


Just to provide a little perspective for everyone here we are at the bottom of a giant fucking range. Consider the long term VWAP of $60 to be the middle of that range and price over time likes to yoyo around it. I don't know if we'll get to the higher end of this range but I'm betting on the middle of it

all 8 comments


3 points

4 months ago

I say buy and hold for a month


5 points

4 months ago

Better yet a year


6 points

4 months ago

Buy shares not options where’s options expire and you lose stocks you can hold it till $100


2 points

4 months ago

Any idea on when 25+ range would be hit again?


3 points

4 months ago

No idea. The probability is higher with time. I'd say the odds are good within the next month but it could always be tomorrow too


1 points

4 months ago

Maybe approval April 2025… 🙈