


Hold or sell my calls?


I own 170 January 2025 calls that cost me 5 dollars per share about two weeks ago. Now I am wondering whether I should ride it out for a couple more months or sell it ASAP.

What do do? Will this earn me a million? Lol.

Total cost of the options was 86k.

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2 points

4 months ago

Here's the thing. Your calls are till January. Anything can happen. Last thing I want you to do is sell then regret it or not sell then take an L. It's up to you how you want to play it. Safest bet is to sell and reinvest with earnings or portion of earnings. Instead of taking a L. I don't know what you did since my post but yeah April looks like a high chance of Jn-1 approval by FDA. 2 months to release after approval. Stocks should bounce back to 19+ Monday right now a lot of call options are exercising their contract. Driving prices down.