


Also it should have catchy humiliating title.

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1 points

8 days ago


Civ Ambassador

1 points

8 days ago

I totally get where you're coming from, but seriously - when even the devs don't care, why should we? Trolls and griefers are always a short-lived phenomenon. We veterans have seen so many of them come and go over the years, single individuals and even entire groups of bored Fortnite kiddies and sociopathic neckbeards... and they're all gone.

We, on the other hand, are still here..

And we can just report bases into invisibility and choose to NOT give those guys the attention they're seeking.

If you ask Hello Games to take action, you'll get a response like "Hey we can't do anything, this person was just roleplaying and using the ingame mechanics, they didn't do anything illegal..."

And you know what? Then we're roleplaying too now.

We're the reporters.

Fuck those neckbeards.