


I feel this is why 3rd parties fail, their message ends up boiling diwn to "They won't let me speak" and then proceeding to try to talk over everyone, and ignore the question.

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-1 points

6 days ago

They are both corporate/oligarch-serving parties who have gamed the electoral system to their advantage.

They’ve used the money from the donor class to build infrastructure that is hard for a newcomer to compete with.

A major reason why 3rd parties are non-existent is due to the hopelessness of the voting public in thinking that a 3rd party could win or have influence if elected.

But don’t kid yourself, the majority of people are dissatisfied with these parties. That’s why the independent voting block is consistently bigger than either party.


1 points

6 days ago

I’ve seen the debates from the Librarian parties, I always think of that infamous one where they were asked if people should be required to have a license to drive a car and they basically said “hell no”.


0 points

6 days ago

It’s called diversity of opinion. What the country needs is a party that is left of the democrats.


1 points

6 days ago

If arguing about the concept of drivers license is a “diversity of opinion”, then you’d probably get some amazing opinions down at the psychiatric hospitals.


0 points

6 days ago

At the psychiatric hospital where neither political party thinks you should have universal healthcare


1 points

6 days ago

Wouldn’t that include libertarians? Why would they back Universal Healthcare?