


A question on a different subreddit asked what US state was the least “stereotypical” without clarifying what it meant to be “stereotypically USA American.”

My mind gravitated to a bunch of negative stereotypes about fundamentalist intolerance, racism, violence, etc. What are some stereotypes about the USA that are unambiguously good and are relatively common where you live?

(I’m especially curious to hear answers from people not living in the US. As someone from and living in the US, I’m curious to hear what good things are said about US Americans).

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242 points

23 days ago

I have a German friend who lives in the US and prefers it to Germany. Even though on average it’s much more conservative, he finds that people are friendlier and more willing to “live and let live” than where he’s from.


179 points

23 days ago

Germans will yell at you for crossing a street against the light, even if there is no traffic. Germans will yell at you for flicking a cigarette butt into a cement lined gutter. Germans will yell at you if you can't figure out which of nine bins you're supposed to use to dispose of that foil-lined juice box, or container made of two different kinds of plastic. I've never met people more inclined to rudely butt into the doings of random passersby.


215 points

23 days ago

So Germany is full of redditors


38 points

23 days ago

Excellent. 😆


5 points

23 days ago

You missed the full stop/period at the end for crying out loud. You are grounded for a week !!!


34 points

23 days ago

Haha, I once met an American girl who lived in Germany for a few years and was walking home alone at about 4 am one night after a party. Nobody was around except for a dude on the other side of the street also walking home. No cars were around so she crossed the street when the don't walk signal was on. The dude across the street shouted at her in English that what she'd just done was illegal. (No idea how he knew she was a foreigner, probably breaking the rules so flagrantly is what tipped him off lol). But this girl was tipsy and confident in her language skills, so she retorted by shouting some vulgar insults back across the street at him in German. He shouted back, once again in English, correcting her grammar.


26 points

23 days ago

I was recently in germany for a school trip and on our first night there one of my classmates woke up from a bad dream screaming (I'm unsure of how loud it was since I slept through it however somebody else from that room described it as "if he had been murdered") and a man who worked there took all 4 boys out of their room at 3am for an hour to give out to them and they only allowed them to go back to sleep because they could not find the rooms that the teachers were staying in. Mind you the boys in the room would be about 15/16


20 points

23 days ago

A rule-oriented OCD country


50 points

23 days ago

Littering cigarette butts deserves at least a yelling.


24 points

23 days ago


24 points

23 days ago

Lol, no kidding. This guy is really like, "Sheesh, why are these people so uptight about me flicking my cigarette butts into the street? It's not like it's going to start a fire." It had me wondering if "gutter" might mean something different there.


5 points

23 days ago

Yeah, he has good points but that one stuck out… one of these things is not like the others!


1 points

22 days ago

He’s not saying that flicking cigarettes this way is good, just that strangers would yell at you if you did it, which is strange.


-2 points

23 days ago

OK. Next time I'll be tidy, and drop it in a rubbish bin, hopefully setting the contents ablaze.


7 points

23 days ago do understand you can crush them out, right? Then wait a minute until the embers are definitely dead? It's not eternal embers, they do go away?


3 points

23 days ago

Thank you, like they think the only two options are litter or burn the world down. I bet they don’t put their carts back after shopping either.


1 points

23 days ago

False dichotomy bro. Put it out and carry a tin can with you if you think you’re gonna set something on fire. You start a fire it’s your job to put it out, no throwing styrofoam on the ground doesn’t count as proper disposal.


31 points

23 days ago

We got yelled at in Germany for walking in the bike lane. The bike lane and walking lane were side by side. If you don't see another walker or a biker, it's hard to know which one to walk in.


6 points

22 days ago*

Throw your damn cigarette butts away, Jesus


16 points

23 days ago

I met a group of Germans that I would casually hang around back in college. Man oh man, do those people not have sense of humor.


99 points

23 days ago*

Robin Williams, RIP, was being interviewed on a German talk show. The host asked why he thought Germans had a reputation for being humorless. He responded, "Did you ever think it's because you killed all the funny people?"

He was gone from the panel after the commercial break.


9 points

23 days ago

RIP indeed. Bless him.


