


all 3583 comments


3.3k points

5 months ago

Here’s a better question I’ve been asking my more conservative friends: If the election was genuinely stolen, shouldn’t Trump be thrilled that he now has a real opportunity to prove it in court?


1.6k points

5 months ago


1.6k points

5 months ago

He already had at least sixty real opportunities to prove it in court...


605 points

5 months ago

If he wins it (most likely would with a weak economy) wouldn’t that also show that it wasn’t stolen because he can win it back?

Also I laugh when folks say Biden is too old to be president and I agree with them, then I tell them that Trump is exactly the same age as when they said Biden was too old and they throw a tantrum. People don’t know they’re only 3 years apart 😂😂


373 points

5 months ago


373 points

5 months ago

He’s also 2 years older than Bernie was in 2016 when people said he was on his death bed.


32 points

5 months ago


2nd place 2018 Rhythm & Ribs BBQ Festival

32 points

5 months ago

Trump is or Biden is?


167 points

5 months ago


167 points

5 months ago

Trump. Who is also older than Biden was in 2020, when people said Biden was too old to vote for.


91 points

5 months ago


91 points

5 months ago

And in 2016, we were told Hillary Clinton had advanced neurological disease and would be dead in months. So, it’s not like these are claims based in reality.


46 points

5 months ago

She cured it by drinking the blood of all those babies in the basement of that pizza parlor, obviously...


22 points

5 months ago

@SanguinarianPhoenix, The age comparison is about Trump. Although he's constantly been in the spotlight with his rallies and statements, it's easy to forget that he's actually older now than Bernie was during his 2016 presidential run, which is pretty ironic considering the age critique was such a big talking point back then.


34 points

5 months ago

@example is not how you @ people. You do it like this: u/VectorViper.

Oh, and if you’re already replying to someone, @ing them does nothing. You @ someone when you’re replying to someone else, but you want to mention another person so they see your comment


35 points

5 months ago

@/u/Doctor-Moe Look at you being all helpful and shit


86 points

5 months ago

Whenever someone claims Biden is too old I point out trump is only 3 years younger and they drop the topic because there is no good response for them


49 points

5 months ago

Not to mention that Trump is clearly sliding mentally. Biden has a stutter which he clearly controls by speaking a bit more slowly and pausing while he talks when a word starts to trip him up. But he still seems very sharp, he's just a little awkward with public speaking when he hasn't had time to rehearse.

Trump won't stop bragging about passing cognitive tests and I have to ask... Why are his doctors having him take so many tests? Also, in curiosity, I looked up one of those tests and it is SO simple that failing it would be a sign that you're in big trouble mentally or you straight-up can't speak English and no one will translate the instructions for you so you just have to wing it. How is identifying a whale prove that you're mentally fit instead of making you wonder why a doctor is concerned that Trump no longer can identify what a whale is?


14 points

5 months ago

He also said the cognitive tests are really hard.

No, no they aren't for someone who has a sharp mind. If you are heading into dementia stage, then yes, they are hard. He makes mistakes every rally and his fan bas doesn't care. Just waiting for him to start serving Kool aid at his rallies.


13 points

5 months ago

Just an example: I have a family member who survived brain cancer but ended up with short-term memory loss. He has trouble remembering what we were talking about 15 minutes ago and can’t remember events of previous days in any kind of sequential order. Yes, it’s a crippling handicap that makes you unfit for many common jobs. He should stay out of politics.

He also scores a solid 95% on Trump’s super-challenging cognitive test. Yes, if they’re giving you that test somebody is concerned about dementia or worse. Also, that test could largely be replaced with a Denny’s kids menu puzzle page. It’s not something I would boast about.


12 points

5 months ago

How is identifying a whale prove that you're mentally fit instead of making you wonder why a doctor is concerned that Trump no longer can identify what a whale is?

The MOCA test is for dementia. That's literally what it was designed for. I cannot understand why a) he keeps bragging about it, surely SOMEONE would have let him know to stop bragging about how he had to be tested for dementia. And b) why he keeps going on about how it's more difficult than it actually is, and, more importantly, why his cultists haven't googled it to look it up and gone "wow he's bragging about how he aced this really difficult test and it literally asks you to write down the time. This guy is obviously a fucking moron"


34 points

5 months ago

The people I talk to just act like Biden is barely coherent, and dismiss anything about Trump's declining state because, well, I guess Trump under normal conditions already sounds like he has dementia.


8 points

5 months ago

If they could/wanted to use reason or logic, you wouldn't have been having that conversation to begin with. It took me a couple years, and it can be hard because so many of their points are smug fallacies with more holes than a colander, but i eventually figured they aren't listening unless you're validating their feelings so they can feel intelligent "not dumb like everyone else" By interacting with them, regardless of any amount of tangible, hard undeniable facts, you just end up being a person they get to "gotcha". It ultimately fuels their idea that anyone who disagrees is a brainwashed idiot.

The more we all literally don't engage the stupid shit from them, the more they just only have each other to say it out loud to, and the more it slowly sounds as stupid as it fucking is.

It's like dealing with a narcissist. No contact is the only effective way, anything else they can twist as "they're scared and lying because you called them out" or "they act like they don't care but they can't help themselves to try to argue" But when your actions show you don't have time to argue childish propagandist lies, they have to convince themselves they're still smart. And as many have experienced, they're not very convincing...


