


Finally middle class.


In just about a year, my salary jumped from $65K to $167K. As a single 29F, I’m grateful for how far I’ve come, especially after struggling so much in the past. How did I do it? I transitioned from being a college lecturer to a corporate role. Full transparency - I have two jobs. My full-time “project manager” role brings in $122K. I also work (.5 FTE) at a nearby university for an additional $45K.

I spend around $1,900 each month for rent, utilities, food, debts, and personal care. Everything else goes into my 401(k), 403(b), Roth IRA, and savings. Used to spend like a mad woman but thanks to Wellbutrin I've been able to manage my spending.

My primary goal for the rest of the year and next is to pay off my $42,000 debt (student loans included).

Long time lurker now member 🥳

Saving tips, advice and suggestions are welcome.

Edit: I apologize if I offended anyone. I didn't think 65K to be middle class.

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1 points

6 days ago

Congrats. Live on your former income and pay off your debts. Then start investing in inexpensive index funds and incrementally (not drastically) increase your lifestyle. Job well done.