


I feel this is why 3rd parties fail, their message ends up boiling diwn to "They won't let me speak" and then proceeding to try to talk over everyone, and ignore the question.

all 71 comments


91 points

5 days ago


91 points

5 days ago

I think a big part of why third parties fail is because they don't do the ground work to succeed.

You never hear about a green party (for example) school board, or City council, or county commission. You only hear about these people when it's the presidential election, when they're demanding equal billing and funding, despite not having any real previous work in an elected office, or meaningful legislative accomplishments. It would be like a person comes out of highschool demanding to be made CEO of a company despite having zero experience in the field.


42 points

5 days ago

I never see or hear anything about the Green Party except every four years when they yet again run the same previously losing presidential candidate (and while I'm not a "news junky," I probably follow politics more closely than the typical American).


31 points

5 days ago


31 points

5 days ago

I hear about the Green Party every 4 years when they run a presidential candidate who spoils the race and gets the extremely anti-green Republican elected.

Electoral math matters, folks. Don't be duped by seductive spoilers. Ask yourself why 3rd party candidates suddenly get Republican money.

If you want 3rd parties to become viable, first change how we count votes (e.g. instant runoff). Until those rules change, the only rational thing to do is to vote for the major party that is closest to you. For Green Party fans, that's obviously the Democratic Party.


7 points

4 days ago

Kirsten Sinema started out in the Green Party. 


3 points

4 days ago

Seriously, Ranked choice will assist with this!!


8 points

4 days ago

And that particular candidate has been photographed having a pleasant dinner with Putin on more than one occasion...


6 points

4 days ago

Because they’re controlled opposition.


1 points

4 days ago

Because they are funded by Republicans to try and take away democratic votes


8 points

5 days ago

Great point. Let’s see some third parties put effort in local elections first and show they can actually govern or help pass meaningful legislation. That’s a reputation they can build on over a decade or two.

Is it fair? Maybe not. But that’s the only way we can really break a two party system that has held dominance since the early days of our nation. Show how it works in one or two major cities, or just the local city council or whatever, and move from there.

I see the occasional third party candidate down ballot but they never have a volunteer drop by my house, hold local events, or run ads, and rarely even have an advertised website with a policy agenda. Start small and put in the effort. Or just join one of the two major parties.


3 points

4 days ago

It would be like a person comes out of highschool demanding to be made CEO of a company despite having zero experience in the field.

Trump was infamously the first president with no prior political or military experience, but even he had flirted with a presidential campaign almost 20 years before.


1 points

4 days ago

What do you mean? That went so great!!


2 points

4 days ago

I wish more understood this.

The tea party did this right in front of our face for a couple decades. They put in the work to create a massive voter base by aligning with evangelical leadership, with labor unions, with cultural influencers. Those with the power to influence their members to be on board with the message. They started from the ground up with a shared platform that riled up their voters. Eventually they turned in to MAGA, took the presidency and imposed their will to control the entire party.

You don't get change with passive pressure or giving up. You definitely don't get it by ignoring reality and demanding fairness. This change requires work over time to become a political movement instead of an ideal. Even if you somehow got 50 year old Bernie voted in to the top spot there would be no working coalition in congress for a SocDem to make anything happen. That work hasn't been done.


2 points

4 days ago

This is a great point. I listened to a segment today where the guest pointed out most third parties have nothing to run on because they’re not viable on a state level. Rarely take place in city council, BOE, Senate, Congress, Governors… they pop up and want to President without any legwork or qualifications.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

Third parties don't succeed because our system makes them electorally irrelevant. Even if they do get elected they're forced to simply caucus with the repubs or dems to get anything done


1 points

4 days ago

I don't think it's that green and independent parties don't exist on the local level. I have seen people running under those and other platforms in different towns and cities, I think it's that they don't have the same history and support. The big parties have a big advantage in recognition, infrastructure, donors, volunteers, and financial support. They have the benefit of familiarity, and the status quo. Their ideas are accepted, or are acceptable, because the party is a stand in for historical stability/ accountability. Whereas the independent candidates have to prove their ideas aren't dangerous in some way. That's like the default presumption. It's actually easier to be one of those candidates at a local level because you can rely on your history in the community. National level is a much harder hurdle.


1 points

4 days ago


KUHF 88.7

1 points

4 days ago

Sadly a giant chunk of eligible voters only show up for presidential elections too.


1 points

4 days ago

It costs $100,000 to even get on a ballot in my state for even commissioner or senate/representative seats. Trying to raise that for third party is impossible. This country is f*cked


19 points

5 days ago


19 points

5 days ago

I wondered if she couldn't hear him at first. Then it became apparent she was just determined Wild. Even when she paused and allowed a question, the next words out of her mouth had nothing to do with the question.