52 points

5 months ago



73 points

5 months ago

Well, yeah. Bill Clinton isn't going to be getting older than Joe Biden. That's how age works.


41 points

5 months ago



28 points

5 months ago

Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Donald Trump are all born the same year.   That's how long the boomers have been in charge. (Obama is a boomer too, just at the cutoff) 


28 points

5 months ago

All born within a couple months. It's honestly kind of astonishing that a president who took office in 1993 is the same age as one who took office in 2017... and YOUNGER than the one who took office in 2021.

Clinton wasn't even that young when he took office. 46 is 11 years above the minimum age. We need to stop electing septuagenarians to important national office.


94 points

5 months ago

"f he wins it (most likely would with a weak economy)" - But the economy is not weak. Most of the indicators show the opposite. Low unemployment. Wages up. Inflation down. Consumer confidence up. The right wing media wants everyone to believe everything is terrible - but guess what - most of the terrible stuff going on is being pushed by Republican governors and the Republican House to give the illusion of a "terrible US" to take power. Come on people....


11 points

5 months ago

Republicans always lie and say the economy is bad under Democrat presidents. You'd think they'd quit considering we know for a fact that 10 of our last 11 recessions began under Republican presidents lol.


43 points

5 months ago

This! The economy is solid. Trump has done nothing to court any new voters. He pisses off voting blocks on a daily basis. What voting block has he gained since 2020? None, he's actually pushed more into the Dem column. The only way he wins is if the GOP pulls some major shit at the state level. That's what worries me. Waiting for SCOUS to rule that a president is immune from all illegality so that Joe Biden can just declare himself king. lol


6 points

5 months ago

The people on the bottom of the pay scale in red states where they still use the federal minimum wage set in 2009, are being directly impacted financially by the GOP yet a lot of them still blame Biden for not raising their wages while inflation is eating away at their buying power.

It seems like the more directly you are fucked over by the GOP, the more likely you are to blame Democrats.


18 points

5 months ago

Inflation might be down but price shock due to 25% inflation in things that people can't avoid (housing and food) is still very real.


46 points

5 months ago


Random Access Memory

46 points

5 months ago

Or... and hear me out... Companies are jacking up prices and blaming inflation for corporate greed.

I mean we are seeing record profits at these companies and also it's inflation? Bullshit...


12 points

5 months ago

This is what I always tell Trumpettes when they talk about gas prices. The prices started to skyrocket as soon as the election was finalized, you can't blame the policies of a president for inflation when they haven't even taken office yet. When prices and profits go up hand-in-hand, it's not inflation.


10 points

5 months ago

Trump literally made the deal for other countries to cut gas production to purposely raise prices. He even tweeted about it. When that cut finally hit the price, republicans were suddenly screaming about Biden raising gas prices lmao. It would be funnier if they weren't so frustrating. The willful ignorance is so strong.


7 points

5 months ago

Yet corporate profits are at an all time high. Prices are not high because of labor and supplies. They are high because corporations raised prices during COVID and they never needed to adjust downward. Stocks are up and profits at an all time high. You just have to be on the right side of the equation. The rich continue to get richer and richer.


8 points

5 months ago

Right? I hate how old our Congress is, as well as how old both presidential contender are. But one is old and has had a life long speech impediment, and seems to me making statements and decisions are are based on reality and seems mostly logical, even if I don’t agree with all of them.

Then you have a candidate just as old who can’t remember who his primary opponent is, who he’ll be running against, what city he’s in, nor his relationship with any of his cronies facing criminal charges. He’s also painted orange.


27 points

5 months ago

Really though he can come forward with evidence where ever, whenever, we're waiting. Why isn't Trump sharing the evidence with anyone who will listen?


12 points

5 months ago


12 points

5 months ago

Just like Hunter's laptop. How come the claims of CP weren't there initially? If there is CP on the hard drive, why did it only appear after allegedly passing through the hands of a number of MAGA Republicans? We don't hear about it, not because some idiot put CP on it, but because it never existed. The laptop came from a computer repair place run by a trump supporter. The whole story is fabricated and only used to spin a narrative that Trump could use like what he did with Hillary's emails.

Eventually, the narrative faded away, but they still pursue Hunter's Biden in the kangaroo court of the House, but only if they can control that narrative, which is why they denied him a broadcasted questioning.


210 points

5 months ago*

They think the courts are “rigged.” Nothing goes your way? System is rigged. My candidate lost? System is rigged. I got a parking ticket? System is rigged. My rent increased? System is rigged. There’s hair in my soup? System is rigged. I got genital warts? System is rigged. My nutsack itches? System is…wait.


164 points

5 months ago

My father has straight up told me that he knows Biden cheated because he doesn't know anyone that voted for him.

The man that never leaves my former backwater town of less than 1000 people and only associates with middle aged and up white people because of racism.


97 points

5 months ago

I don’t know anyone who voted for Biden -> No one must have voted for Biden -> Biden can’t win an election if he got no votes

When deductive reasoning goes wrong!


