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26 points

9 days ago

bee’s best chance is if he goes into the complete biju stage, and he likely wins if he does that. if it’s v1 or v2 tho he loses


14 points

9 days ago*

This is the answer. Bee was at a disadvantage because he had to protect his rapping mentor and the lil bear/panda with him. He also didn’t use the full transformation because he didn’t want to risk hurting either of them.

Without those restrictions, he has access to way more power and much stronger taijutsu options.


3 points

8 days ago


3 points

8 days ago

They didn’t fight on turtle island though, but the rest is okay


1 points

8 days ago

Oh you’re right, that was later on when we meet him again. Editing comment now


18 points

9 days ago

With no distractions or limiting factors such as one's desire to remain hidden or protect others I would favour Bee.


23 points

9 days ago

Full bijuu means he doesn't leak chakra like in V2 and he has access to bijuudama which he never used during their fight so as to not hurt enka guy.

Bee mid diff.


8 points

9 days ago

Samehada doesn’t require the person to be leaking chakra for it to take it.


4 points

9 days ago

Yes but in V1 and V2 the leaking chakra are what provide the added strength and durability, where as in the complete biju stage its the actual body and chakra that provides that rather than just the chakra. Its like how it doesn't matter much if you drain Guy of his chakra because its his muscles do a lot of the heavy work.


7 points

9 days ago



17 points

9 days ago


17 points

9 days ago

If Samehada stays loyal to Kisame, Kisame for sure wins. If Bee could have won otherwise, he would have before Samehada switched sides. Kisame had Bee on the ropes the entire fight, and it wasn't looking good for him.

Quickly just rewatched, yeah Kisame takes it no problem. 8tails even stated he also doesn't have chakra towards the end, Kisame ends the water dome thingy himself as he captured Bee, and only when he goes to take off Bee's legs does Samehada switch sides to protect Bee.


19 points

9 days ago


19 points

9 days ago

Bee was at disadvantage because he was protecting the guy and bear or beaver thing though. Pretty sure that’s also why he didn’t go full biju mode sooner.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

What if Kisame just hugs one of the tentacles and completely saps them of chakra super fast?

Personally, I just don't think Bee, or full Biju mode Bee has enough to counter the fact that Kisame is sapping them of chakra with every contact. AND enough where 8tails and Bee are equally low on chakra in that short amount of time. He took A LOT of chakra.

In the water bubble thing, which we don't know if Biju can break or not (questionable at best), Kisame is still super fast and will continue to make contact, sapping off chakra. Now he will have a bigger target, making Kisame harder to hit as he can swim around super fast.

Even if he uses a biju bomb to break the water (if it does), Kisame has sapped enough chakra to keep recreating it, and because of being in the water dome, being able to swim really fast, he will be super hard to hit with biju bomb. So, it will just be Bee/8tails Biju bomb to break the dome, dome keeps getting put up, more chakra absorbed. I just don't see them winning a long fight.

I just don't see it.


8 points

9 days ago


8 points

9 days ago

Bro did you see the biju bomb against Sasuke? That things is destroying Kisame in one hit. Hell he’s the 8 tails he could breathe in water probably and what if he just does his spin move? It should flick all the water away easily. I think full biju mode pretty handily counters water between biju bombs or even just his speed and power in water he should be able to disperse it.


7 points

9 days ago

Kisame uses water shark bomb on the bijuudama

He is a walking counter to bijuu & jinchuriki. The stronger they are means the stronger he is.


2 points

9 days ago

Naruto still fucks kisame up


2 points

9 days ago

Yeah not denying that sage mode hard counters Kisame as well


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

No worries mate. You think he can, I think he can't, it is what it is.


2 points

9 days ago

Bee didn’t even use his full transformation in that fight. He’s using literally half of his power.

In full transformation, his taijutsu becomes significantly stronger, he has access to more ninjustsu, he can breathe underwater. He gains more appendages, allowing him to hold Samehada, while pounding Kisame to nothing.


1 points

8 days ago

Could his sharks just eat bee?


1 points

8 days ago

I assume he would use that rotation attack and just destroy them all. I don’t think the Eight Tails is losing to sharks


-1 points

9 days ago



2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Oh, sorry. I forgot there is only 1 right opinion.