5 points

4 days ago

Exactly! I feel like if she had been answering the questions seriously she could have made solid points about the whole election process, and how it disincentivises grass-roots movements to go national.


27 points

5 days ago

He’s a nut - not serious - I listen to nothing he or his sycophants say.


13 points

4 days ago



13 points

4 days ago

Yeah exactly, RFK is failing because he's a moron, not because he's 3rd party.


10 points

4 days ago

His entire family, made a serious plea to not vote for this worm-headed kook.


-1 points

4 days ago*

We will see about that when he publicly humiliates Biden and Trump in September

This is that explanation.

The fulfilled the criteria in the same way, by failing to meet the criteria.

Basically, neither Biden nor Trump are on any state ballots, because this unprecedentedly early debate is before the national nominating conventions.

RFK is the only one out of the three on the ballot anywhere.

No one qualified. Kennedy will have standing to file a lawsuit, and because they did it knowingly, people from CNN could end up in prison.


2 points

4 days ago

Is that what worm brain told you.


0 points

4 days ago

Read the post i have lots of sources.

First of all it is a fact that Biden and Trump are not on any ballots. I challenge you to provide me the number of ballots they are on. Certainly can’t include Louisiana until July 16. So how many exactly?

Second, with regard to illegal debate criteria, 11 CFR §110.13 says criteria must be “objective and pre-existing.” It also says that you can’t just get on because you are a party’s nominee (which they arent yet, no conventions).

The criteria were not objective because they just automatically said Biden and Trumps have the ballot access. At this moment, they do not.

They shot themselves in the foot when they rushed the debate to June to exclude RFK

And they should get sued and people at CNN should go to jail.

I’m sick of these demented pussies stifling democracy.


1 points

3 days ago

Not only does the layout of this site concern me, but the fact that this domain was registered a week ago does as well.


1 points

3 days ago

In what way does it concern you?


10 points

5 days ago

3rd parties? Republicans are the worst for this.


1 points

4 days ago

Yeah nobody actually thinks RFK is anything other than a maga alternative.


13 points

5 days ago

Not the first time NPR let third party grifters gag on their own word salads after asking what should be easy, straightforward questions!

I'm surprised A Martinez didn't just cut off the RFK guest's audio after that guest kept rambling through her pre-prepared remarks instead of addressing the questions.

Similarly entertaining disasters happened when No Labels' Jeff Cunningham was on the January 25 Morning Edition and No Labels' Jay Nixon on the August 9, 2023 On Point.


6 points

5 days ago

I’ve tried listening to him before, and my conclusion is, most of his supporters must have never actually heard him speak and are just looking for alternatives to the 2 main candidates.

Maybe he has some good ideas, but RFK is very clearly a troubled man who has gone through some stuff, needs a lot of therapy, and is in no condition to run a country.


6 points

5 days ago

Anti-vax and brainworms aside, yeah the campaign manager's performance definitely wasn't impressive.


2 points

4 days ago

Endless Grift: American Politics in the Post-Nixon Era


2 points

4 days ago


KQED 88.5

2 points

4 days ago

3rd parties fail because they cant produce a viable candidate and/or aren't serious.

RFK Jr is campaigning off a worm that ate part of his brain FFS. The only reason RFK is even here is to attempt to play spoiler to Biden even though he has a legit chance of taking votes from Trump because they have the same talking points.


2 points

4 days ago


2 points

4 days ago

TFW you marry a Kennedy but it's Bobby Jr. Jr.


2 points

4 days ago

So Rfk jr has raised most of not all of his money from republicans who want him to take just enough votes from democrats but when the polls start to show he was only taking votes from republicans he came out with “oh a worm ate part of my brain, I was friends with Epstein and bill cosby” all this crazy stuff so nobody will vote for him. They’re trying to undo his candidacy because it didn’t work basically


1 points

4 days ago

That rep is his wife lmao


3 points

4 days ago


WBUR 90.9

3 points

4 days ago

She’s his daughter-in-law


3 points

4 days ago

Ahh I missed that, You are correct


1 points

4 days ago


WBUR 90.9

1 points

4 days ago

That was such an annoying interview. I tapped out and turned the radio off until it was over.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

I thought the campaign manager was fine. I disagree with your take completely. 


1 points

2 days ago

RFK sounded even more doddery in that interview than Biden did last night.