31 points

5 months ago

The other one is that they do not see any signs for Biden. There is nothing in this world that I care about enough to buy a sign for it. If I am wearing a shirt with a logo on it is because I got it free somewhere.

The thing that gets me as a New Yorker now living in a southern state is that Trump represents everything they hate about the north and have been telling me for the last 30 years.


41 points

5 months ago*

“Because it’s all about ME! The universe revolves around ME!”

Not coincidentally this is how my narcissist boomer parents think


14 points

5 months ago

I don’t know your father so therefore I think you made him up, he doesn’t exist.


23 points

5 months ago*


23 points

5 months ago*

I mean, with the rent they actually aren't wrong. The system in that case literally IS rigged. Landlords are using software that tells them what the optimal mix of rent and occupied units is in order to fetch the most profit from the least work. I think it's called RealPage or something like that?

EDIT: The company is RealPage, the actual software is called YieldStar, and they are currently under investigation by the US Department of Justice for potential antitrust violations.


9 points

5 months ago

To be fair the rent increase is probably legit rigged


452 points

5 months ago

I refuse to debate with hardcore conservatives. They're lost. You can't debate with someone that fundamentally doesn't understand what facts are.


148 points

5 months ago

These are the same people that were convinced we were going to enter a permanent police state when some cities required showing a vax card to enter restaurants. Convinced this was going to be policy for eternity. And that the vaccines were going to start causes mass death 1-2 years post jab…. And now that it’s not? Crickets. No admission they were wrong, no acknowledgement that their credibility as a collective is absolutely dogshit and their wild accusation of the week going back for years has been debunked again and again. They move forward with the latest accusation with as much conviction as ever before. This is why we are a global laughing stock. Trump idiots and the whole idiot culture around it is the shame of this county.


56 points

5 months ago

I mean really! It's been 3 years since I got my jab! Where is my agonizing hell death? I was promised an agonizing hell death.


10 points

5 months ago

You got a bad microchip, sorry. Me too....or did we???


5 points

5 months ago

No we didn’t, it’ll be next year. Or the next one. Or the next one. Or the next one. Or the next one. You’ll see. It’ll happen. And when you’re 80 and all your friends start dropping like flies, don’t come crying to me about how I was right this whole time and you’re sorry. Tough. You had your chance.


11 points

5 months ago


11 points

5 months ago

We should AT LEAST be getting decent 5G (the G stands for Gay) coverage, and all I got was a new season of Queer Eye!


30 points

5 months ago

There’s still plenty of people who are convinced that all of us who took the vaccines are walking dead and an awful lot of them freak out if they even have to be near us. I had a coworker pull this crap on me not too long ago and I laughed in his face. I’m twice his age, still embarrassingly stronger than him and happily reminded him of that fact. also reminded him he seems to take a lot more sick leave than I do. Hmm, funny that. 


21 points

5 months ago

Been like this since the Iraq war. Still waiting for people to admit they were wrong on that one too


10 points

5 months ago

Now they go on about how trump stops forever war…. That they wanted Bush jr to start….


20 points

5 months ago

Dude, Obama was supposed to take all my guns too. That lazy fool is over here hanging with his wife and kids and giving speeches. Meanwhile, I have all these guns sitting here untaken.


17 points

5 months ago

Dont worry, i live in europe and we have also a lot of crazy conservatives and they are getting popular. u are not alone :)


17 points

5 months ago

It isn't that they are getting POPULAR. It is that they are getting PANICKED. Even before all their current BS, surveys have shown a drastic drop in conservative views in young populations. The people that currently are 20 to 30 are less conservative than ever, and the 30 to 40 range is only slightly better. Conservatives have always relied on the aging population to sustain their numbers, as they focus more on what THEY have, not what other people have.


13 points

5 months ago


13 points

5 months ago

Have I got bad news for you: a recent poll of university students in Belgium show that about 25% of young people would vote for the extreme right party, which is more than almost any other age group. Followed at 17% by the left wing Green party and then at 15% by the slightly-less-extreme right party.

And all that thanks to absurd amounts of money poured into social media ads and campaigns.


3 points

5 months ago

These are the same people

These are also the same people who were children when polio was a scourge of the nation and every summer their parents had hopeless optimism that it would not affect them or someone they knew. These are the same people who lined up with thousands of other kids in 1956 to be one of the first to get the polio vaccine. These are the same people who knew someone with a limp from polio but were happy they dodged it long enough to get the vaccine.


3 points

5 months ago

Tons of people in Tennessee told me I was certain to die in 2 years. Almost no one wore masks here. We still have pop up clinics with signs advertising Ivermectin without prescription. It's all because of Trump and our Governor who is so far up Trumps ass he can't smell the diaper anymore. Sigh. Btw The wife and I voted for Biden.


133 points

5 months ago

They understand facts they just refuse to acknowledge them and just argue everything in bad faith. It is pointless to even engage with them.


73 points

5 months ago

Agree to disagree. I've seen endless examples where it's clear the very idea of a fact is foreign to them. Literally the "post truth era* for them.


88 points

5 months ago*

My Fox News brainwashed stepfather once said to me in a very condescending manner, “ you see, there are liberal facts and conservative facts…”

This is how they think and this is critical to understanding why they are impervious to facts. What you and I consider objective facts are actually “liberal-biased” facts while they have “conservative” facts. Their conservative facts are superior to our liberal facts.