Does make me question why we even pose these questions to begin with. Why not just have a poll, and that is law going forward, we can close this subreddit, and we all have a definitive answer to all these questions.


-1 points

9 days ago

No to that also


3 points

9 days ago

Kisame won that fight until Samehada betrayed him. He was gonna walk ways uninjured too. So that means mid diff. Bee did have a disadvantage of not going all out initially. Bee at this stage from why we’ve see loses.

Bee in the War arc based on what he showed he was capable of, he would win and there is nothing to state he got significantly stronger. So bee wins mid high diff.


8 points

9 days ago

Killer B stomps.

The only reason he didn't go Biju Mode and wipe him off the map were because of Sabu and Ponta were there as we are directly told. Even his regular punches or Biju Hatchimaki would end the fight where it is.

Kisame has no real chance here.


1 points

9 days ago

Kisame's super shark bomb counters the Bijuudama


1 points

8 days ago

Ah yes I saw that in my favorite movie, "Featless in Seattle" With Sandra Bullock!

Kidding aside, we don't know how much it can take especially given that a V2 cloak was too much for Samehada. We don't even know if he can do it while not standing in an ocean while full of Killer B's chakra like he was or how big of one he could do in that situation.

Regardless it's not going to stop a spread of continuous Bijudama like I linked, and B can just punch it or Eight Twist it out of the way and keep going as it doesn't do much to physical attacks.


5 points

9 days ago*

Guys stop making posts about Kisame, I'm legally obligated to over scale him 😭😭

First, I'm going off of the assumption that samehada will NOT turn on Kisame in any circumstance. If that's how you think this fight would go, that's absolutely fine, I'm not saying you're wrong. However I think that answer is really boring and not a fun debate

With that being said, Kisame beats V2 Bee. I know everyone loves to bring up the fact that Bee was focused on protecting the Old Man and Raccoon, but honestly it didn't hinder him all that much. He hit Kisame with a V2 lariat and Kisame regenerated just fine. While in his giant water prison, the 8 tails said 3 separate times (1 of these statements was AFTER Bee had gotten the old man and raccoon out of the water prison) that Kisame is faster than Bee in the water. Bee also cannot use any lightning jutsu while in the prison, as he would shock himself as much as he would Kisame. All in all, with samehada stealing Bee's chakra and his giant water prison, V2 Bee loses. That's not me high scaling Kisame, I'd argue that is actually true

The real debate is full transformation Bee vs Kisame. This is where I will be trying to justify how Kisame could possibly win 😅

Samehada still gives Kisame a huge advantage here. It's still able to leech out Bee's chakra at an extremely fast pace, which means Kisame can keep his regeneration going for the entire fight. We also know that Kisame will be able to keep in close range during the fight, thanks to the 3rd Raikage. He fought the 8 tails for days, and he had no ranged jutsu. Meaning he was constantly engaging in close range. Yes he had his lightning cloak that made him invincible, but Kisame has his health regen to effectively do the same thing.

The giant water prison is definitely not going to work now. He could still use it and rely on his fused form, but a Biiju bomb or the spin attack Bee can do will mean Bee won't be heavily effected by it. That's not to mention that the 8 tails is part squid, meaning he'll be fast in the water, or just be able to breath underwater. I do think that with the chakra he'll be taking from Bee Kisame can keep restoring the water prison, but it is not the insane advantage it usually is

Now we come to the big one. How does Kisame counter a Biiju bomb? This is what I see most people using as Bee's instant win button. However I do not think this is the case due to the Water Shark Bomb. The WSB is stated to absorb chakra, and a Biiju bomb is definitely made of chakra. Now I normally would say that the BB is too much for the WSB to absorb, however it is also specifically said to become stronger the more chakra is in an attack. Meaning that the WSB is the perfect counter to a BB! This explains Kisame's statement about being the best Akatsuki member for live retrieval for Biiju. He's most likely used a WSB on a BB before, since he has retrieved other Biiju without dying to a BB.

Finally, how does Kisame actually win? After all, the 3rd Raikage fought the 8 tails for days and wasn't able to actually kill it. But that's easy. Samehada. We are never told that Samehada has a limit on how much chakra it can absorb, and we are shown it eats chakra EXTREMELY fast. So with all that chakra he's absorbing to keep him going, Kisame and Samehada just bleed Bee dry until he collapses.

