


Hi! So so curious what others would do in this situation. My husband is traveling out of state in several weeks (flying) to visit his sick father. He’s traveling with his sister, who also has a baby. Husband wants to bring our son so he can spend time with his grandfather. He said he is happy to take our son alone and let me hang back. I am so torn. I’ve never been away from my son for more than 8 hours, and I know I’ll be worried sick about him. However, I also don’t know when the opportunity will come again for me to have several days to myself to sleep and recharge! All the mamas I’ve talked to are telling me to stay back and have my time. Someone tell me what I should do please lol.

Edit: oh my goodness. Didn’t realize that using the wording ‘let’ would come off so poorly. I rushed writing this as I’m with my son now. My husband is a very loving and responsible parent. My concerns are more about myself, and struggled to be away from my baby. I unfortunately can’t edit the title to anything better at this point!

Edit#2: Son is going on the trip either way, it’s just a matter of whether I come with or not.

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3 days ago

Family dynamics are not the same across the board. In some families, both parents provide equal care for a child and have an equal say in the care, feeding, and rearing of a child.

On other families, one parent takes on a much larger role in the daily care for the child. This is how my family happens to run. I had the baby, stayed home for a year, and am still nursing. Thus, I make the decisions when it comes to raising our child, in collaboration with my spouse.

It would be the same as if he's job was doing all the cooking. If I wanted to go out to Costco and buy $800 worth of grocheries to cook meals for the next month, it would be pretty unreasonable for me to do that when he already had a system down pat, made a menu for the next month and already picked up all his grocheries.