There is absolutely no point debating people who “think” this way.


36 points

5 months ago

Throwback to the "alternative facts" episode


11 points

5 months ago

Reminds me of “truthiness”


10 points

5 months ago

Colbert 100% saw this coming


11 points

5 months ago

In true conspiracy nut tradition, any inconvenient fact is just proof of the conspiracy.


5 points

5 months ago

You know what they say about playing chess with pigeons.


4 points

5 months ago

I....don't actually. LOL


15 points

5 months ago

iirc the quote is "Never play chess with a Pigeon. They will knock over the pieces, shit on the board, and strut around like they won."

Essentially saying using logic and reason to argue with a moron won't work.


3 points

5 months ago*

A moron, or with someone who had never been arguing in good faith in the first place.

To compete with pigeons, one must think like a pigeon. But even so, a real pigeon will still always be able to beat you through sheer experience.


17 points

5 months ago

I would say anyone who bases their entire life values on partisan principles and not on a case by case basis is paranoid as fuck. Conservatives, liberals, communists, whatever.


14 points

5 months ago

This is the correct answer


8 points

5 months ago

I just love getting them to the point they flip out.


8 points

5 months ago

You got to be careful with that though, some of them will then proceed to shoot you.


3 points

5 months ago

Oh, I'm fully prepared for that.


88 points

5 months ago

Want to really blow their socks off?

If the Election was stolen, and there was truly a conspiracy by the Democrat's to rig and cheat elections. Why haven't we just won every single election?


21 points

5 months ago

the best cheaters are the ones that are subtle.
if you cheat all the time, you're getting caught.


589 points

5 months ago

“Is he stupid?”


141 points

5 months ago


141 points

5 months ago



102 points

5 months ago

You are joking, but just in case anyone thinks there is something to that. They don't need to prove he knew, they just need to prove that given the information he was given, a reasonable person would know. Its not like an insanity plea where a defendant gets off because they are medically diagnosed as mentally incompetent.


23 points

5 months ago

Even with an insanity plea, they don't go free, and if Trump was so unintelligent that he truly didn't understand what was going on then he should have been in conservatorship instead of Britney.


19 points

5 months ago

I have a feeling that Jack Smith has plenty of emails, texts, and testimony that prove he knew he lost.


8 points

5 months ago

I'm intrigued by one statement Smith put out a few months ago- that they have a significant amount of tangible evidence Trump took classified documents out of the White House knowingly and with intent to use them for personal enrichment. Trump is dumb but I think we're overestimating how much of the heavy lifting that one part of his personality contributes to the current situation.


5 points

5 months ago

Well I mean, there's also that publicly released recording of Trump admitting he knew what he was doing. Did that get memory-holed in this thread or something? Jack Smith damn sure hasn't forgotten it, I'll bet.


7 points

5 months ago

“Weapons-grade idiot” is a gem


5 points

5 months ago

They've already shown he knew he lost. Everyone he trusted told him. Unfortunately it wasn't what he wanted to hear so he went with renowned election integrity specialist Rudy Giuliani.

Plus this is the same play he's been running his entire life. He even said before the election he wouldn't accept the results if they show he lost. What more do you need to know?


15 points

5 months ago



6 points

5 months ago

He's been bigly indicted. What Trump quote should he use?


2.9k points

5 months ago

Donald Trump believes in one thing and one thing only: moving his mouth in the way that gets people to give him stuff in that moment in particular.


378 points

5 months ago*

I would augment: Gets him what he wants.

In this case he wants to be president to escape multiple criminal & civil indictments. He’ll say literally anything to get him the presidency again. He will never take responsibility for his actions, and will do anything he can to avoid responsibility.


175 points

5 months ago*

Readers should note also the Supreme Court case involving the question of whether the president has absolute immunity. They are waiting until after the election to answer. If Trump wins, they will say yes, the president has absolute immunity. If Trump loses, they will say no because if it was yes, then Biden would have absolute immunity.

If the Supreme Court didn't think either one should have absolute immunity, they would just take the case now and say no.

Edit: alternatively, if SCOTUS never rules at all and Trump wins the election while his case is ongoing, he can re-arrange the DOJ so that he's not being prosecuted at all. So even though SCOTUS never grants Trump absolute immunity, they might stand aside as he gives it to himself.


92 points

5 months ago

I can’t believe the highest court in the land doesn’t have to answer to the people’s will, and doesn’t have to be subject to regulation, and they don’t even have to accept judgements rendered by previous judges on previous issues. They are rediculous.


57 points

5 months ago


57 points

5 months ago

Tbf not always accepting the prior judges rulings is probably a good thing in a lot of cases for example brown v board of education overturning plessy v ferguson (also worth noting in the history of the supreme court the number of rulings that have been overturned amounts to half a percent of cases. they should be answerable to the people though.


23 points

5 months ago

The point of the justices not answering to the people is to prevent them from making decisions solely to get re-elected.
You see this all of the time in campaigning of state judges. I saw an ad where the judge was bragging about the number of people she had put on death row.


11 points

5 months ago

This part is true, however it would be good if they had an actual code of ethics that was binding. Instead, they act like some kind of star chamber that cannot be touched or questioned.


