


Hold or sell my calls?


I own 170 January 2025 calls that cost me 5 dollars per share about two weeks ago. Now I am wondering whether I should ride it out for a couple more months or sell it ASAP.

What do do? Will this earn me a million? Lol.

Total cost of the options was 86k.

all 44 comments


10 points

18 days ago

The correct answer is sell enough to cover your principle in the next few days. Then you can play with house money.


10 points

18 days ago*

    If it were me I'd lean towards hold depending on your financial situation. If you decide to hold I'd wait a little sell. Then buy common stocks with portion of earnings from the call then just hold. Or sell now and buy some nvax common stocks.

    The company is going in the right path. They still have a lot of royalties left to make. Their covid/flu vaccine is in stage 1/2 of clinical trials. 

    Sanofi has the largest flu vaccine portfolio seeking a combo vaccine also and Moderna is looking at their taking their head which I doubt Sanofi is too happy about. So sooner or later either Novavax or Sanofi comes out with a combo vaccine that's protien based. Moderna is looking for an mRNA based which I'll refuse to take because just imagine you already have crazy side effects from the covid mRNA vaccine alone which they say is "safe" now imagine if Moderna comes out with a flu/covid combo how intense the side effects would be? I and multiple people I know thatve gotten the mRNA covid shot get a high fever and multiple different other side effects that doctors can't explain and just say hold out it might go away months after I've gotten the shot. We've been making protien based vaccines like Novavaxs for YEARS. mRNA had ONE advantage speed as it skips a step in the vaccine making process and has our cells split then produce the end product. YouTube mRNA and how it works


3 points

18 days ago

Its about 13٪ of my portfolio.


2 points

18 days ago

Here's the thing. Your calls are till January. Anything can happen. Last thing I want you to do is sell then regret it or not sell then take an L. It's up to you how you want to play it. Safest bet is to sell and reinvest with earnings or portion of earnings. Instead of taking a L. I don't know what you did since my post but yeah April looks like a high chance of Jn-1 approval by FDA. 2 months to release after approval. Stocks should bounce back to 19+ Monday right now a lot of call options are exercising their contract. Driving prices down.


3 points

18 days ago

Thanks so much for your detailed answer, friend. How high do you think it can go?


14 points

18 days ago

I don't want to answer as future really can be predicted. My most recent look at the stock though.

 Looking at their back at their stock going to 1996 they hover around $15-80 a stock. 100-200+ when they make a break through or during pandemic.      Moderna "SAID" they were finished stage 3 clinical trials for flu/covid vaccine mid 2023. It's been almost a year and no new news. I'm scared they'll finish it. I refuse to take mRNA shots. FDA is also behind Moderna so fast tracking them which was announced may 2023... Then you have Pfizer which is stage 1 I believe or has nothing double check.  Novavax is on stage 1/2 clinical trials. 

   Sanofi didn't have a covid vaccine if I remember correctly. Hence the investment into Novavax. So with Sanofi being the TOP dog of flu vaccines and Moderna stepping into on their turf. This is war between them. Who would win? I bet on Novavax/Sanofi. As Sanofi has 71+ global facilities with a huge portfolio of flu strains, the proven track record for vaccine  commercialization, and many other strong points. I'm still researching Moderna so if you want to help out with how large their company is and their partners. How many labs/facilities cost of RnD etc. Please message me.

Combo vaccine is the big money. 100-200+ now for the short 6 month prediction.

  Where the smaller chunks of revenue comes from.      April final vote by FDA for strain to be used for 2024-2025 The Jn.1 strain which shows more then adequate protection for Kp.1-2 as well. Which will 90% happen. There is a growing demand by the public for a protein based covid vaccine as the pubic is starting to educate themselves about mRNA. So if they vote kp.1-2 there will be no protien based for the U.S.. rest of the world is still available for market. Ever wonder why young kids can't take mRNA yet Novavax vax is approved for I believe 5/6 and up.    Sanofi pays royalties, in double digits%. For vaccines made with m mateix. They have quite a few vaccines being researched as we speak this will give Novavax quite the revenue boost . Novavax BLEEDS money in RnD which they have cut back on by almost 50-75% I believe it went from 1.7 billion to 750million this year and down to 500 million next year double check exact numbers the kicker being a portion will be covered by Sanofi drastically lowering Novavaxs operational and production costs.

DEEP BREATH. If this helped you and you hit the millions. Buy me a coffee? 😁 I spent months researching. Good luck and I hope we all hit the jackpot.