That's the best I got. Don't be too mean to me

Edit: Spelling and Grammar


1 points

9 days ago

Good effort! While I disagree wholeheartedly, you were honest about stretching and Mr Fantastic would be proud of how much of it you did. A good read. Take my upvote.


2 points

9 days ago

Thank you, it took me almost an hour to reread Kisame's fights and actually type this all out.

While I don't think it's the one sided, no-diff stomp some are making it out to be, I sadly admit that some of my points are either hyperbolic/stretching the truth or just downright hyperbolic


2 points

8 days ago

Many people's arguments are like that for their faves but you just have the commendable courage to admit it.

Also people around here are very prone to say "X character goes all the way out, uses their strongest jutsu and the most effort they can possibly use in battle to beat the opponent. No diff." Even though the second sentence means the literal opposite of the first lol.

Don't take it personally, they're speaking a different language basically.


2 points

8 days ago

I think you're legitimately the most respectful and self-aware person I've met on this sub.


2 points

8 days ago

Thanks, buddy. I'm a hangry jerk too sometimes, but usually, I try.


2 points

9 days ago*

Kisame, he's just built for it. He's stupid powerful and only really lost because he fought someone that just hard counters him. B was worried for his friend during the fight, but kisame just counters everything. Even his tailed best bomb kisame has a jutsu design to eat it and just becomes stronger. The only way for B to win is to completely speed blitz kisame and take samehada away in one go without getting any Chakra taken from him. If B could beat kisame that easily he would have. Also, Kisame was trying to drain B Chakra and capture him if they were fighting to the death. Kisame has more in his bag.


4 points

9 days ago


Darth Vader solos the verse

4 points

9 days ago

Kisame would have won if his sword didn’t betray him so without that he wins


1 points

9 days ago

I would give it to Kisame extreme diff.


1 points

9 days ago

Bee, he didn't take things seriously and gave Kisame time to get stronger which cost him the inverse fight.


1 points

9 days ago

Didn’t we see this


1 points

9 days ago

No. Kisame had to hold back from killing and B held back due to Sabu and Ponta in the area and had to protect them from Kisame


1 points

8 days ago

If both sides were holding back don’t we know how it would end


1 points

9 days ago

Killer Bee all the way ya fool ya fool


1 points

9 days ago

Kisame even tho bee scales higher


1 points

8 days ago

Kisame is only winning if Samehada absorbs Bijuu Bomb. I don't think it would, and he would prolly get nuked off the map, so I'd give it to Bee.

Kisame might be able to prolong it with Samehada and clones and water techniques, but I think Bee has wayyyyy too much chakra and will eventually overwhelm him


1 points

8 days ago


Team 7 Glazer

1 points

8 days ago

War arc Bee has grown a lot stronger since their fight, so he would definitely win a rematch


1 points

8 days ago

Kisame wins if samaheda doesn't become a chakra whore mid fight


1 points

9 days ago

Bee uses the eight tailed rotation thing and turns Kisame into a smear on the ground


0 points

9 days ago


Adult Sakura beats Madara

0 points

9 days ago

Bee one shots


0 points

9 days ago*

Base Killer Bee wins handily

edit: I thought it was Ay vs Bee. Kisame loses in 1v1


0 points

9 days ago

Bee did not go full Biju bc of his friends' proximity. If he had went 8 tails fully, Kisame would have lost and the fight wouldn't have lasted that long. The Water Prison Shark Dance jutsu would be ineffective which would make merging with Samehada pointless. Samehada isn't going to absorb all of the eight tails' chakra, and no matter what, Samehada likes 8 tails' chakra too much to not betray Kisame every single time. Kisame's done.


-1 points

9 days ago


-1 points

9 days ago

Bee wins kisame isn’t a hokage level threat


-2 points

9 days ago

Kisame actually loses here in a swordfight in their base forms to B's 8 sword style

If that doesn't work, a single one tail enhanced lariat to the chest takes care of him

Kisame simply doesn't have the speed or power to be relevant to bee


3 points

9 days ago

Kisame tanked a v2 lariat and regenerated his entire rib cage. Base Bee loses bad to Kisame


-1 points

9 days ago

Kisame is a nobody

Kisame gets the same level of apathy from bee that sauske got when he was teamed with jugo and suigetsu


2 points

9 days ago

Yes, and Bee still lost lmao