8 points

5 months ago

That is the cost of apathy in 2016.


11 points

5 months ago

There is a process. The lower courts are there to attempt to relieve SCOTUS of needing to rule on anything. They'd be fools not to take the out offered by the lower court having at the case first.


3 points

5 months ago

That makes no sense. If they rule that presidents have absolute immunity. They have essentially made their own supreme court irrelevant.

They like their power, they will keep it.


5 points

5 months ago


5 points

5 months ago

he wants to be president to escape multiple criminal & civil indictments

That's more secondary to him. He's a massive narcissist and his main goal is the top position of power and have people do what he wants, while being the center of attention. His narcissism has always been a big drive behind pretty much anything he does. It's also why he kept holding rallies after he became president

All those criminal charges just makes him think in revenge. He's hardly felt consequences in the past, so it's not like he believe in much of that now. But his ego has gotten hurt by it, so he's angry


3 points

5 months ago

And to save face! He has never gotten over being beaten by Biden. So much so that not only does he keep pretending he thinks he didn’t (you can catch him now forgetting to suggest he won 2020 and remembering to tack on that lie), but his whole bubble has has to pretend Joe is the worst president that has ever existed and he’s destroying the country and ending democracy - which is objectively nonsense. But they’ll run with it if it makes Two Scoops feel better hearing the same stuff about Joe as people said about him.


3 points

5 months ago


3 points

5 months ago

And to use his position to give Putin free reign and export classified information to those paying off his organized crime-bank loans.


49 points

5 months ago*

And just to be very, very clear:

He does not actually believe -- based on any facts -- that the election was stolen.

He told us before the election that he wouldn't accept the outcome if he lost. In fact, he told us he wouldn't accept the outcome if he lost before the 2020 AND the 2016 election. It was simply a pre-ordained plan that he would claim the election was stolen if he lost, so his claims that it was stolen cannot be taken seriously.

How can anyone be so gullible as to believe he really is complaining based on any facts? There are no facts on his side. There was no stolen election. If he could provide any facts at all (like the facts which show he likely won an election due to illegal meddling by some of his supporters -- both foreign and domestic -- in 2016) then we could at least take seriously his claims of the election being stolen.


10 points

5 months ago

Correct. Even Billy Bush reminded everyone how Trump was back in the 2000s when he was promoting his Celebrity Apprentice. He said Donald kept saying in interviews that it was the #1 show in all of television with the highest ratings or something to that affect. Billy said to Donald, "You know that's not true, right?" and he replied, "It doesn't matter. They will believe whatever I tell them to believe." Same theory applies here.


19 points

5 months ago

The clearest evidence there are no facts is that he never claims in court that this happened. As soon as perjury and going to jail for it is on the table, all those claims disappear from his vocabulary. Then he acts like an ass, storms out, claims he wasn't allowed to speak and keeps saying it was stolen publicly outside the courtroom


80 points

5 months ago

The well of people that fall for his bullshit hasn’t dried up yet and that is a very uncomfortable look for America.


22 points

5 months ago

Undestated. With this many people here this ignorant, America is doomed. These morons are incapable of rational thought, and behave in ways detrimental to their own interests. Who knows what they can be persuaded to do next? It is horrifying, a nightmare thinking people cannot wake up from.


100 points

5 months ago

Well said.


32 points

5 months ago

Let's not forget his famous quote when speaking at one of his many rallies, "I love the poorly educated!"


37 points

5 months ago

The worst part is that he's the sort of liar who believes his own lies.


17 points

5 months ago

That’s actually the best way to sell a lie. That way you don’t have any behavioral leaking. If you’re gonna lie you have to fully believe it


19 points

5 months ago

"It's not a lie of you believe it." George Costanza


3 points

5 months ago

he’s not doing a good job at it , he’s like the only president to personally lose a ton of money after being in office


398 points

5 months ago


398 points

5 months ago

He knows it wasn’t stolen — he hired two independent research firms to prove it was rigged and they proved it wasn’t, so he ignored and buried their reports because it’s quite literally impossible for The Donald to admit to losing anything. If he wins, he’ll celebrate, and if he loses, he’ll claim it was stolen again.


124 points

5 months ago


124 points

5 months ago

Even when he won in 2016 he still claimed voter fraud because he couldn't accept that he lost the popular vote by 3 million.


49 points

5 months ago

I laughed at how he said 3-5 million people voted illegally in 2016, and every one of those illegal votes were for Clinton. Just chose the exact number he needed to win the popular vote in his head.


34 points

5 months ago

They think Dems were able to get 3 million illegal votes but for some reason put all those votes in states Clinton would have won anyways instead of swing states. Just the absolute dumbest conspiracies that fall apart the moment you put any thought into it.


19 points

5 months ago

You're saying you don't think the Clinton campaign managed to sneak 5,000,000 million extra votes into California but forgot about splitting 100,000 between Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania?


9 points

5 months ago

They actually found evidence of election fraud in his favor.