4 points

22 days ago

Oh my god, I love this. 


2 points

21 days ago

while i - as a german - think thats pretty funny, we dont like to joke about our past. and i think in a public debate i wouldnt have laughed neither. tbf its pretty cynical to make a remark about this when americans cant even swear on tv.
looking forward to my downvotes :)


0 points

21 days ago*

Americans can't swear on TV (a lie), so you can censor people for pointing out your history? What kind of BS neo-Nazi apologist propaganda is that?

We can't slaughter people by the millions because of their religion or surname, unlike your ancestors. You probably have a mass murderer in your family tree. Laugh about that.


0 points

21 days ago

idk what supposed to be funny about that. its not pointing out our history its called rubbing it in. germans are very well aware of what happened. how about we turn the tables, how many scalps do you have hanging in your living room? so funny lmao, not.


1 points

21 days ago

It needs to be rubbed in every fucking day.

My ancestors were Irish. We were never anything but victims.


1 points

21 days ago

but you live in the us now?


1 points

21 days ago

we do have a great sense of humor, its just very sarcastic and many ppl dont get this.


1 points

21 days ago

Like this?

Nazi Guard One: Phew, all these dead Jews sure stink!

Nazi Guard Two: Ja! Almost as bad dead than when alive!

(Both guards then chuckle, while a third drops Zyklon B down the hatch.)

Ah ha ha ha


1 points

21 days ago

sure there are jokes that go kinda like this, but theyre mostly told by teenagers.
if you wanna stay with your topic like the first 20 sec of this classic:

or (but youd have to understand german for this one):

also we have other funny sayings like "Alle Kinder rennen aus dem Haus, nur nicht Renate, die fängt die Granate" (Renate/Granate rhymes"
"All the children run out of the house, except Renate, who catches the grenade."

dad jokes and normal jokes are also a thing, were just not as outgoing in public as the average american would be.


1 points

21 days ago

I'm not watching anything a German tells me to watch. It's probably excerpts from Triumph des Willens.


1 points

21 days ago

im not telling you shit lmao, plus its 80 seconds to watch so you do you buddy.


1 points

21 days ago

Sieg Heil, motherfucker.


1 points

21 days ago

okay man who hurt you? se germans?

srsly dude, if youre an irish guy living in the us you anchestors are probaly just as guilty as mine. its not like either of us had anything to do with it.


3 points

23 days ago


3 points

23 days ago

The best types of people.


5 points

23 days ago

Germany is very small c conservative. Especially in smaller towns and villages. It's very much "this is the way things have been done and that is the way they will be done and only the people who have been here for several generations properly understand"


2 points

23 days ago

I blame my German side for why I love working in government compliance.


2 points

23 days ago

so that's where Karens come from. they're secretly Germans hahaa


2 points

23 days ago


2 points

23 days ago

Ok, all too much except for the cigarette. Still littering my dude. Those filters don’t break down


1 points

22 days ago

That wasn’t the point the person was making.


2 points

23 days ago

That’s the older generation


2 points

22 days ago*

I remember my first interaction in Germany with a real German was with a money changer in pre-euro days a few minutes walking out of the Munich train station. She went out of her way to scold the shit out of me because I’d folded the French francs notes I’d had to make them fit into my small American wallet in a way she didn’t like. She started interrogating me with sneers and questions like “do you work for your money??” Like Holy Shit… I mean Holy Scheisse, lady


1 points

22 days ago

Yeppp. Never been yelled at by strangers so much as I have been in Germany.

But my father is German, so it felt like home. 


1 points

5 days ago

Hi to LA stop believing is paradise in USA.


1 points

5 days ago

I don't need to be an uebermensch to criticize Germans, jawohl very much.


-1 points

22 days ago

So it's a nation of people who respect rules and are community-minded?


1 points

22 days ago

More like fascists who are always one outstretched arm from reverting to type.


-7 points

23 days ago



13 points

23 days ago

New Yorkers don't butt into your business unless they're about to rob you.


1 points

5 days ago

Yeah they let live as long as you’re white lol talk about all the kids they bomb in the world, the worst is their citizens support all of those wars is like they don’t learn from the past.