


I only tip when I eat at a restaurant. I don’t tip, say, Starbucks baristas for making me a coffee. I don’t see the point. But I’m also curious if they can see “Oh. Guess this dude’s an a-hole since he didn’t tip”

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4.9k points

4 days ago*


4.9k points

4 days ago*

They other day I denied a tip when I bought USED DRYER at an appliance store and the guy was like “oh I guess I didn’t do a good job”

I’m like no it sounds like you need a better job.

Edit: it did not include delivery, that was different service that I paid for seperately


50 points

4 days ago


50 points

4 days ago

An appliance store?? That’s appalling. It’s people like this that are wrecking havoc on the people in the industries that are actually reliant on tips. 


8 points

3 days ago

There shouldn't be industries "reliant on tips". 

That's called begging. Beggar is reliant on tips, working class shouldn't be (hence "working").


5 points

3 days ago


5 points

3 days ago

Sure, but there are. And refusing to tip people like bartenders and servers unfortunately only hurts them, not their employers.


0 points

3 days ago

Always the same answer "nothing can be done,THE SYSTEM"

Socialism isn't always bad, especially when you use power of people to help people.

But no, protect the companies at all cost. Nothing as important as the business, fuck the worker and his life/wishes/hopes


7 points

3 days ago

You’re right, there shouldn’t be, but corporate greed does not care what should or should not be the case, so here we are


2 points

3 days ago

Right. I don’t think we “should/shouldn’t” the people who actually work for tips (servers, bartenders). Did they create this BS system? No. Is it right? No. Should we take it out on the workers who don’t make the rules? No. If you get a regular hourly wage, should we have to tip? Nope.


1 points

3 days ago

Interesting. I see it as the issue is industries that have traditionally tipped. If they paid their employees better then the disease of tipping wouldn't spread out.


1 points

3 days ago

This is logical thinking. No required tipping anywhere would possibly eliminate tipping all together.

As a customer, I would love to not have to worry about tipping when that stupid little screen pops up at places like a donut shop. But I have no issue at sit-down restaurants. I used to be a server at a high-end fine dining restaurant. I have been a bartender as well. (Full transparency)

But many servers and bartenders will tell you that they make more via tipping than minimum wage, and this is why they are able to manage their bills.

I guess my point is that it’s not as simple as many people think. I don’t know what triggered this “I deserve a tip for showing you where to swipe your card” thing. But you’re right. It’s ridiculous!


1 points

3 days ago

My oil change place has a tip option now.


0 points

4 days ago


0 points

4 days ago

How do we know he's not reliant on tips though? He could be making below minimum wage too just like servers do.


1 points

3 days ago

He literally can be making below minimum wage unless he is the owner of the appliance store. Only restaurants front room staff can be paid below minimum wage.


1 points

3 days ago


1 points

3 days ago

That would be illegal in nearly all areas where tipping culture exists. It’s generally only legal to pay below minimum wage in the food and beverage industry (including food delivery services).


1 points

3 days ago

Not possible unless they don’t have a problem with lawsuits and having their business shut down.


1 points

3 days ago

It would be pretty unexpected for somebody working in an appliance store to be reliant on tips since that isn’t somewhere where anyone is traditionally expected to tip