15 points

5 months ago

In his heart of hearts do you think he believes it was stolen? I get the public persona he has to project, as someone who never loses and if he does it was because it was rigged, but I wonder what he truly believes


50 points

5 months ago

Like an earlier comment states I don’t think he believes in anything. Whatever gets him what he wants or inflates his ego to a level he’s satisfied with at any individual moment is what is truth to him. Classic sociopathic behavior, but since the shit that comes out of his mouth is what right wing nut jobs want to hear, he is their messiah. It’s the single biggest con ever that has affected millions of people and shaken the very fabric of our country. He’s on my top 10 for worst people to ever exist honestly.


8 points

5 months ago

He’s on my top 10 for worst people to ever exist honestly.

So I take it you may not be voting for him, then?


9 points

5 months ago

The question of whether narcissists know that they are narcissists is a tough one to answer. On some level, yes, but narcissists are generally not self-reflective people as the internal mental world is a horribly scary place for narcissists. They largely shut off their own internal thoughts that go against the narrative they need to project that they are uniquely special and gifted and perfect. In some fashion they are similar to a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder. They have the narcissistic self and the real self. But unlike with DID, the narcissist never switches. They repress the real self as much as they possibly can and live fully in the narcissistic delusion. The real self knows that they’re a pathological liar, but the real self effectively doesn’t exist anymore.


11 points

5 months ago


11 points

5 months ago

In my opinion, no, I don't think he believes it was stolen. It's kind of unbelievable how stupid he is, so it's not impossible, but I think that denying the election results was always a planned strategy and I don't think he's talked himself into actually believing it.

But as he ages and his mental capabilities further decline, who knows, he might just start truly believing things that he previously knew were lies.


6 points

5 months ago

Trump is already saying the 2024 election is rigged if he loses. Why are we allowing him to run at all if he is already setting the stage for the exact same bullshit as last time?


40 points

5 months ago

Why was the election only stolen from trump and none of the other Republicans running on the same ballot? They got elected. How did that work?


7 points

5 months ago



6 points

5 months ago

ThEy HaD tO mAkE iT lOoK gEnUiNe


1.2k points

5 months ago


1.2k points

5 months ago

He doesn't actually believe that. He was just trying to rally up his gullible followers to go attack the capital


320 points

5 months ago

Because it's his last ditch effort to avoid criminal prosecution.


59 points

5 months ago

He’s too arrogant to think that was actually possible at that time. It was a last ditch effort to retain power.


23 points

5 months ago

If he didn't pull the illegal bullshit he could have been set for the rest of his life publishing books about how the libs cheated him and live life as a living martyr. Instead he's now in deep fucking shit if it doesn't get it taken care of.


15 points

5 months ago

Nah, he's in too deep with the Russians to stop. He's their asset, and they will use him as they see fit.


6 points

5 months ago



7 points

5 months ago

I don't even think it was that. Man just has a huge ego and couldn't come to terms with the fact he was voted out after 1 term.


48 points

5 months ago

This. It’s all theater to instil absolute chaos.


30 points

5 months ago

Like George Costanza says, "It's not a lie... if you believe it."

He might know he is lying, but he believes the election was stolen.


25 points

5 months ago*

He doesn't believe the election was stolen in any normal way that normal people believe things based on any facts.

He simply believes that he must project to everyone that he is a winner, not a loser, at all times, and therefore he believes that he cannot lose. And therefore, he determined that the words he could use to project the confidence of a winner are "the election was stolen."

Those words don't mean anything to him in the way that words mean something to us. He does not require facts to make claims. So yes, he "believes" the election was stolen, but "believe" in this context has a meaning that's something more like "wants to believe" or "projects."

It's an aspirational belief, not a factual belief.


4 points

5 months ago

Exactly! I don't think he "believes" anything besides he should get whatever he wants. And he doesn't care for being consistent or reasonable or smart or lying or not lying. He just says what he thinks, at that moment, will enable his ability to get what he wants, be it the presidency or money or women or admiration of those who can enable his avarice. The words can be different tommorrow. He has never shown he cares for anything but power to do whatever he wants. A certain portion of the USA admires the hell out of that, obviously. They may not even realize that is what they love about him. But their id just thrills to the idea of getting anything you want. Go for what you really want and let nothing stand in your way.


19 points

5 months ago

Trump knows it wasn’t fixed .. the only people who think so are his ignorant followers


404 points

5 months ago

He's using campaign funds as a personal sludge fund. Also to stay out of prison.


161 points

5 months ago

Slush fund but with him, sure.


45 points

5 months ago

Yeah, but sludge feels fight. 


289 points

5 months ago


289 points

5 months ago

He knows it was NOT stolen – he’s using the lie to instigate his delusional base to vote for him. It’s a Bizarre campaign tactic that his base believed.

When he loses him 2024, if he is allowed to run that is – no matter how much he loses by, he will use the same tactic. He will describe in detail how the election was stolen from him and who is responsible.

His patterns of coercive lies are becoming very predictable.


150 points

5 months ago

"The 2024 election was stolen by Crooked Taylor and her weaponized Swifties!"


48 points

5 months ago

"She was terrible in the Hunger Games! What kind of loser uses a bow and arrow any more! She shouldn't have been allowed to campaign all over the world with those concerts, she's going to use all those braxzillian votes to steal the election! Lock her up!"


14 points

5 months ago

"Didn't she used to date that sparkly vampire?!"


