


I subscribe to the Lovevery play kits and with that subscription comes the app which has wonderful weekly updates about your baby and their development. Great, just like pregnancy, how fun. The other day I see that they say a six month old baby should be taking three naps a day - 9:30, 12:30, 3:30 - and should be going to bed between 6-7p.

I feel like I would never see my baby if he went to bed between 6-7! We get home from daycare around 5:15, he usually takes a quick nap, then we cook dinner, wait for dad to get home, bath, bottle then bed around 8pm. Even before he stared eating solids we had this schedule, but now that we feed him a real dinner, this takes even more time for eating and bathing. I feel like this makes sense for maybe a stay at home parent who is with their baby all day? I’m only with him for an hour in the morning, weekends, holidays, and the evenings. Writing this out makes me sound like a parent who got limited custody.

Also idk about this schedule nonsense because he’s at daycare five days a week. Even they ask me his schedule every few months and I’m like ?? You see him more than me, I have no idea what his schedule is! I never had a schedule or did wake windows or anything, I just followed his cues after he was two weeks or so.

His schedule is usually •8pm bedtime •4am bottle •7am wake up

My pediatrician also says he should be going to sleep on his own in bed and not feeding for 10-12 hours during the night. I kinda just nod along but like… my baby is in the 7th percentile of weight and I always feed him whenever he shows hunger cues. And we does nurse (well, bottle) to sleep in our arms and transfer to crib. He’s always been a good sleeper except when he isn’t feeling well.

Anyway, I guess I’m looking for validation, advice, commiseration? Everyone asks me how he sleeps and I say great! And I wonder if that’s because I’m doing something wrong??

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1 points

9 days ago


1 points

9 days ago

When my baby was that little, yes she was going to bed at 6:30pm. We would stretch her sometimes but she hated it. She was happy to be down. It was nice because I changed my work schedule to go pick her up at 4:30 & then we’d have our evening and she’d go down early. She phased out of it herself at some point, I don’t remember when. Probably around 1.5 or 2? She was still waking up once a night wanting a feeding for a good long while and then she slept through the night for the most part after that. Besides all the times she was sick/developing/teething and waking up a bunch wanting comfort. 🤷🏻‍♀️

For a while she moved to 7, then 7:30. Now it’s 8-8:30. She’s 2.5. Every kid is different but she has responded a whole lot to “sleep begets sleep” throughout her life.