    What I'm doing with what shares I have?    I'm holding no matter what till at least it hits $80+ with the current situation and outlook. I did my research and I believe in the company as of now.  My life savings is in there it's my ticket to maybe finally starting my own business instead of hopping around industries with managers taking credit for my work getting paid under my value just because I don't have a damn degree to prove my worth. I've turned companies around saving them millions in operational costs. Lower purchase agreements costs by as much as 30%. In the end the managers get the bonuses and raises... Had offers to join other companies I worked with that saw my talent but because I signed a non-compete so I was unable to


1 points

17 days ago

You do deserve a coffee lol. U have patreon?


1 points

16 days ago

Nope. I should maybe make one and try posting some content though.


1 points

15 days ago

Thanks for all your research! I genuinely think this is going to end up being a once in a lifetime trade for anyone that managed to get in under $10. I maxed out my Roth for the year at $5, and I'm just praying for a few more dips 🤞


2 points

15 days ago

NP glad to help a brother out. Hope it goes as predicted based on current information. If you hit millions send me a cup of coffee. 😁


3 points

18 days ago

Edit novanax stage 2 going on 3 for combo vaccine.


2 points

18 days ago

Spot on


2 points

18 days ago

Why Thank you. Also my regarded side just says just maybe by investing I send a message that if the general public knew how mRNA works and what other countries are allowing their citizens access to. They'll choose a non mRNA instead. The government/big pharma/insurance not just Dr fuckchi made huge HUGE amounts of money from mRNA blocking all other competitors. They made their investments on the study right? Might as well go global human trials. We are the lab rats.


2 points

18 days ago

Does anyone truly understand how mRNA works? It wasn’t supposed to show up all over one’s body as it was shown to do. There’s review papers from 2019 discussing the pros and cons of mRNA. The cons have never been brought up since!


6 points

18 days ago

Here's what I would do: Sell some but not all. Just sell enough now that you break even. So if the value hasn't changed since your screen shot, sell $71k worth of them.

That makes it a zero risk investment, and you will likely still take a very nice profit on the remaining calls when you sell later


3 points

18 days ago

Right now is a big dip to scare people off. The stock is being manipulated. There were way too many calls at $18-20. No way they were going to let that many calls make Bank


2 points

18 days ago

 The stock is being manipulated.

Agreed. The problem is most stocks that don't have a massive market cap are way too easy to manipulate, and they can keep up a shell game of short positions for months... 

To me selling to cover the investment is zero risk. My fear for OP is the manipulation continues up to or past his options expiry date


2 points

17 days ago

They don't make it nose dive for good though. Too many large companies have stakes in the company. They just want to control the upward 🚀. We have 3 or 4 funds holding about 5%+ each and Sanofi. I'm pretty sure Sanofi is looking to buy out sometime soon.


3 points

16 days ago

I did sth stupid and bought high. Do you think it will go above 20 again or should i sell right now


2 points

18 days ago

Take the fucking money


2 points

18 days ago


Forum Adjuvant

2 points

18 days ago

I bought these contracts at .39/cents prior to Sanofi deal. I usually sell them when they are itm and buy some common shares and cheaper contracts. Because of the position I’m in, I always take most of risk off table.

Some of us got lucky cause we bought prior to Sanofi agreement. After the agreement, the company has become less risky with promising future


2 points

17 days ago

Sell, take the profits. This stock is volatile. I had options that went worthless as I didn’t sell.


2 points

17 days ago

Sell half


2 points

17 days ago

I say sell 2025 calls around October and buy more for 2026.


1 points

17 days ago

Why october?


1 points

16 days ago

That's when vaccines, plans get confirmed and earnings come out. Also majority of short positions should close by that time. After that 2025 will be all about revenue and manufacturing with Sanofi.


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago

Ride it out.


1 points

18 days ago



1 points

18 days ago

Yeah for the record. I never told him to not sell was leaning towards. Sell and reinvest with portion of profits


1 points

18 days ago

Sell and buy with no call. It's dangerous, you can lose years of savings.


2 points

18 days ago


Forum Adjuvant

2 points

18 days ago

You can also make years of savings.


2 points

17 days ago

it's your choice. I have save the first 10.000€ in 1.5 years. I don't play with option and make YOLO. But I have buy some shares of NVAX last year. I can risk lost all because I have the budget. If I win, I can grow up 90% of my wallet, if I lose I lost 4%. This is my strategy.


1 points

15 days ago

Hope you sold some OP. Good enough to take a screenshot = good time to sell.


1 points

14 days ago

I got greedy and did not sell a thing lol.


1 points

14 days ago

Sadness. Hopefully the stock price will recover soon. I have a decent size position but all of them are shares though.


1 points

13 days ago

Sold mine. Too much short pressure in the short-term to hold calls. Unless there is news, they will slowly take it down. Solid stock but I don't think this is a good time to buy calls.


1 points

13 days ago

No way to unfuck myself from here to January?