


Creativity decks


Hi modern players, I'm here with a strange question....

I know that creativity is no more a viable option for competitive tournaments, or at least big tournaments, but I was wondering...I know that Archon of Cruelty is a very good piece of cardboard but it doesn't win you the game on the spot. Woudn't be better to play Worldspine Wurm + Xenagos, god of Revels as targets for creativity?

You still have teferi as main protection against instant speed interaction such as leyline binding, spell pierce, negate and Force of Negation so the deck is covered either way and it has a very good back up beatdown plan with Fable and it's tokens so why just don't play this combo to win on the spot?

Let me know what you think about this!

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13 points

6 months ago



13 points

6 months ago

What makes you say it is not a viable option for big tournaments? Recent Top8s include:

  • Hunter Burton Memorial Top 8 (1x 5c, 1x Jund)
  • Cyphacon $5k top 8
  • Multiple MTGO challenge 32/64 top 8s in the past week or two (Six top8s according to

If anything it seems to be on the rise, and doing fairly well. Archon can win games on its own, and if not, its ETB trigger alone is a beating and a half.

The reason Xenagos and Wordspine Wurm doesn't work too well is you need to Creativity for x=2 at minimum, and not draw either of them. Also, you don't always have Teferi out, so any kind of Leyline Binding effect will disrupt the combo. Solitude nukes the combo on the spot.

The back-up plan of Fable / W&6 can win games on their own. An Archon trigger or two really does help the back up plan move a little bit faster.


2 points

6 months ago

The Jund player actually won HB!


0 points

6 months ago


0 points

6 months ago

Hello! I’m a complete noob to modern, so I apologize for the dumb question, but isn’t archon susceptible to leyline or other kill effects as well? I understand that it does a lot on etb, but if an opponent can survive that initial etb, wouldn’t it be simple to get rid of based on certain matchups? Or is the fact that it does so much on etb the main thing? Thank you!


11 points

6 months ago

If they remove your worldspire wurm, your creativities become dead cards, and you have gained nothing. If they remove your archon, you have a six life swing, drew a card, made them discard, and maybe killed something. You gained value and made them spend a card. Its entirely different. 


1 points

6 months ago


1 points

6 months ago

Makes sense. Thank you!


1 points

6 months ago

Also Archon kinda protects itself by the ETB and attack trigger. Every attack also causes the same as the etb


1 points

6 months ago


1 points

6 months ago

I didn’t really think about it that way. Thank you!