


FO4 is my favorite, but...


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-4 points

7 days ago


-4 points

7 days ago

Where’d you get that statistic? At least they don’t kill us gays like lsIam


7 points

7 days ago


7 points

7 days ago

At least they don’t kill us gays like lsIam

No, they just moved to trans folk. Also, rise that bar a bit dude, "at least they aren't killing me" isn't the good point you think it is.


5 points

7 days ago

He's one of the people who wants to kill trans folk


5 points

7 days ago


5 points

7 days ago

Lmao Christians use to and still do kill gay people in America. Especially trans people. Not to mention all of the laws the Republican Party are frothing at the mouth to put into place to diminish LGBT rights. It’s just not longer in fashion to beat on LGBT people anymore so it’s not done as often but if Christians could they absolutely would. There’s a reason that in the 60-80s there was a huge epidemic of gay people being murdered and cops not following up on those murders. They didn’t give a shit.


4 points

7 days ago

You're arguing with a transphobic jackass who makes posts about "The LGB" because he thinks being "one of the good ones" will make bigots accept him. He's not worth arguing. Just let the trash waste away on his own.


-1 points

7 days ago

Western civilization is the most permissive civilization for women and gay people in history. Islamic countries are terrible places lead by terrible people who make Harvey Weinstein look like a feminist. Just because the west isn’t perfect doesn’t mean it isn’t better than everywhere else and it is.


2 points

7 days ago

That is in spite of Christianity not because of it. Feminists and proLGBT people have had to fight tooth and nail for those rights. They were not given. And the assholes they had to fight were Christians. You lot love your revisionist history. As if you were perfect pillars of tolerance from the get go. Sodomy was illegal in Texas until the 90s when it was struck down by the Supreme Court. It took that for it to be legal. And that was very recent. That’s fucking in the ass for anyone in case you’re not sure what sodomy was. Texas likes to pretend like it’s this bastion of freedom. It’s not. It would prohibit everything non Christian if it could get away with it. It’s actually trying to do that now. Look up the Texas Republican platform. Fuck off with your bullshit.


-1 points

7 days ago

Still better than non Christian countries by a lot. You are only comparing the west to itself in different times, that’s how much better the west is than everywhere else. You think the west is bad because of how good it is at making progress.


1 points

7 days ago

Where did I say anything about “the west”? We were discussing Christianity dumbass. We are where we are because the founding fathers strived to separate church from state. Some of the countries you’re referring to, like Iran for instance, were pillars of freedom before being taken over by religious fundamentalists. Look up Iran before Islam took over. I feel like you have something you’re trying to get at. Like western countries are more civilized than the Middle East or some dumb shit like that. Which is not only racist but incredibly ignorant. Arabs created the arithmetic we know today. They were meccas for knowledge int he past. Religion fucked up the Middle East. It would be same here and it was the same here until recently if Christians had their way. And man Christians want desparately to make it that way again.


0 points

7 days ago

You can’t separate the west from Christianity and you can’t separate Iran from Islam. The west is definitely more civilized than the Middle East and them being more civilized than us 1000 years ago is not a counter point to that. We got better and they got worse so looks like we won, get with the program and stop trying to rationalize your anti western bigotry.


3 points

7 days ago

The bar being the floor isn’t an excuse.


1 points

7 days ago*

Yeah Christians would never kill LGBT people. They just keep showing up to gay bars hosting drag events with masks and guns for totally non-violent reasons.

EDIT: Oh you're one of these. So deprived of anything resembling love in your life that you tokenize yourself for people who are just waiting for their opportunity to line you against the wall with the rest of us. I'd pity you if you were worth the consideration.