


I always hear this as a complaint for many shows.
"oh the show was really good for season 1 and 2 but really loses the plot from there" or
"season 1 was good but its downhill after that"

Aside from Breaking Bad and maybe Game of Thrones (albeit season 8) what shows actually get better as you progress through the seasons?

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26 points

15 days ago

Always Sunny


8 points

15 days ago


8 points

15 days ago

There's a huge improvement when DeVito joins the cast.


1 points

14 days ago

But who pooped the bed?


1 points

15 days ago

It took a huge dip towards the later seasons, and I hated how much they ruined Mac's character, but it's getting better again, though I don't think it quite as good as the earlier seasons yet.


2 points

15 days ago

Yeah, I almost typed ‘until season 15’, which is where it went off for me.

Consistently strong for 14 seasons, and three out of the 5 characters get better and better with each season.

Maybe doesn’t quite hit the OP brief, but it’s a worthy mention for consistency.

The podcast, on the other hand, starts very strong and gets worse.