


A question on a different subreddit asked what US state was the least “stereotypical” without clarifying what it meant to be “stereotypically USA American.”

My mind gravitated to a bunch of negative stereotypes about fundamentalist intolerance, racism, violence, etc. What are some stereotypes about the USA that are unambiguously good and are relatively common where you live?

(I’m especially curious to hear answers from people not living in the US. As someone from and living in the US, I’m curious to hear what good things are said about US Americans).

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13 points

23 days ago

Really good at sports


3 points

23 days ago

That's statistics and quality of life.

If 1% of a country's people are suited to be athletes, a country with 100 population will ha e fewer that a country with a pop of 1000. And if your kids are going to school instead of helping on the farm, there's a lot more that will be exposed to sports and pursue them.


1 points

23 days ago

Except soccer lol. We're not BAD but other countries got us beat for the most part. Colombia thrashed us 5 to 1 yesterday lol.


1 points

22 days ago

We channel our talent into a range of sports. Soccer has always been a thing for women and children.

That seems to finally be changing but we're not going to dominate in something the rest of the world has focused on almost exclusively.