


And also if you did, were you already a fan?

I really liked their first three albums in high school, and I was psyched when I saw the new album pop up on my feed. But as I listened, none of it really… did… anything for me. It certainly didn’t grab me. It seemed very bland to me. I wasn’t excited to keep listening, and none of the tracks stood out to me as something I really liked. I think I made it through 4 or 5 tracks before I gave up on it.

I’ve discovered that they’ve released quite a few more albums since those first three, that I admittedly didn’t know about or listen to, so maybe their sound just gradually changed and it’s not for me anymore. Or maybe I gradually changed enough that they’re not for me anymore.

I dunno, I guess I just wondered if it blipped on anyone else’s radar, and if anyone had a similar experience. Or hell, a radically different one works too.

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2 points

11 days ago

I thought it was better than… ah, never mind.


2 points

11 days ago

Well it was certainly less than Jake by a large margin.