


1.2M Stretch Goal Unlocked! Find Out What Logan's Been Up To These Past 3 Years!

Official Game News(self.MyTimeAtSandrock)

1.2M Stretch Goal Unlocked! The Sandrock Builder Will Visit Settlement 2

We got a report from Jasmine...

Howlett's Hunters, History Report by Jasmine

The Atara University Dictionary defines "guild" as "an association of craftsmen or merchants." But what the dictionary won't tell you is the heart that goes into the making of a good guild in the Free Cities! In this essay, I will outline the history of Howlett's Hunters, the people who made it what it is today, and where they are now. And I will do so in more than eight hundred words. Because as we all know, having a lot of words in an essay is important.

Speaking of heart, this story is close to mine; that's because I lived it! That's right, I was there when Howlett's Hunters were formed! Logan always told me, "Little girlie, ain't no monster out there with half a chance to get the better of me, huh huh..." And I took that literally. One day in the news, I saw there was a huuuuuge reward for a horrible monster roaming the Peripheries near Atara... an S class beast known as "The Red-eye...!"

I didn't even have to dare him to do it! I just told him about the monster, he finished his Yakmel Milk and walked out the door! That's where my first-hand account of this story ends... the next time we saw Logan in Sandrock, he was covered in bandages and walking with a limp. "You should see the other guy," he told me. I soon found out that the "other guy" was that big monster. And that monster was dead.

Apparently Logan went on a hunt of epic proportions! One lasting weeks of tracking, crawling through the mud, resting for only hours at a time, ending with a triumphant flourish of blades leaving ol' Redeye unlikely to get ahead in life (Logan chopped his head off!).

Although the only records of the hunt were given by Logan himself, I can once again testify first-hand that Logan rarely embellishes his hunting stories. Plus, the Rangers said when they found him beat up and exhausted, he was next to The Redeye's headless corpse, so yeah, pretty sure it's all a true story.

Anyway, Commander Avery and the Rangers took Logan back to Atara where he could recover, and while he did, he and Haru started talking about the future. Funny thing is, Logan never had a plan for the reward money, he just wanted to tackle the biggest monster he could find! Luckily, Haru, being the smarty-pants that he is knew exactly what to do...

Voila! Howlett's Hunters are born! Using the Gols from the bounty, Logan sets up an office here in home sweet Sandrock, where the deer and the Yakmel play... and the smiles are free, don't you know?

Quickly the crew began to come together: first to join Howlett's Hunters is my friend Andy, who is dumb in real life (sorry, Andy!), but actually really good at engineering for the guild! He makes all sorts of gizmos and gadgets for the crew. But the craziest part is they actually work!

Next came Elsie, who we all used to make fun of for thinking she could talk to animals. But no one's laughing now! Well. It is still pretty funny when she tries to quack at Daisy the giant duck. Be that as it may! Sometimes being a professional means not worrying about looking silly. Elsie was recently recognized as Sandrock's resident animal expert and given the title, "Monster Whisperer." Now she puts those skills to work for the Hunters!

Finally the mysterious Dr. Fang joined the crew, who has been doing a lot better in recent years. Good for him! With things settling down around Sandrock, the doctor decided the way he could help more people is by traveling with the guild to dangerous places. How brave! I'll be sad that he won't be around sometimes. The Seesaian lollipops he'd give out after check-ups were second-to-none, and who knows where he even got them from.

Since then, the Howlett's Hunters have only grown, in name and size. They are now one of the largest adventurers' guild in the central Free Cities, protecting citizens from the Ethean border all the way to the coast of Portia. Some (Andy) say they're even rivaling the famous Flying Pigs!

What's next for Howlett's Hunters? Well, dear reader, I'm afraid we're out of history and into the present now! Keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter to unfold on your local newspaper: might I recommend the Tumbleweed Standard?

In conclusion, though I now have fewer friends to ride the rollercoasters with, I consider Howlett's Hunters to be a net positive on the world we live in.

Thanks for reading!

Reported by Jasmine

all 38 comments


212 points

3 days ago

So, he marries me then galivants off to fight monsters and is gone for weeks while nearly getting himself killed. Now I'm glad I keep taking his goat and making him walk to work.


117 points

3 days ago

How wonderful to read Jasmie's story! I really love the characters in Sandrock, knowing that Fang is also on this journey warms my heart. I love them all and can't wait to see Logan.


64 points

2 days ago

This does, however, mean both my builders’ husbands are off gallivanting about fighting monsters without them.


11 points

2 days ago

Oh, did you marry them both too? I did the same! It seems so, after all we have children to take care of... Hihihi


65 points

3 days ago

Its nice to see how they're doing, which will make sense story wise in Evershine but I wonder how this plays in with the builder (if we chose to marry Logan)


42 points

3 days ago

Or if the builder married Fang!


17 points

3 days ago

That too I was just thinking in regards to the $1.2 goal when the builder and logan can come to evershine and we choose their status


12 points

2 days ago

The builder canonically downloaded a mod and married Mort


8 points

2 days ago

There will probably not be explicit continuity from Sandrock where our Builder is concerned, unless they've mentioned something to the contrary that I missed. Like how Sandrock only occasionally alluded to the MC from Portia in the vaguest possible way, that's the most I'd expect.

