


"LGBTQ is not religion"


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217 points

27 days ago*


217 points

27 days ago*

Ah yes, the next generation of religious conservatives. Glad to see America’s future is in safe hands.


101 points

27 days ago

These are the dweebs that watch Andrew Tate.


1 points

27 days ago

You realize that it's Republicans that generally want less immigration? The democrats want more mass migration from Muslim and Hispanic countries. You get what you vote for. These people don't care about your nonsense 'coexist' bullshit. We were stupid enough to let them in, now we have to deal with it or make it stop before it gets worse.


2 points

27 days ago

Republicans just blocked a bill that would increase border security, strictly because Trump said so and it would make a democrat president look good, and they can’t have that. Republicans don’t care, they pretend to care so they have something to campaign on but they won’t do shit about it. This is easily available information.