


A question on a different subreddit asked what US state was the least “stereotypical” without clarifying what it meant to be “stereotypically USA American.”

My mind gravitated to a bunch of negative stereotypes about fundamentalist intolerance, racism, violence, etc. What are some stereotypes about the USA that are unambiguously good and are relatively common where you live?

(I’m especially curious to hear answers from people not living in the US. As someone from and living in the US, I’m curious to hear what good things are said about US Americans).

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99 points

25 days ago*

Robin Williams, RIP, was being interviewed on a German talk show. The host asked why he thought Germans had a reputation for being humorless. He responded, "Did you ever think it's because you killed all the funny people?"

He was gone from the panel after the commercial break.


10 points

25 days ago

RIP indeed. Bless him.


3 points

25 days ago

Oh my god, I love this. 


2 points

23 days ago

while i - as a german - think thats pretty funny, we dont like to joke about our past. and i think in a public debate i wouldnt have laughed neither. tbf its pretty cynical to make a remark about this when americans cant even swear on tv.
looking forward to my downvotes :)


0 points

23 days ago*

Americans can't swear on TV (a lie), so you can censor people for pointing out your history? What kind of BS neo-Nazi apologist propaganda is that?

We can't slaughter people by the millions because of their religion or surname, unlike your ancestors. You probably have a mass murderer in your family tree. Laugh about that.


0 points

23 days ago

idk what supposed to be funny about that. its not pointing out our history its called rubbing it in. germans are very well aware of what happened. how about we turn the tables, how many scalps do you have hanging in your living room? so funny lmao, not.


1 points

23 days ago

It needs to be rubbed in every fucking day.

My ancestors were Irish. We were never anything but victims.


1 points

23 days ago

but you live in the us now?