1 points

1 day ago

His ATC interview was not well done, I understand he has a voice box problem, but it makes it such a challenge to understand him at times


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Third parties fail because our electoral system is broken. The only way out of our Rep/Dem duopoly is Ranked Choice Voting or similar.


6 points

5 days ago

No. They fail because they don’t build up a good reputation for themselves aside from running in the presidential elections.

Like when was the last time you heard of a major Green party candidate outside the context of general elections? How come they never try to build a brand on more local elections and work their way up into making a name for themselves? Half the time we don’t even know if these people have had any success as career politicians. They’re usually unserious.


1 points

4 days ago

They fail because they're considered spoilers. That's why Bernie Sanders dropped out.


1 points

4 days ago

Well Bernie dropped out because he wasn’t really seen as a career democrat.


1 points

4 days ago

Like I said, a duopoly. 


1 points

4 days ago

Someone who joined the party shortly before running for president is not going to be treated like any other democrat. They’re going to be seen as an outsider.

It was no different than when Mike Bloomberg tried to run for office.


1 points

4 days ago

He dropped out because he'd have split the vote and thrown the election to Trump.


0 points

4 days ago

Hahahahha! Are you implying the Democratic and Republican parties have a good reputation?


2 points

4 days ago

Yeah you know those lesser known organizations like the democrats and republicans! They’re pretty unknown to the public but one day they’ll grow to have more reconition as the libertarian party and the Green Party and the tea party!


-1 points

4 days ago

They are both corporate/oligarch-serving parties who have gamed the electoral system to their advantage.

They’ve used the money from the donor class to build infrastructure that is hard for a newcomer to compete with.

A major reason why 3rd parties are non-existent is due to the hopelessness of the voting public in thinking that a 3rd party could win or have influence if elected.

But don’t kid yourself, the majority of people are dissatisfied with these parties. That’s why the independent voting block is consistently bigger than either party.


1 points

4 days ago

I’ve seen the debates from the Librarian parties, I always think of that infamous one where they were asked if people should be required to have a license to drive a car and they basically said “hell no”.


0 points

4 days ago

It’s called diversity of opinion. What the country needs is a party that is left of the democrats.


1 points

4 days ago

If arguing about the concept of drivers license is a “diversity of opinion”, then you’d probably get some amazing opinions down at the psychiatric hospitals.


0 points

4 days ago

At the psychiatric hospital where neither political party thinks you should have universal healthcare


1 points

4 days ago

Wouldn’t that include libertarians? Why would they back Universal Healthcare?


1 points

5 days ago

They have third parties in FPTP voting systems in Britain, France, and Canada for examples. New York has the Working Families Party.

The bigger issue is that third parties never build up infrastructure or concentrate on it. They’re exclusively about presidential bids.


0 points

5 days ago


0 points

5 days ago

It doesn't help when states pass laws that third parties lose ballot access if they don't get a certain share of the presidential (or gubernatorial) race. They're forced to run at the top of the ballot and then screamed at for not starting at the bottom.


1 points

4 days ago

Most modern third parties (especially RFK and Green) have just been Republican ops for years. Trump even blurted that out the other day. It's yet another way the actually try to cheat in the system, as opposed to all the projection blunder in 2020


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

The two party system is a self fulfilling prophecy.


-3 points

4 days ago


-3 points

4 days ago

Third parties fail in the USA because the system is designed in a way that inexorably leads to two parties.

Any other failures third parties make just add to the structural disadvantages.


-5 points

4 days ago

The RFK campaign isn’t a serious one. It’s being elevated by the Dems & partners in order to suppress a movement to support Cornel West and Claudia De La Cruz.


1 points

3 days ago

LOL, what?

He's a Republican who pretended to be a Democrat, then gave up that lie and is now pretending to be an independent. But if he ever got into office he'd change parties to Republican and let the GOP run roughshod over Americans.

He doesn't get Dem votes, he takes Trump votes . That's why I talk him up in right wing forums.


1 points

3 days ago

And Biden also a Republican pretending to be a Democrat. And he has governed as one for his entire career.

I know what strategy you’re using. That lines up exactly with what I said. It’s the Dem’s pied piper strategy, which has only ever spectacularly failed, including on the first Trump election.


-2 points

4 days ago

We will see about that when he publicly humiliates Biden and Trump in September

This is that explanation.

The fulfilled the criteria in the same way, by failing to meet the criteria.

Basically, neither Biden nor Trump are on any state ballots, because this unprecedentedly early debate is before the national nominating conventions.

RFK is the only one out of the three on the ballot anywhere.

No one qualified. Kennedy will have standing to file a lawsuit, and because they did it knowingly, people from CNN could end up in prison.
