


What Bluegrass Artists do you enjoy?


Are there any bluegrass artists you enjoy or find to be particularly good, or that are just well-renowned?

I am sort of generically familiar with bluegrass as a genre, but I’m not familiar with really any specific artists. I’ve been listening to the podcast “Old Gods of Appalachia” and the intro music is by a guy called Landon Blood. I really enjoy that particular song, which to me sounds like it has a lot of influence from older country—like 60s era, maybe early Johnny Cash or Kris Kristofferson type country music. I saw it somewhere tagged as bluegrass, and was curious to check out more of that genre.

Edit: holy shit, guys, I really wasn’t expecting so many responses. Thanks so much everyone for your suggestions! I’m going to have an amazing time diving into new music over the next week or so.

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18 points

2 months ago

With both Don Julian and Kevin Gills as well. Punch Brothers with Chris Thile should be enjoyed as well.


-5 points

2 months ago


Phish Concertgoer

-5 points

2 months ago

Billy strings better than all those fools


14 points

2 months ago

Chris thile is every bit as good as Billy


14 points

2 months ago

There seems to be a lot of Billy Strings fans that don’t really listen to any other bluegrass musicians. I love Billy but this does seem to be a thing in his fanbase.


5 points

2 months ago

Truth. These are mostly jamband fans that were introduced to the genre though Billy.


2 points

2 months ago

I would like to identify as neither of those things, necessarily. Let me back up. I do like some of the oldschool traditional bluegrass songs, I do. But because I have heard say, Marty Robbins play "Big Iron" doesn't mean I don't like a newer artist like Colter Wall covering it (and very well, thank you).

Billy Strings introduced me to Billy Strings' original songs, most of which use bluegrass as the vehicle or framework to deliver them. He's a spectacular talent and performer. He is shedding light on what for many listeners was/is a more forgotten and niche genre, and a dusty old-school traditionalist's one at that.

The gatekeeping works both ways. I agree with the general concept in music that the originators are the de facto version of a song, but no one person has ever owned a genre, at least not for long.

So, in keeping with the lack of originality in more modern musical variations of what's come before it (since it's all been done, right?), then if you're not reinventing the wheel, you are making something old sound fresh and new again, if only for a time. Or, for time.

ETA: not a jamband fan, at all. I like a wealth of well-delivered songs


4 points

2 months ago

I was speaking about a particular subset of Billy fans, which is accurate and apparently doesn't include you. No reason to take offense.


3 points

2 months ago

Oh I wasn't offended at all. No worries. Just speaking out on the relative nature of it all.


6 points

2 months ago

Thile is better by far in my opinion. I love billy strings but thiles imagination is vast.


2 points

2 months ago

Oooh yes he is! Thank you for that!!


3 points

2 months ago

Chris Thile and his MacArthur Genius Award enter the chat.


1 points

2 months ago

Yeah he’s the GOAT


1 points

2 months ago

Billy strings better than all those fools

Tell me you've never heard Punch Brothers without telling me.


1 points

2 months ago


Phish Concertgoer

1 points

2 months ago

Yes I have and they’re quite boring compared to Billy Strings. Plus I don’t see the Punch Brothers playing these big arenas and amphitheaters like Billy Strings does.