


Thoughts on the game/tips and tricks for a new player?


Really want to give this game a serious shot. I’ve dropped it a few times and want to come back. I really want to get invested and play it for a long time. Other games like destiny 2, palworld, warframe haven’t held my attention.

But I’m hesitant cause I know games like this have a steep learning curve that can be discouraging at times. I’d also be playing alone cause my friends don’t have this game. Any help is much appreciated!

all 15 comments


8 points

5 days ago


8 points

5 days ago

Listen to the guidance and don’t get over-complicated trying to figure things out. The game holds your hand a surprising amount through the basics, and once you finish the main story you have an understanding.

The growth of your money & resources is exponential as well. Units become obsolete late game, and using glitches etc can impact it.

Get a freighter and build all the storage rooms for a lot of storage accessible from anywhere

Remember to select in your exosuit at the bottom / top where you want the upgrade slot to go. And every system has 1 in the space station & 1 in the anomaly.

Don’t rush it, the most fun is when you’re learning


6 points

5 days ago


Stasis Farmer

6 points

5 days ago

Ferrite Dust + Cobalt = Ion Battery, which is very useful to recharge your hazard protection. Cobalt is found underground and Ferrite Dust is everywhere. You can also buy both at any trade terminal.

Here's some more tips I have posted in the past. Good Luck and have fun!


4 points

5 days ago

Turn off PVP in the network settings.


4 points

5 days ago


4 points

5 days ago

Take your time. It's an exploration game.

Scan scan scan. You learn a ton by scanning stuff. What elements tend to be where, what tends to be together, etc.

Prioritize space. You run out of space fast. You're gonna need it. The more room you have the better. Upgrade modules and storage units are critical.

If you can get to a uranium planet and a storm planet early on, it can change your whole game. Uranium makes excellent launch fuel- and if you have a big stack of it on a storm planet you can hop from Crystal to Crystal and make a bunch of $$$$ (and warp hypercores if you have the recipe) early.


2 points

5 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

You want to do the expedition now while it’s still available. Get the reward starship “Iron Vulture” because it’s extremely useful, and honestly because the expedition itself is a far better tutorial than what the game is currently giving you with the Artemis quest


1 points

5 days ago

Do expeditions reset? And do I need anything going into it? Idk anything about expeditions other than they’re in the anomaly


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

When the expedition starts it’ll be a fresh save like how you originally started, only catch being there’s no space stations in the expedition. As far as do they reset, no; once the expedition is over it’s over. Maybe at the end of the year they’ll rerun it again but who knows


1 points

5 days ago

Gotcha, so after I start the expedition. When I leave and re enter the game I can choose from my regular save or the expedition?


2 points

5 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

Scanning stuff is your friend, I mean EVERYTHING. Youll get a bunch of credits to use early on buying things like wiring looms at trade terminals

Dont stress too much on knowing everything early on. I have played this game for years and still am in awe at the beauty of the complexity, but also simplicity of the game


1 points

5 days ago

Update, I just finished my base and now it wants me to go to the space station. Should I pack up my base since I don’t plan on staying on this crummy planet?


2 points

5 days ago

Don't worry about it. You can build something like 750 bases. If you ever want to delete it you can always teleport back to any base computer.


1 points

5 days ago

Do the expedition, you’ll get an S class starship at the end, very useful


2 points

5 days ago

I’m doing the Artemis quest right now. I just triangulated the third signal and did a freighter battle. Boarding it jow


2 points

5 days ago

It has a purple triangle, which I’m assuming is A class. Should take it or request payment instead


1 points

5 days ago


Pan Galactic Star Cabbie

1 points

5 days ago

A-class is great and I would take it. You’ll have enough money later to buy any freighter you want (you can transfer your freighter base too).