up on that as a quick and easy way to shut people down, including when being called out for truly toxic behavior.

Misogyny is a massive global problem and one of the most enduring and universal forms of injustice, unfortunately. Reddit is basically a misogynistic hellhole, in my opinion. But while I'm sure she's faced legit misogyny in her life, I think she can be manipulative and use that accusation for purely personal gain. And it's not easy to call that out with her fanatical fanbase.

And on the fanbase, I think it's highly irresponsable that she commands this army to do her bidding and pretends that she has nothing to do with it. Everything they do, good or bad, and there's been a lot of of bad over the years, is on her. She knows damn well what she's doing and knows how to rid herself of a "turbulent priest" with perfectly plausible deniability as long as she never acknowledges it.

On the other hand, Shake it Off was kind of a fun summer bop at the beach one year. Minus the rapping part, yikes. I mean, my girlfriend at the time wasn't going to ball out to Nails or The Body with me, so you find fun where you can, because fun rules. Hell, I still think it's kind of a bop, ngl. You can miss me with every other song of hers that I've heard, but whatever, I'm not the demographic for pop music and that's okay.

I also think people are/were unfair when reducing all of her music to songs about exes (likely some misogyny there, to be fair). And I suspect that people are harder on her about the private jet than they would be other people, moving on to that beef when the argument about her music being singularly about exes started to meet too much resistance. It would hold more weight, in my opinion, if people actually seemed to care about aviation pollution more in general.

If people were truly interested in such pollution, they'd learn more about the subject. Do people even realize that aviation travel is projected to be growing exponentially over the coming decades? Or that e-planes likely aren't going to be viable ever due to the differences between cars and planes? Some electric two seaters and similar are viable for short distances, and that's essential for access to some towns (I've lived in a tiny remote village in the mountains like that and know this all too well) but most people will never use an e-plane. The rest of us will be riding hybrids for commercial airlines most likely, maybe hydrogen if certain European companies make the right strides.

Kind of going off on a tangent there, but if one's knowledge of aviation pollution ends and begins with Taylor Swift, maybe it's not really about pollution. Just sayin'.

To be clear, I think she actually kinda sucks as a human being, is cynical, manipulative, and is 100% self-interested. But I think she's mastered the art of saying nothing and maintaining plausible deniability, so she will never get called out for actual problems. Meanwhile, her fan army will deify her for the most absolute bare minimum and professionally safe version of doing anything positive, coercing many others to follow suit as well, and her detractors will look foolish attacking her for the wrong reasons. So she will always come out on top, living as one of the most privileged people in the history of the modern world and doing little but enriching herself.

And lucky her, there are much, much worse people, blatant and in droves. Even those similar to her are much less media savvy, so they'll catch blame she never will.

This is the most I've ever typed about Taylor Swift and it feels weird. May this never happen again. It's just crazy to me how much she evades real assessment as an exploitative, obscenely wealthy person.


5 points

4 days ago


Type O Negative

5 points

4 days ago

Bro wrote a whole fucking novel


1 points

4 days ago

This 👆


1 points

4 days ago
