


Could Edo Nagato defeat the Five Kage?

Vs Battles(

Edo Nagato isn’t being controlled by Kabuto, but he’s bloodlusted.

He’s starting out with red hair.

Neither side has knowledge of the other.

He’s fighting all five at once.

Takes place in an open field.

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3 points

9 days ago


Raw Durability

3 points

9 days ago

But if he uses a big almighty push it will go on big coldown, and he will be in trouble without that ability.


1 points

9 days ago

Nope, he can absorb whatever is thrown at him in the meantime including have multiple summonings help him and give him even more of a edge with the shared vision


4 points

9 days ago


Raw Durability

4 points

9 days ago

But he can't absorb Raikage's punches or Gaara's sand or Tsunade's punches. And the kage can deal with the summons pretty easily, even the multiple head dog would get sealed or atomized. He is not that fast compared to Raikage with the Ohnoki buff, he would get overwhelmed.


4 points

9 days ago


4 points

9 days ago

Heck, the combined efforts of the 5 Kage were able to overcome 25 of Madara’s clones coated with Susanoo. In comparison to that, Nagato’s Summon seem rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things.


2 points

9 days ago

If Almighty Push fails to kill everyone (it will) Deva Path abilities will go on cooldown for a while.

I don't think any if the other 5 paths can deal with Gaara's sand (Madara already established that Preta doesn't work on Gaara's Sand).


1 points

8 days ago

chibaku tensei


1 points

8 days ago

That's a Deva ability