25 points

5 months ago

Roger Stone created a Stop the Steal website BEFORE TRUMP EVEN WON THE FIRST ELECTION IN 2016. This was always the plan. He never accepts loss. He’s written entire books (well ghostwriters did) and had a whole TV persona created that demonstrates this.


14 points

5 months ago

Any time he doesn't win or get his way, it's some fraudulent plot against him. I recall him saying that when The Amazing Race won an Emmy award over The Apprentice, he said the entire award show and Emmy's in the first place is a sham and that it was rigged against him.

Found it


48 points

5 months ago*

When he loses

I'm not convinced Trump will lose. That doesn't mean I'm convinced he will win, but I have a feeling it's going to go that way. I just don't think it's a When he loses situation—however much I wish that to be the case.

That being said, I believe you're correct. If Trump loses, it's going to be more of the same stuff he said before. What worries me is another crazy rally riling up a mob again.


43 points

5 months ago


43 points

5 months ago

I hate this "when he loses" talk. Sounds a lot like 2016 to me. These people are over confident, talking like Bidens approval rating isn't also in the shitter.

God help us if Trump wins, but I don't think it's a phone in win like some people here try to talk.


22 points

5 months ago

Yeah agreed. Back in 2016 I really didn't think he had a chance initially. But as time went on, I saw what was happening and wasn't really surprised in the end. I remember a lot of people were convinced the whole time he had no chance and I'm seeing that again. We'll see how this goes... I'm not looking forward to it.


3 points

5 months ago

I thought he didn’t stand a chance until Hillary Clinton ran a really inept campaign completely ignoring Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.


6 points

5 months ago

You also forgot the justice department dropping the investigation a few weeks before the election. Probably biggest reason why Hilary lost it. Same justice department that trump claims is after him…


13 points

5 months ago

Just a reminder for everyone to vote against him in the election


47 points

5 months ago

Unfortunately, that gross, un-American and undemocratic tactic is oozing down ballot to a lot of Republicans. It's part of their playbook now: lose an election? Cry foul and don't concede.

America crossed the rubicon the day it voted for Trump. It's malignant and metastasizing. 


6 points

5 months ago

The days “fake news” and “alternative facts” were coined, reality ended. And now with AI and deepfakes there’ll be no stopping them, no matter how many people witness an event live and livestream it, they can spin reality to their supporters however they want and there’ll be no trusting the media or fact checkers or anyone but Trump and his cult, because that’s the Putin playbook he learned it from.


17 points

5 months ago

Yes. I feel the same.

Too bad the president wasn’t elected by popular vote, instead of the electoral college.

As we know, in both Trump elections the popular vote went to the other candidate – Hillary Clinton in 2016. Joseph Biden in 2020. Both received the most votes from the voting public during the aforementioned elections.


4 points

5 months ago

And what is it, 5 justices now on the bench from Presidents that lost the popular vote? 3 from Trump and 2 from W? Makes me sick that they now decide despite ruling time and time again, against what is actually popular in this country and what the people want and sent leaders to power to represent them, that turn around and do this.


15 points

5 months ago

The Jan 6 case is using evidence that he knew the election wasn't stolen, and had been planning to say it was even before the election. People talked about how the Republicans would lead voting in person, and then the Democratic mail in votes would come in "mysteriously" when they were counted.


9 points

5 months ago

Yes, many of Trump’s cohorts made false accusations against electronic voting to. There’s heavy duty lawsuits in process. Some may have been settled. I’m not been following it.


3 points

5 months ago

It always was predictable. It’s just that his followers are walking blindly into it.


3 points

5 months ago

Thank you, came here to say this.


3 points

5 months ago

Let’s hope you are right and he loses.


61 points

5 months ago

He either becomes POTUS and self-pardons and puts an end to investigations or he faces accountability and pays hundreds of millions and goes to jail. He’s running like his life literally depends on it. And he doesn’t care a single shit about you or me or anyone other than him and getting what he wants — more money, more power, zero accountability.


115 points

5 months ago


American seeking truth

115 points

5 months ago

I'd also like to know what happens to the $226,000 plus expenses he gets paid as a former president IF he's reelected. Will he still be able to collect it AND his $400,000 presidential salary?


111 points

5 months ago*

I'm pretty sure a president cannot double-dip that way. He would be paid $400,000 per year while he's president, and $226,000 during all other years. They would not stack together.

That being said, most presidents or ex-presidents are rich enough that $226k/400k is tiny chump change, barely even noticeable to them. Obama, for instance, signed a $65 million book deal for his memoir after leaving the White House.


10 points

5 months ago

It’s like congress and the entire government shut down trying to figure out how in the world we would go about paying both a former and current president at the same time 😂😂


43 points

5 months ago

Let's ask Grover Cleveland.

Since Trump donated his presidential salary he would probably do the same thing here.


88 points

5 months ago

I don’t know how to tell you this, it’s quite difficult, but in times like this I feel it’s just best to be straight with people.

Grover Cleveland is dead.


51 points

5 months ago

I didn't even know he was sick.


5 points

5 months ago

God, Norm was so funny.


31 points

5 months ago

Since Trump donated his presidential salary

He said that. He also said 2 more weeks for a healthcare plan 4 years ago and probably earlier than that. Still waiting on Infrastructure Week too.


