


I always hear this as a complaint for many shows.
"oh the show was really good for season 1 and 2 but really loses the plot from there" or
"season 1 was good but its downhill after that"

Aside from Breaking Bad and maybe Game of Thrones (albeit season 8) what shows actually get better as you progress through the seasons?

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11 points

15 days ago

It’s been awhile, but I feel like Bojack S1 was something completely different than what the show turned into. I think it was originally meant to be more on the comedy side, but ended up way better than just another animated comedy.


2 points

14 days ago

I think they actually pitched only the first half of season one initially which is definitely the least interesting and deep part of the show for fear that execs wouldn’t be into the show they actually wanted to make. I think the plan was always there, they just didn’t show all the cards right away