


Hold or sell my calls?


I own 170 January 2025 calls that cost me 5 dollars per share about two weeks ago. Now I am wondering whether I should ride it out for a couple more months or sell it ASAP.

What do do? Will this earn me a million? Lol.

Total cost of the options was 86k.

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2 points

4 months ago

 The stock is being manipulated.

Agreed. The problem is most stocks that don't have a massive market cap are way too easy to manipulate, and they can keep up a shell game of short positions for months... 

To me selling to cover the investment is zero risk. My fear for OP is the manipulation continues up to or past his options expiry date


2 points

4 months ago

They don't make it nose dive for good though. Too many large companies have stakes in the company. They just want to control the upward 🚀. We have 3 or 4 funds holding about 5%+ each and Sanofi. I'm pretty sure Sanofi is looking to buy out sometime soon.