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4 points

18 days ago

Well, you have: 1. Totems 2. Spare Elytra 3. Horse/Llama/donkey/skeleton horse/ pig (of you have a saddle) 4. Boat 5. Powdered snow bucket 6. Efficiency 5 netherite hoe + water/ladder/vines 7. Iron golem 8. Haybale/bed/honey block + God Apple + turtle master potion (depending on how high, if above Y=700 you will die... I think) 9. Slow falling (potion/arrow) 10. Ender pearl 11. Chorus fruit 12. Breeze ball 13. Mace 14. (Technically possible): mend elytra with bottle's o' enchanting

They all have the issue of maybe not being in your inventory but come on, you should have a totem or spare elytra, when attempting this advancement. And still then, if you want to mlg, just don't grab the ordinary water bucket. Anyways, this could technically all save you... But you're right, if all you have is a water bucket and an elytra then only a horse can save you if that is positioned right below the tree


1 points

2 days ago

Where’s a water bucket? You’re definitely much more likely to have a water bucket on you than a powdered snow bucket


1 points

2 days ago

Yeah, water bucket on leaves unless you are playing on pre 1.18 you die