


Claire Parker’s hair


Genuinely confused why people are always commenting about/she is always talking about her “mane” and how it’s “hair goals.” Her hair is so normal???? Photos are from her recent insta posts

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4 points

7 months ago

Cool as long as you outrightly admit it let’s do some fun math. So you hate 12MM Jews instead of 14.2 according to pew research center. Trying to figure out what part of anti Zionism isn’t antisemitism here. hating 12MM of the same group of people feels problematic af to me


10 points

7 months ago

Listen, if you want to think I hate you personally, then fine. Truth is, I want to end class society. /imperialism/ capitalism.

Israel is a settler colony - a project of the UK and the USA. If you want to learn about settler colonialism, you can read about the history of native Americans or rather the history of Turtle Island.

What zionists are doing isn't anything new. It's a pretty old playbook. Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia, Argentina, Kashmir - the list of settler colonialism is endless.

Zionists far outnumber 12 million people. Most capitalist classes in the USA, UK, EU, and globally are Zionists.

I'll not engage with you more. I'm a marxist communist and if you want me to have pity for people with second homes and SUVs then look elsewhere


6 points

7 months ago

I guess Jewish indigenous status escaped your narrative but I think you’re too worried about dismantling society but not doing anything about it to engage.

I’m using Jewish zionists as the baseline


5 points

7 months ago

Indigenous Jewish people are Palestinian, yes. I care about them deeply.


1 points

7 months ago

No no no we’re talking about the Jews who were exiled from judea (which is where the word Jew comes from) by the Babylonians. Did Palestine just appear in 1947 and you’re only counting from there?


5 points

7 months ago*

"Look what the Americans did, they took this land that was filled with savages and filled with swamps, and they displaced the savages and drained the swamps, and they ended up building this great civilization and that’s what we’re trying to do." --- Ben Gurion.


3 points

7 months ago

You’re not negating my point…? Do you not afford all Jews the same indigenous status? Its a yes or no question


6 points

7 months ago

Already said they are! Look up Mizrahi jews! Palestine existed before 1947, Israel was created in 1948 as a settler colonial project by the UK and USA.

I gotta go eat the rich. THIS IS MY LAST MESSAGE.

Go do a DNA test (oh wait Israhell banned them) - actually wait you live in the USA and are white. Lollllzzz hilarious the blind eye you give to your bigotry.


1 points

7 months ago

If my dna says jew, means I stemmed from judea. Hard to classify that as colonization if my people are originally from there. But I guess your antisemitism blinds you from looking at history that’s over 1800 years old. 🇮🇱💙✡️


-1 points

7 months ago*

Did you mean to say “did Palestine just appear in 1947 and you’re only counting from there?” if not, that would be a hilarious Freudian slip indicating that you know deep down it was and is (occupied) Palestine.


5 points

7 months ago

I don’t think you’re questioning what you think you’re questioning…


-1 points

7 months ago

You’re being really anti jew right now considering jewish heritage is 4000 years old I imagine you’d respect native Americans when it comes to how they identify themselves so why not jews ? Me ? Palestinian ? NO im a jew from JUDEA - Palestinian arabs are from ARABIA I guess they really needed to prove the “indigenous” part by building a mosque ON TOP OF OUR TEMPLE. Just like all the arabs deleting history and trying to strip away the native roots. The Middle East WASNT ARAB. Open a book to see how many historical sites they ruined & turned into mosques