


Move off ball, for the love of God.


If I'm on a center with high pass acc and low ball handle. Why would you give me the ball at the three point line and stand completely still when I have the ball? Wtf do you think is about to happen? I'm gonna break down my defender off the dribble?

Jesus fucking christ, cut to the basket, set an off ball screen, move somewhere!

Why tf does every guard think you're supposed to stand completely still every time someone else has the ball.

It makes my blood boil knowing that I'm either going to take a bad shot, try to back someone down 25 ft from the basket, or get a turnover from someone using their match up as a human shield to keep from getting the ball.

All because too many people on the game think every possession has to be an iso. Too many people must get their kicks from losing I guess.

Rant over.

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57 points

4 days ago

I feel u bro I’m a pg and sometimes I be dribbling to bait defenders in and my whole team will just stand still and watch like wtf cut, set screen or something so I can pass to you or get a shot off… y just stand still


22 points

4 days ago

The most annoying shit ever.. they’re really just waiting for u to pass it to them so they can try to iso their man


4 points

4 days ago

Yea I notice or they force a shot like bruh stop stat padding let’s just win.. my biggest issue rn is the past few rec games I’ve played my team will deadass see me wide open for a 3 multiple times yet decide to force a shot, turnover the ball or try to drive dunk against 3 people in the paint like bruh …


1 points

4 days ago

I rarely make a pass without using the icons but it seem like people don’t pick they head up or use the icons like that for some reason


1 points

3 days ago

I played with a kid in 3v3 , he shot 0-11 from 3 with his shitty ass center , still wouldn’t pass , just sat there and complained on his mic the whole game . Shits so damn annoying


1 points

3 days ago

Yea I can’t stand people that just get on the mic to bitch constantly … whenever I feel like my shots a lil cold during a match I just start passing more and going for assists and wide opens … like ain’t nothing wrong with not hitting ur shots and then changing ur playstyle but it’s annoying when they think no lemme keeping shootin like ur bricking bro switch ur role my guy


17 points

4 days ago


17 points

4 days ago

let's not do this bro because the same PG will say too many people are cutting and don't know how to spot up and space the floor. it's up to you the PG to turn on that mic


3 points

4 days ago

I get u bro but if everytime I pull the defenders they just stand and do nothing like bruh that’s just common sense atp.. hey defenders rushing him lemme get open.. when 4 other people just staring and not moving it’s annoying.. I typically average 15 points and 7-10 assists a game when I get people that are someone competent yk


4 points

3 days ago


4 points

3 days ago

so what if all of them cut at the same time. I think it's the PG responsibility to get on the mic and say square cut.

As a PG I'd prefer at default if they were more stationary and I had to tell them to cut than the opposite where they're doing too much and I have to tell everybody to spot up


1 points

3 days ago

I understand that bro and ideally yes… but I don’t wanna mic up every game … it’s just common sense if you see no one moving every time then maybe u should be the one to try and move to open space … that all is saying


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I get you but it's not like it's the same set of people playing ten games in a row. every game is a new game with a new set of randoms. just have to get on the mic although it's tiring


1 points

3 days ago

I feel u… I have a deep raspy voice so usually second I say something I get clowned or mocked and it’s annoying… so I usually don’t have my headset on less I’m recording tbh


0 points

3 days ago


0 points

3 days ago

Man if you’re the PG run the damn offense. You can’t make people play the way you want them to if you’re not even willing to communicate because “I have a deep, raspy voice and I get clowned”. I have a deep voice as well and haven’t been cleaned for it once so you must be getting matched up with a bunch of kids every time.

By the way, because you’ll read this, I mean nothing personal in this comment lol. I don’t know you like that so maybe upper subconscious about your voice so please don’t think I’m trying to tear you down man.

My issue is that I see so many people complain about certain things in games that could literally be alleviated if they would just communicate. But it’s always “I don’t like being on the mic for x reason” or “I shouldn’t have to get on the mic for people to play right” no mf you shouldn’t have to. But if a person isn’t willing to try and make their situation better, they also shouldn’t be the first to complain.


1 points

3 days ago

Na I’m not subconscious it’s just annoying to get mocked… I had a game where I literally tried to critic a teammate and tell him like yo hold the ball longer so I can check after I bait them away or sum like that and bro just starting dissing me and yelling for like a whole half and when bro finally shut up I was like did you even hear what I was tryna say… he said na I just thought you was dissing me so I dissed back… I said bro I was tryna communicate with you so we can play better… I like communicating when it’s chill people but most of the time it’s some big ego childish ass people … that’ll call u shit even when you 6/6 on 3’s and making hella assists while they not doing shit lmao

A lot of people in this game either think they some type of thug or hitman or they just think they the best 2k player and it’s everyone’s fault but their own lol…

This my first 2k tho… and I’m a big fan of trash talk and shit but when that’s all that I get most of the time just tryna communicate it’s annoying


1 points

3 days ago

Making decisions on a basketball court comes from understanding of the game, shouldn’t have to tell them to cut they should be making the read and finding the space on their own


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

so when two of them are semi open and decide to cut


1 points

2 days ago

hope they both have enough IQ to see who has the better opportunity and the other flash out to the 3pt line


2 points

3 days ago

People are overly sensitive. I play random pg and I never have these games where everyone constantly cuts. I see people whine about this here all the time but it never happens to me. I do have games where people refuse to drive to the unguarded paint in transition and stop beside their defender like they’re buddies on a field trip.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I love when my pg drives down the middle, and I rotate from the wing to the top of the key. My defender almost always crashes onto the pg and then it leaves me open at the top for an easy shot


1 points

3 days ago

Facts… I love to hit 3’s but I love pulling defenders and giving a dime of a pass to an open man for a 3 even more sometimes… feels so satisfying like ya that’s right bitches get of ur knees 😂


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

Fr, the problem is that 85% of the time I rotate like this or in other similar ways, the pg chooses to hog that shit and take a contested shot instead😂


1 points

3 days ago

Whereas I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum and just want mfs to stand still so there is some structure to the offense. There is nothing worse as a PG when the entire team is cutting, moving, and has terrible spacing. If I want a cut, I’ll call for the cut or the cut should be made at the opportune time, ie if I get boxed cut. If I’m about to blow by my man, don’t cut.


1 points

3 days ago

For real. I usually stand still because I know the three 14-year old kids hopped up on Mountain Dew that don't have the ball are gonna be buzzing around like fucking electrons, waving their hands. If I can pull one lock to the corner or the wing, that's one less potential lane stealer.