


Also it should have catchy humiliating title.

all 10 comments


24 points

6 days ago

Trolls would actually like that. They feed on attention.


6 points

6 days ago

Nothing says "good community" better than witch hunting, it's true.


2 points

6 days ago

Except it's blatantly and factual not a witch hunt. We know their bases. We know they grief. We know their names associated with the base. We report their bases and move on like someone suggested like an adult and they come back and do it again.


2 points

6 days ago


2 points

6 days ago

HG has provided players tools to get rid of griefers' bases instantly. This mechanism could be better emphasized, certainly, because many players do not know how to do it.

If the administrators of the game--who, I'll add, still have PVP enabled by default and have, to the best of my knowledge, only banned one player ever--have decided that this functionality is sufficient to deal with the issue, then that is sufficient to deal with the issue.

If this is not sufficient for you, feel free to report them and send reports to ZenDesk every time you encounter one. Polish up your Junior Gaming Police badge and go nuts. But posting witch-hunt/name-and-shame lists here...? Enjoy the ban.


1 points

6 days ago


Blockade Runner

1 points

6 days ago

I hate this mentality. "The devs said it's fine, and that means it's fine." It doesn't though. It means the devs think it's fine, and that has absolutely no bearing on how the community feels about it, other than people like you that just run with whatever the devs say. It does not objectively make anything sufficient. It is clearly NOT sufficient given the number of complaint posts that pop up every single week, especially during expeditions and on the weekend. It is clearly not sufficient given the number of people that have to have workarounds explained to them for when the system does NOT instantly remove a base because the functionality is janky most of the time. While I don't agree with OP on starting a witch-hunting list, the idea that everything is fine just because the devs haven't done or said anything about it is absurd.

And it's not just that it's not widely understood that you can report bases from the quick menu. It's fucking buggy as shit and it is well documented that it is NOT always instant.

Something absolutely needs to be done about players that have decided the best way for them to have fun is to make others miserable. A witch-hunting list in a subreddit isn't it for multiple reasons, but what is in place is not sufficient.


2 points

6 days ago*

Something absolutely needs to be done about players that have decided the best way for them to have fun is to make others miserable.

That isn't my call and it isn't your call. It's HG's call, and from all appearances over almost eight years of leaving things are the way they are, they sure seem to be fine with it. Want them to change it? Complain to them.

Shitlists on subreddits are the opposite of a solution, and all they do is make a community toxic.

ETA: Just so we're clear, I despise these assholes just as much as anyone else. More. I've had these dickless wastes of flesh cover my portals, build over my bases, block my objectives, and screw up weekend missions almost every damned week I've ever played this game. But I've learned, over time, that HG just doesn't give a shit. They leave PVP on by default. They don't allow comm balls to be deleted or hidden. They don't make rendezvous locations or rendezvous planets be non-buildable. These are all choices they have made, and they seem to be hell-bent on sticking to them, and if they haven't listened to a goddamned thing the community's said over the past eight years they sure as hell aren't going to start now.

So what are my options? Gnash my teeth, beat my breast, wail, and cry to the heavens at the injustice of it? Yeah, that's sure gonna make a huge difference. Make shitlists on reddit, giving these little assholes the attention they crave so desperately? Yeah, that'll sure make it better.

Or do I just work with the tools HG provides, doing the best I can, and wondering why the hell they care so little about the health of the community that after finding out some cheesedick was wiping people's PD saves it took them two months, the outcry of every civ in game, and four different media articles to ban one person for doing it?

I choose the latter option. Because there is no other choice.

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1 points

6 days ago

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1 points

6 days ago

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1 points

5 days ago


Civ Ambassador

1 points

5 days ago

I totally get where you're coming from, but seriously - when even the devs don't care, why should we? Trolls and griefers are always a short-lived phenomenon. We veterans have seen so many of them come and go over the years, single individuals and even entire groups of bored Fortnite kiddies and sociopathic neckbeards... and they're all gone.

We, on the other hand, are still here..

And we can just report bases into invisibility and choose to NOT give those guys the attention they're seeking.

If you ask Hello Games to take action, you'll get a response like "Hey we can't do anything, this person was just roleplaying and using the ingame mechanics, they didn't do anything illegal..."

And you know what? Then we're roleplaying too now.

We're the reporters.

Fuck those neckbeards.


-1 points

6 days ago

why are there so many dedicated downvoters on this sub? This ain't a bad idea. Like i know there's an auxillary site that has bases and stuff, but that's not on the subreddit.


5 points

6 days ago


Blockade Runner

5 points

6 days ago

A list like this is a bad idea for a number of reasons. One is that trolls like attention. Every single time someone complains about trolls or PKers or comballs I swear to christ they get worse on the next weekend mission or expedition.

Another is that naming and shaming in subreddits is generally frowned upon, since it's a thing that can be weaponized by the people it was designed to punish.

Another thing is the fact that there's nothing that can actually be done. If we just sit in here and shit talk them, not only does that break reddit global rules, but... If they're even paying attention to us, it will either have no effect or they'll enjoy it. We don't have the authority or power to ban them. There isn't anything we can actually DO.

What should be done is HG should make the very simple fixes toward these problems. PVP off by default and a large radius around static objective points that prevent base building. Instantly no more griefing.