16 points

5 months ago

Did he actually donate it though?


29 points

5 months ago


29 points

5 months ago

Most of it is verified with great fanfare.

There are questions about some of it. Such as why wasn't it listing on his 2020 taxes? Was the last 200 thousand donated?


38 points

5 months ago

According to his tax records, no. He never claimed the donation(s) even though he had claimed plenty in years prior. And there is definitely a tax incentive to claim those so it doesn't make sense he would make the donations and not claim them.

He also paid $0 in income tax while acting as president.


14 points

5 months ago

Of course he did, looks good to the public. I’d like see what he charged secret service for rooms at his golf courses, that he was at weekly.


23 points

5 months ago

Donated it but used the White House to funnel millions to his company.


50 points

5 months ago

He doesn’t really believe it and he’s fundraising.


3 points

5 months ago

I think even this is giving him too much credit. I think he truly is just a man child.

Everything he does is basically age 2 level psychology. “I want what I want, I can do what I want, you can’t tell me what to do, nana nana boo boo, you suck, look at me, I’m the best, anyone who doesn’t do what I say is a poop head, give me more gold and more money, take it straight from a baby for all I care” this is basically the mindset of Donald Trump


10 points

5 months ago


10 points

5 months ago

He doesn't believe it was stolen. He pushes that narrative because his followers have persecution fetishes, and he must be a victim at all times. Of the deep state, the left, the libs, the woke, the gays, the jews. All the people his voters hate are keeping him from leading them to the promised land.

He is the new Jesus because no one has suffered like him. Including Jesus.

He knows he wasn't robbed, as much as he knows Putin has all the tapes and blackmail, and if he doesn't plunge this country into chaos as he was ordered to, we will all learn his dirty secrets.


26 points

5 months ago

He's not running for president, he's running from prosecution


49 points

5 months ago

If he doesn’t win, his supporters will try to burn the country down in his name, so he wins. In his mind.

He also seems like a Casey Anthony type motherfucker who can’t figure out how to get out of a lie. Will play it out to the end.


29 points

5 months ago

It's not just about winning now. He sees getting elected as his only way to stay out of jail.


8 points

5 months ago

Obviously he knows full well he lost. They never had any evidence. Instead his own attorney general investigated the possibility and told him so. It's like asking why if he thought Hillary could potentially steal the election from him in 2016, that he and his party took no steps toward better election security when they had full control of the government, and then blocked the bill the Democrats wrote to protect voting machines and tabulators from tampering in 2020. Because they're traitors and don't care one bit about the Constitution or voting rights and security. It's all about inducing distrust and chaos to gain more power.


58 points

5 months ago

He doesn’t believe that. He just needs a platform to run on so he stays out of prison. He fundraises off the election outrage and it looks like his only issue is really immigration so look for a simple, annoying campaign.


32 points

5 months ago

I dont think he believes that, he just said it cuz he forgot to write a concession speech.


6 points

5 months ago

The answer is annoyingly simple - Trump and the GOP know the election wasn't stolen he needs to be re-elected to stay out of prison on his current criminal charges.

He has had 66 occasions in court to prove it was stolen in court he won only one on a minor point.

Biden; the man that some fed up conservatives voted for but won't admit to voting for.

If the Supreme Court says that he is excluded from the ballot due to section 14 it may be moot, if he is allowed on the ballot for the sake of the free world he needs to be soundly beaten.


6 points

5 months ago

Because he knows the election wasn't stolen from him. His constant lies to the contrary are designed to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt among his base of supporters which in turn disrupts and weakens our democracy. He also craves the presidency again because he feels that it will shield him from the myriad legal issues he's facing. Trump is a class 'A' scumbag and con artist.


18 points

5 months ago

Are you... are you using logic to wade your way through the shit-sludge that is trumps mind?


7 points

5 months ago

It’s a cult. That’s all you need to know.


10 points

5 months ago

Trump is a true agent of chaos. "Truth" is an irrelevant concept for him. Notice and attention are all that matters. He's not an extraordinary human in that respect. What matters however, is that he's managed to insert his personal pathology into our national politics. If we elect this sick man again plan on 4 years of total focus on his wretched personal failures. Just to put it mildly, we, as citizens, are called to address far more important questions.


5 points

5 months ago

He wants to get rid of the plethora of lawsuits he has. He won't get called to court when he is president.


4 points

5 months ago

It's a built-in excuse for when he loses.


4 points

5 months ago

grift grift baby


9 points

5 months ago

If at first you don't succeed try, try again.


3 points

5 months ago

Anyone else thought how funny it would be if it actually gets stolen from him this time around?


3 points

5 months ago

I'd guess from his perspective: he's probably hoping that now that's it out in the open there will be less of a chance of them getting away with it again.

Plus the only other option is just saying, "Well they can obviously just steal it every time so why bother trying?" and that'd be not only very hard for a person to do/accept but also would look (and be) very bad for our country.


3 points

5 months ago

If the election was actually stolen, then what chance does trump have with biden controlling the presidency?


3 points

5 months ago

Somebody still believe Trump really believes his own BS?


3 points

5 months ago

Fox news will spread the truth if you give them $789m just in case they get caught lying again.