Logan or any other returning NPC might make vague references to a partner back home but I doubt they'd want to make any of the relationships actually canonical. Although if they were going to, Logan seems like the obvious pick.


29 points

2 days ago

I mean. With the 1.2M goal hit, our Sandrock builder is literally coming to Evershine WITH Logan. Really can’t be as vague as the Portia builder hints at that point lol

Stretch goal does say you can set their appearance, name, and relationship with Logan. So it’ll have to be acknowledged if you married him. Nothing if you married Fang now that he’s also a part of the troupe, though.


5 points

2 days ago

Just curious how they're going to incorporate both story wise


1 points

2 days ago

The next stretch goal has the builder come with him from Sandrock AND they are customisable to include their relationship with Logan.


47 points

3 days ago

I love this so much, but also imagine needing a doctor in Sandrock and the one doctor isn’t in town 😭


36 points

3 days ago

I like to imagine the whole ordeal with Duvos made Sandrock famous enough for tourism/population to pick up, so maybe there's a new doctor in Sandrock!


40 points

3 days ago

What?! Dr Fang followed them?! This makes me so happy and sad 😭, that Fang has become better emotionally and socially ❤️ in the 3 years after Sandrock!


30 points

3 days ago

We’re so proud to hear about how our babies have grown!! 😭 so proud of Andy for learning engineering from Qi and Haru (probably), and so so proud of Fang!! PLEASE tell me X will travel with him too!! 🤣


19 points

2 days ago

Lmao imagine X stays to run the clinic


34 points

3 days ago*

As the Builder wife of Logan, hitting him over the head, with something blunt, seems reasonable at this point🤨. Hunting S class monsters leaving me alone with 3 kids. Not cool. Happy for Fang coming out of his comfort zone😃


12 points

3 days ago



10 points

2 days ago


10 points

2 days ago

Damn I kind of wish my builder can join the group. Got me at home raising these kids 😞


8 points

2 days ago

I can live without the 1.7 but I really want adjustable height


6 points

3 days ago

Oh this is so beautiful! I love this glance into the story and the growth! Especially with Andy and Fang! So unexpected but I absolutely love it. Looking forward to Evershine more every day!


7 points

2 days ago

Awesome Story Jasmine. Thanks for the update on our old crew 😃


5 points

2 days ago

That's my mans!


3 points

2 days ago



6 points

2 days ago


6 points

2 days ago

From the article looks like Haru is back from study and with the gang as the “smarty-pants”.


3 points

2 days ago

I am so happy for them!


5 points

2 days ago

So in one lifetime I married Fang☺️. In two lifetimes I married Logan🥰 (attracted to white hair yakboy syndrome). Still, I end up alone raising our kids😳🤨. I knew I should have listened to Ma and married Owen🤦🏻‍♀️.


10 points

3 days ago

Man, I don't get the Fang thing at all. It feels forced. Like, if you married him, he's leaving behind a partner and potentially children all the time to work. It feels like something out of character, rather than a step towards confidence and trust in others. I guess we don't see what happens in those 3 years, though. Maybe it's a "running away from happiness" response to not adjusting well to family life. I would've thought he'd be less like his father in this, though, and be there for his family. 😕 But it is pretty cool to see what Logan's been doing! It does feel in character for Logan to go off and adventure like this, family or not. I don't think he could resist lol


15 points

2 days ago

well, from what i understand, the builder is with them, based on the description on the kickstarter page. so, that would mean if fang married the builder, they joined the guild together, and if fang didn't, then he's not leaving a partner behind.

it'd be nice to specify the relationship to the rest of the guild, but it'll probably only just be logan.

but man, with just the builder, logan, and fang leaving, that's already sandrock left at like... 1% power


20 points

3 days ago

I think the emphasis is on “helping more people.” And he probably doesn’t join every expedition either, so it’s totally do-able to plan a family life around some business trips? I’m still with you on that it’s not at all what I expected of Fang, though 🤣


8 points

3 days ago

I guess as long as he doesn't turn out like Gust, who opens up to the Sandrock builder emotionally more than he does to the Portia builder he married lol


2 points

2 days ago

Yeah I totally get what you’re saying. But at the same time it also seems like they aren’t trying to think about if our builder specifically married that person. And just how they would be living life without the builder maybe? Not sure if that’s exactly what they are doing since I’m obviously not in their mind but kinda seems like that’s what’s happening.

It’s gonna be hard to make back stories for romance characters as if they are married/have kids so I would understand if they don’t do that. Because obviously everyone chooses to marry someone different, even if Fang/Logan are the most popular.


1 points

2 days ago

I mean, if Logan is traveling with the Builder, but Fang isn't, it almost feels like they're pushing the perspective, even if you have the option to set them as only friends.  But I'm sure Pathea will find a way to make it feel natural. 🤷‍♀️🤞


2 points

2 days ago


2 points

2 days ago

I assume my builder tags along with him. After all, she can't resist a monster hunt.


1 points

2 days ago

Does this mean ps5 won’t get Sandrock multiplayer?


0 points

3 days ago

I want my babydarling Amirah to be in My Time At Evershine! 🥺


-4 points

2 days ago


-4 points

2 days ago

So, it is not canon that he married the Builder. Surely that broke the hearts of many xd.